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19 yrs ago
Hi, my husband and I are unfortunately having to consider IVF after 2 years of not being able to conceive naturally and wonder if anyone can help us out with a couple of questions:
1. Is there any source where you can compare IVF statistics with the various clinics in HK.
2. My doctor has recommended Dr Stephenson, although he doesn't seem to be mentioned much in the forums, Dr Ho seems to get all the pundits, does anyone have any feedback.
3. Money aside, what procedure has the best odds, I thought it was IVF but have just read something that has confused me. I have just turned 37 so we really need to make the best decisions.
Appreciate any advice anyone has
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19 yrs ago
Hi HKjane,
I'm also in the same position as u, I'm just starting IVF. I'm also 37 but near to turning 38! Have you seen a fertility specialist yet or just your GP? I think most fertility specialists will run tests first to see if there's any problems, ovulation, blocked tubes etc. (You may have already had tests). If all is ok, the doc might recommend IUI. I have had 2 goes at IUI but no luck. Now we are moving on to IVF with ICSI. Personally given my age, I wish I had moved to IVF sooner. I feel like I have wasted time!
I'm not sure if there's any IVF statistics available, my doc says its around 25% but obviously this depends on the individual, age etc etc. I go to Christine Choy, she's very nice. IVF will cost around HK$80K. Not cheap! Good luck.
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Hi hkjane,
I will start ivf this month with Dr. Ho. I have not been able to find any resource that directly compares the success stats of HK ivf facilities but both sanatorium and Queen Mary have some info on their respective web sites.
I was refered to Dr Ho by our GP and he has been great, through what has been a very emotional journey. He is very straight forward though, you won't get any false expectations. Money aside maybe you could see him and Dr Stephenson and then make a choice,you will not have to wait to get into see Dr Ho.
My understanding is IVF has the best odds. I am not sure what tests you and your hubby have had so far but dependent on those results my experience was that Dr Ho suggested we try IUI first. The success rate is less but it is a lot less invasive and cheaper.
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Thanks Buz
Yes we have started IVF with Dr Stephenson and unfortunately it didn't work out early on as I didn't produce enough eggs with the dosage of hormones I was receiving to go ahead. So will try again in a couple of months with a higher dosage and hope for the best. Shocking when your body lets you down like this. I was interested to find out the stats on the success rate of the different doctors, as obviously some may have better bedside manners than others but the bottom line is in the result... a baby. Good luck to you as well Buz.
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Dr. Milton Leong at the Women's Clinic is probably the oldest/most experienced IVF doctor in Hong Kong. His partner, Dr. Alexander Doo is popular for his great bedside manner. I did IVF at the Women's Clinic. It costs between $70K-90K depending on how many drugs you need. I don't think it differs very much between the different clinics.
Dr. Stevenson is often recommended. I personally found that he/his office wasn't as good at communicating and I often had to chase him down to figure out when I was supposed to start/stop meds. The last straw for me with him was when he went on a 3wk holiday without letting me I missed a cycle (and you know every month counts when the clock is ticking).
I'm with Dr. Ho now and currently pregnant from an FET from frozen embryos that I had from my failed IVF with Dr. Doo. I think his office is great. He's got a good bedside manner and is straight shooter. Kelly, his cheif nurse, is very responsive and on the ball. There is usually a very short wait to see him and thus his waiting room's not overflowing with clients.
The Sanatorium boasts a 50% success rate for women under 35. I don't know if this is verifiable or needs to be reported anywhere. FYI, when you do IVF in Hong Kong in a private clinic, your private doctor will check you in to the Sanatorium and use the embryologist at the IVF Centre at the Sanatorium. So, it's not like each clinic has it's own embryologist.
Good luck on your journey.
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FYI, it can be a bit hard to compare the success rates of IVF doctors in Hong Kong as research has shown that IVF for Asian people is not as successful as for Caucasians. Some estimates say Japanese, Indian and Chinese origin are 60% less likely to become pregnant than their Caucasian counterparts.
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19 yrs ago
Hi All
Afer 2.6 year of trying and 3 failed IUI we are moving to IVF just waiting for my periods to start and will start the process. I am 33 years old. Its very difficult to get the comparison data as they says over all success rate is 25% which includes every thing (age, fertility problems etc) As per Dr. Ho the success rate for couple with fertility problem is same as for normal couple. I had been been with both Dr. Doo & dr.Ho both Drs are very good but find Dr Ho's staff more friendly and helpful.
Good luck to all
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19 yrs ago
I was with Dr. Doo for a year before I switched to Dr. Choy. His office is extremely busy, which meant that the wait was sometimes over an hour. Because he covers so many patients, I felt like just another number with Dr. Doo. He also seemed a bit defensive with questions and aggressive in his treatment. I have started seeing Dr. Choy now, and am impressed with her professionalism and warmth.
