pregnancy after recent LEEP

Posted by popsicle 18 yrs ago
I had an extensive LEEP procedure performed in April, and am now pregnant - just early; 6 weeks.... and of course now worrying if I will be able to 'hold' the baby given the extent of the surgery. Maybe I am jumping the gun and should wait and let my OBGYN assess, but has anyone had their cervix stitched (can't recall the technical terms!) after such an op??? At what stage are they able to tell if it is necessary etc.

Any comments appreciated

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hksarah 18 yrs ago

I too had LEEP in january this year and am now 15 weeks pregnant. My advise is get a good doctor and ask the questions. I too am wondering about the stitching bit but I think that occurs later in pregnancy! Fingers crossed! and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
Hey Sarah,

Who is your OBGYN? Just from reading on-line they usually do it around week 14 - so maybe your cervix looks good, healthy and 'long/ thick' enough to sustain the pregnancy... I had a considerable amount taken out so hoping there will be sufficient left to hold the baby. Anyway, early days , as just approaching the 6 weeks, but after waiting so long for it to happen, now of course am anxious about that! Silly women we are - couldn't ever not have something to worry about!!

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looby 18 yrs ago

I had a cervical cone biopsy about 5 years ago and got pregnant soon after getting the all clear. This was in the UK. Very early on in the pregnancy, at about 14 weeks I was given an internal scan which showed the thickness and appearance of the cervix. This was to determine whether I would need stitches, which I fortunately didn't need. I was told that there was a small chance of going into labour early but that didn't happen either and my son was actually 6 days overdue. I think if they need to put a stitch in they usually do it early on, but I would definitely ask.

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