FET positive and next steps

Posted by Kikidee 17 yrs ago
Got a suprise positive on a HPT this morning after a frozen embryo transfer two weeks ago. I'm delighted but cautious and will want to do a couple more tests to confirm. I wouldn't like to say for definite it's been a sucess just yet! The Doctor had mentioned something about me obtaining more medication if the result was positive but I'm not sure what. He's on holiday at the moment and I'm wondering how urgent it is to go in for the medication. I've a friend staying with me so it's kinda hard to hide these doctors visits and purchases of home pregnancy tests! I'm also feeling a tad over-medicated with all the injections I've had up until now. My ovaries are still sore.

Has anyone else had extra progesterone or anything else after getting pregnant with a FET? I'm thinking that in theory I'm now just like any other woman who's gotten pregnant so why should extra meds be necessary? It's not as if I've gone through a full IVF cycle and shut down my natural cycle.

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Lena HK 17 yrs ago
Wow Kikidee, many congratulations on your positive HPT!! Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will go allright in the next few weeks...

From what I understand, an IVF or FET is only declared 'successful' after 13 weeks, when you have made it to the second trimester. Until that time, your Dr will surely want to keep you on medication to create/maintain the best possible environment for your baby (or babies?). After both my FET's I had to stay on meds until approx 14 weeks - incl daily progesterone injections and suppositories, baby aspirin and estrogen tablets.

I was not happy about it either - but what are those few extra weeks if the result is a healthy baby, right?

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rose1234 17 yrs ago
Hi Kikidee, thats' great news congratulations. After my successful HPT test I continued to to use progesterone suppositories up until about 6 weeks of pregnancy, But I had been using them from the fisrt day of transfer onward.

Why not ring your doctors nurse and check with her?

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Kikidee 17 yrs ago
Thanks both! I've done as I've been told and went to pick up my progesterone suppositories this afternoon. I've not been given estrogen but is that because I was on a natural cycle FET? When I was talking about 'success' earlier, I meant success in terms of a positive pregnancy result. I just wasn't sure whether to believe it earlier on the basis of one test.... especially seeing as I've been waiting for this for so long. I did another test this afternoon and it confirmed the earlier result so I'm pleased. I know it's early days but regardless of what happens from now on, I feel happy and encouraged by the positive result. We've never gotten this far before so I feel like we've finally made some progress.

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trying! 17 yrs ago
Hi kikidee

Well done. So great to hear the news. So very pleased for you!

You have revived my hope on FET's.

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Novataipa 17 yrs ago
I had positive result as well 7 days after the embryo transfer (FET) in QMH they didn't give me any progesterone supp.but they give me an injection i guess because i was on natural cycle.

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bunchy 17 yrs ago
Hi Kikidee, congratulations!!

May I know which clinic and doctor you had your IVF done?

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Kikidee 17 yrs ago
Hi Bunchy - I've been seeing Dr Lo. He's reasonably priced compared to a lot of Doctors and very caring. He takes a lot of time to explain things so you never feel rushed. If we decide we want another baby in a couple of years I wouldnt' hesitate going back to him.

I was less impressed with the clinic he uses (prolivfic). I'm not doubting their technical skills (they've managed to get me pregnant after all and I have quite a few frozen embryos left) but in terms of patient relations there doesn't seem to be anyone in charge of communicating with you! The result in our case was that there was a misunderstanding about how our treatment was to be handled and I felt that I wasn't give some essential information. This may just be a cultural thing though and perhaps other places are no better in Hong Kong.

Best of luck!

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bunchy 17 yrs ago
Hi Kikidee,

May I know your email add?I plan to have this Ivf with Dr Lo too..

I like to share about this IVF with you if you dont mind?

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