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17 yrs ago
I am 6 months pregnant and currently registered at QMH. We currently live in Wanchai.
Ideally we would like to move house before the baby is born, over to Kowloon side (around Olympic station).
Does anyone know how this would affect where i can have my baby? Can I still go to QMH or will I need to register with a Kowloon side hospital?
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I had my boys 2 and 4 years ago respectively. I live in Tung Chung and registered and had my babies at QMH. You don't get much further than we live from QMH and it was no problem so I can't imagine that it would be an issue for you as long as you are happy to continue going there. If you change hospitals, you will have to re-register but there is not a huge amount involved I don't think. QMH is not the hospital allocated to our area but I had heard it was the best one to go to so that is why I went there and registered. I was still able to do my small cehck ups at a local clinic in Tung Chung and then went to town for the bigger check-ups. By the way, I was very happy with everything at QMH for the births of both boys. Good luck!
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Thanks for the advice. I am also guessing, unless I tell them I've moved there wouldn't be an issue. It's not like they would ever be scheduling home visits etc.
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hi rachrobin
i live at Olympic Station - so welcome!
I called up Tsan Yuk abt 2 months back when I am 3.5 months pregnant for registration but was told that bc I lived in Kowloon - my catchment area is on the Kowloon side rather than HK Island. I was zoned into Kwong Wah hospital. Was further told that to be registered in QMH - i have to show proof of address on HK Island .
So... maybe you are right that unless you inform QMH the change of address.. they may not be able to " track" all the patients' addresses due to the initial registration.
Good luck with everything.
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17 yrs ago
You could try Queen Elizabeth in Jordan, thats pretty close to Olympic station.
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