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Thanks all, it's great to get feedback on everyone's experiences, I guess the most important thing is your own biology though and a good dose of luck....wishing you all success and happiness.
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Hi, Just want to add Dr Chris Haines from the Prince of Wales Hospital to the list. I am pregnant from my first IVF cycle with him. I'm 36. Being a public hospital it is not so pretty but if you go private you are seen quickly and the cost is half pf the Central counterparts. Not sure of the success rates but they are a teaching hospital with the Chinese University so the results should be available.
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19 yrs ago
Many IVF couples are skipping HK and going straight for one of the best clinics in the world in NYC - Cornell. Super results. Top level technology. They do daily ER and ET, so their embryologists have amazing experience.
I have a few friends that have gone there.
Price wise it is the same as HK but airfare, time and accommodation is on top of course.
Many are also going to South Africa. Good results, they have been doing some procedures longer than in HK. And due to the exchange rate much cheaper.
There will be an international IVF conference here in HK in November. Many good speakers.
All the best!
PS Official success rates you will usually find to be a year or two behind.
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I think it would be better to go for a IVF centre in a hospital. Generally, they would have more cases .
To me the experience of the doctors is the most important!! They know the dosage of hormone you need, not just testing and trying.
It is also important that they have good embryologists. Process like ICSI depends on the workmanship of the embryologists.
10 eggs were retrieved from me and 9 were fertilized with ICSI, the rate is high and I am satisfied!
The fertility clinics in public hospitals like Queen Mary and Princes of Wales usually have many cases = a lot of experience.
I went for the private IVF clinic of QMH. The public clinic is just next to the private one. The public side has a crowd of people waiting every morning. The same team of staff did the work for both private and public. In comparison with the public, there are 3 differences with private: 1. I do not have to wait and am always the first few people to see the doctor and do any test or ultrasound; 2. I can choose the doctor who handle my case such professor or consultant; and 3. There is waiting time of about 1 year in the public clinic. You can start immediately with the private clinic. There are doctors with not less than 20 years experience.
With so many cases from the public, the doctors and embryologists are well experienced and well trained for their work.
Just go PRIVATE, then you can enjoy the convenience of private service and benefit from their experience from their public work.
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Like BooBear I also went to see Prof Haines at POW. We got pregnant first time with ICSI. Its a public hospital - so no frills but if you pay private you get seen to immediately. It cost us around HK$45K or a cycle with ICSI - HK$70k+ at the private clinics in Central. The difference is you dont pay for the doctors time - just the treatment and the lab costs.
Prof Haines wont beat about the bush - he will tell you straight what your chances are. Unlike some private clinics who must also take into consideration profit margins, he will refuse to continue if he thinks there is no chance of success rather than lead you on.
Nurses Stella and Mei are fantastic and I felt like they took me under their wing and were very supportive.
Its a bit of a trek out there but when you think about it, it might not work first time, the cost comparison with Central private clinics means you can do 2 for the price of 1 at POW.
Hope this helps. Drop me a PM if you want to know more.
Good luck
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We came to beijing 6 months ago and have found by now that there's really no help here for infertility problems. We want to try Hongkong but don't know anyone there. Please , please recommend some good doctors to deal with infertility, who could lead us to IUI or ICSI. We won't be able to afford the top range esp as we will have to travel to HK from beijing each time!
I would like to ask the person who did ICSI, how long did the whole process take? And if it's not too personal, what were the reasons for using ICSI? Thanks very much, we are fumbling for info and options
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Dear Boobear and Asking
I would like to ask you some info on Prince of Wales hospital. Did you both go private? Is the private treatment cheaper than in Central, wasn't clear from Asking's email. How long does it take to make the first appointment and follow up appointments with POW hospital and doctors.
If you know about the public hospital, how long does it take to make appointment and get IVF.
Thanks a lot
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Yes I went private at the POW Its was way cheaper than central. It cost around HKD45K for one cycle. That was IVF with ICSI. We needed ICSI due to low sperm count It didnt seem worth doing the normal IVF without it With ICSI one sperm is selected and implanted into the egg - better chance of success (and like I said it worked first time for us).
Timelines - well I had a lot of trouble with the meds - one dose too much one too little. It took a while to get that right. But if all goes to plan then you start the nasal spray for about 5 weeks , then onto the self injections in the abs for about 10 days. All the time you are monitored and once the follicles are ready to retrieval you have to give yourself another injection 2 days before and then go into the hospital for egg retrieval. After that they perform ICSI and you wait to see how many fertilise. Two or three are chosen and you are back to have them implanted.
I think its about a 2 week wait to see if its been a success. If no period arrives you do a pregnancy test.
The POW are fantastic. Once you go private you are seen straight away - no waiting around. Prof Haines will see you first to discuss your options and then if ok you are away!
BTW you can also register for the free IVF cycle with the POW if you have a HKID card.
Hope this helps...
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