advice from mums needed

Posted by scotsgirlinhk 17 yrs ago
instead of going out and panic buying every baby item out there, can someone please tell me what i will need to survive the first 3 months - equipment wise!!! thanks

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inlovewithhk 17 yrs ago
Hello all, I would love to get that list as well.

thank you!

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neenib 17 yrs ago
There was a really good thread on this a couple of months ago. I had a search, but cannot seem to find it. There is a list on the bumps to babes website, but to start off with you don't want to buy every single item under the sun.

- I started with cot obviously (i borrowed a bassinet because I wasn't prepared to buy one and as it was my baby was out of it within a month anyway), so I would try to borrow one if you can or buy second hand. One good tip on the cot is try to buy one with the fixtures for different levels, it is so much easier on your back bending in and out all the time. Usually they come with about 3 different height levels.

- If you intend to breastfeed, I wouldn't rush out and buy 50 bottles "just in case" you can't. For this 2nd baby on the way now I have just bought 3 newborn bottles (avent brand). I breastfed successfully with my first so fingers crossed I can do again and will use the bottles for expressed milk. If all works out with breastfeeding, then buy a breastpump.

- Nursing pads for those wonderful times when you leak! But don't go all out and buy a big bulk pack, because you just don't know what they are going to do.

- It's probably worth a look at what brand you would want to use if you can't breastfeed just in case you need to send out husband or helper to buy the bottles and sterilisers. I used Avent for breastpump and bottle sterilisers as I know that brand is available just about all over the world, so if you are travelling and forget something, then it's not a problem to nick out a buy it.

- a few dummies won't go astray just in case.

- pram - try to get one that folds with one hand, a must in HK when you are holding onto baby trying to fold the pram and get it in the car/taxi, etc.

- baby sling or harness

- baby wraps. My baby lived in the muslin wraps and loved being swaddled all the time. I would purchase maybe 5, but make sure they are quite thin, like the cotton muslin with the stretch in it. Don't forget you will have blankets over them at night and with the light muslin the fabric can breath as well.

- Either Milton or some sterilising solution with bucket.

- I didn't buy the whole baby bath on a stand thing this time as we don't have the room here, so I just bought the bath which i can put on the windowsill (which is huge!).

- Change table, same as bath, I have bought one that goes over the cot, but again it's personal choice.

- Baby bouncer I found great as I can take baby with me from room to room if needed

- carseat if you have a car

- some baby lotion and baby bath, baby wipes obviously is a must. a couple wash cloths and fluffy bath towels

- Coth nappies. even though i was and will be a disposable nappy mum, cloth nappies are great to put on your shoulder when burping, and also if baby is a bit of a chucker, to put under their heads when in the cot, to save you changing cot sheets every sleep.

- A definate must is a feeding pillow, or boomerang pillow. They are a godsend to sore backs everywhere. You can buy them in baby shops, like bumps to babes, or just get one from Spotlight for more than half the cost of a baby one and they are exactly the same.

- With clothing, don't buy a great deal in newborn size. You don't know what size baby you are having and if it's a big boy or girl, then they will either not fit the newborn or grow out of the size within the first month. I have bought a few baby suits (long and short sleeve and leg) in newborn and the rest (not alot) in 000 upwards. A few singlets, socks, one or two hats and a stack of bibs.

I'm sure there is more, but that is what I have picked up so far. Oh I bought a great snuggle bed type thing from Mothercare called Close & Secure Sleeper for which folds up and can be carried like a bag for when we go out or if I need to move bub to sleep in another room for a big sleep.

As with my first baby, as long as I had those things, I found it got me by and then I gradually stocked up over the next month on other things I needed.

Really for the couple of months, you are going to be a feeding machine and the baby will just be sleeping, feeding, burping and pooing endlessly, so i guess the only other essential is blockout curtains, earplugs & eyemask and don't forget a good glass (or bottle) of wine!

Good luck and I hope all goes well.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Shameless self-plug: A lot of the links are US centric, and I don't pretend to be complete but it may provide a little guidance.

The basic 0-6 month rule is: you need lots of onesies (singlets) since you'll be using 3-4 a day (oh yes!). Also plenty of washcloths if you're not using wet wipes. And bibs.

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inlovewithhk 17 yrs ago
thank you guys, will have this list ready for my husband to go buy when the baby arrives (cant buy baby stuff before the baby comes)

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Most baby books will also have a list of essentials. And btw a good baby book should be on your list. ;)

My personal recommendation is Penelope Leach: "Your Baby & Child: From Birth to Age Five"

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scotsgirlinhk 17 yrs ago
thanks for all the info..very helpful

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cd 17 yrs ago
We never used a baby bath, just took them straight in the big bath, either on their own or with their dad, which they loved. Never had a changing table used either the floor or bed.

Definately nappies, wipes, sudocrem (for nappy rash), baby bath, talc, dummies,

baby nail scissors, all in ones, cot (although ours hardly slept in theirs...), bedding, some boottees and a cardi, even if its a summer baby, as the air con in HK can be pretty cold. A few bottles, microwave steriliser (so quick), and a bouncing chair.

You actually need very little in the first couple of months, people will usually buy you clothes or toys, and they grow out of them so quickly in the first few months.

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Gabriella 17 yrs ago

I have a complete list, not sure if I am allowed to post it. PM if you would like it>

With axpatguy - you need many onsies, onsies and onsies....because of poo, wee, poo, puke, poo :)

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"people will usually buy you clothes or toys, and they grow out of them so quickly in the first few months."

So true. Apart from onesies, you won't need to buy many clothes.

Also, get a gift receipt. Most likely you'll have lots of newborn stuff and never a chance to use it all. So get it exchanged for 6 months and 12 month stuff. We got so many clothes our #1 was set for a bout a year.

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