fertility age

Posted by HK Lady 18 yrs ago
What is the fertility age for women normally?

My mother has her menopause around 50.

Can I get a baby in early 40s? Bcz I still have no bf, this's the earliest possible time I could get a baby under a healthy marriage,

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
you can have a baby until u go into menopause no matter 30s or 40s depends on if you want one at that age.

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HKC 18 yrs ago
Why don't you see a Dr and get some blood tests done to measure FSH and oestrogen and maybe a scan. This would put your mind at rest or show you if you have a problem. If you are having regular periods then you are probably ovulating. I left it a bit late for a second baby and was told that I don't have any eggs left (or any the Dr could see) and my periods have now stopped and I have just reached 40 so I don't want to scare you as I am unlucky (but the luckiest person in the world to have my beautiful 2 year old) but at least you would know how much time you have to play with! Good luck!

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
Fertility decreases unfortunately with age.

According to a website, http://health.discovery.com/centers/pregnancy/americanbaby/fertilityandage.html

At age 30 to 35, fertility is 15 to 20 percent below maximum. From age 35 to 39, the decrease is 25 to 50 percent. From 40 to 45, the decrease is 50 to 95 percent.

Technically, any woman who has not gone through menopause, and who does not have other reproductive problems, can become pregnant. Successful pregnancies have been reported in women as old as 59.

Pregnancy Risks After 35

The risk of miscarriage increases after age 35; by the early 40s, more than 50 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage mostly due to the chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I am 39 and did not meet my husband until I was 33. From my late 20's my gyn has been telling me that i should be looking at getting pregnant because I was not getting any younger. I did not have a steady bf til I met my husband, so the gyn's advice was really meaningless. We got married when I was 36 and for the last 2 years I have been seeing fertillity doc to try to get pregnant. It took one year before I got pregnant and then had m/c. We are now trying again!

This is what I would recommend to you - the same advice that I would have liked to receive before I had a steady bf/husband, go and see a gyn or a fertility doc. Besides getting your hormones checked get your "hardware" checked. I found out that I had a polysp in my uterus and other minor hardware issues - which were affecting my chance of getting pregnant. All this took one year to resolve part of it was to find the right doc - and now I am ready and hoping to get pregnant again.

It only takes ONE day to meet the right guy but it may take one year to get your body ready. Instead of telling me to get pregnant in my late 20's - my gyn should have told me to get my body and system ready so that when the right guy comes along I would be ready.

I have friends in your situation and I have given them the same advice.

I have a friend who got pregnant in her late 40's - she was persistent and is now a mother of beautiful twins.

Good luck HK lady!


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babybemine 18 yrs ago

Hubby showed up late in my life as well so here I am at 38, trying to get pregnant for the first time. I've learned alot about fertility in the last few months. Did they find the polyp in an ultrasound? If I don't get lucky soon, I'll need to get tests done too.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

It was a virginal ultrasound. I was on some medications initially to try to strink it - but when that did not work - i had a minor surgery done. How long have you been trying? I would really suggest getting help (good help) early - I put it off and then got some useless advice - all wasted about one year.


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Havefaith, thanks for your post. This is the 4th month of trying but only the 3rd month of well-timed BD'ing according to the OPK, BBT and CM. I'm currently in the two week wait. If it hasn't worked this month and maybe, next month, I will get the ultrasound and hormone tests done and will go to one of the gynae's recommended in these posts. Right now, I'm just waiting, trying to keep my expectations neutral, but am very conscious of the loud ticking of the biological clock.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Good luck. A friend of mine just had twins at age 48 - dont be too concerned. I would suggest seeing one of the docs recommended on this page with your hubby. How old is hubby? Does he drink or smoke? I got tested first and then hubby - however, there is no reason to get tested separately. It really does no harm to get tested - if you find out everything is OK then that's great - if not the sooner you find out the sooner the problem can be fixed.

Doc also found some extra skin on my virgina which was causing infection - creating the wrong PH for fertilization. Would have never known about the infection - no odour or signs - probably had it all my life.... got that fixed at the same time as the polyp


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Havefaith, thanks for your encouragement and advice, and sharing your experience. How wonderful for your friend. Hubby is almost 40 and doesn't smoke. We both drink but not very much.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

If hubby does not smoke then it makes a huge difference - that's what my doc told me. Lots of babydust for both of us.


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sydexpat 18 yrs ago
And make sure you get your partner's sperm count and sperm motility checked.

Take heart, I am in my mid-40's. I had my first child at 40 and my second child at 42. My 2 boys certainly keep me on my toes.

I starting trying for children in my late 30's. Then at 40, I realised I had to fast-track the process. I visited one of HK's leading fertility specialists, had a few IUI's, which did not yield results. I started to get a bit stressed out about not falling pregnant (I felt I had left it too late, and that I was never going to have children), then we decided to have a holiday in Tuscany to de-stress. I fell pregnant during our Tuscan holiday. That was our value holiday, much better than spending the money on IVF!!!


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Sydexpat, really encouraging to hear your story. Guess it happened as soon as you started relaxing. Not sure if I'll ever be able to relax during this TTC journey but will get the check ups done, take a break, and then try and go with the flow.

Havefaith, thanks again for the advice. Hope all goes well with your next step.

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago
i got married at the age of 36, got pregnant 6 months later but had m/s and then again 9 months later but ended up m/s too. On Valentine this year, I gave birth to a healthy son, one month b4 turning 43, same as hubby. Nothing is impossible. Relax at at time, pregnant or not pregnant yet, it will soon come!

I never let my 'age' determine me having children. I simply believe I can have and is healthy one.

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Pauleen 18 yrs ago
I also met hubby later in life and started TTC at 37 (3 years ago). After numerous tests, several failed IUI's and 2 fertility specialists, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and was told my best option would be ovum donation. We've just come back from our second attempt using donor egg, I just turned 40 and am awaiting pregnancy test results.

I really never wanted to believe that I couldn't use my own eggs to get pregnant, but the fact is that as each month by I either skipped ovulation completely or only released 2 follicles, making it non-viable to try IVF with my own eggs.

I'm resolved to using DE's now and feel very comfortable that I'll be as much the Mother of this baby (fingers crossed) as my husband is the Father and am praying that this time will yield a positive result!

Best wishes, babybemine - don't give up, because there are always other options!

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Good luck with your 2 ww. I am also on a 2ww.

Lots of babydust for you!


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Really good to hear different stories.

I am also in the two week wait.

Baby dust to all.

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anne_tran88 18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

It was so move to read all diffirent stories from you guys. I am 37 and also plan to have ICSI treatment for the second time in HK. The first one was in BKK. We are not living in HK, so it is very difficul for us. I very appriciate if someone can share experience about the time schedule, cost of the ICSI, which hopital, which doctor, where to stay and how long for the treatmen. I have been read a lot webside on internet but do not have reality. Please give us advice. Thanks.

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