Posted by
18 yrs ago
When people ask my eating habits and discover I have been eating bananas regularly, they always advise me to stop eating them, but no one can clearly explain why.
As far as I know, they are not "cooling" nor considered one of the more "hot" fruits (like mangos, lychees, durians). I can't find anything in other English websites telling pregnant women not to eat bananas... Can someone please help.
i had plenty of bananas when i was pregnant and had no problems.
My chinese friends also told me to not eat bananas - they had no clue as to why either..
I am 33 weeks along i eat 2 bananas a day this is my 3rd pregnancy and my 1st and 2nd turned out great.
Just one of those chinese wife tales! I always hear dont eat watermelon while pregnant hahaha i still eat it.
I definitely eat watermelon - and I LOVE IT. I eat almost a whole one a day.
SOME women do experience constipation when eating bananas - Indians eat green bananas to relieve constipation, and Bananas are part of the BRAT diet after diarrhea to help solidify stool. so you seem that you can't go wrong - you eat one and you get constipated, eat a green one and relieve it. HAHAH.
There's no scientific reason to not eat bananas. Tell them to tell you why or shut up! Tee hee!
The Chinese believe pregnant women should avoid "cooling" foods like iced drinks, coconut water, vegetables like cucumber and cabbage, fruits like bananas and pineapples and tea because they are believed to contribute to poor blood circulation.
Other no-no foods for pregnant women are ones considered "acidic" like pineapple, mango, lime, sour orange and concentrated coconut milk as they are believed to possibly induce miscarriages or bleeding. Pregnant women are supposed to avoid "hot" foods like chilli, pepper and spices, and "windy" foods, for example jackfruit, tapioca, pumpkin and onions. Finally, avoid "poisonous" foods like prawns, crabs and certain other seafood or ones which are believed to make a baby’s skin darken, for example chocolate and coffee.
BTW, there is no scientific evidence for any of this so if you fancy a curry followed by a chocolate-coated banana split and an espresso, enjoy.
If you add up all the things which Chinese people (my side of the family) say you can't eat together with all the things which Western people (my husband's side of the family) say you can't eat, you would starve....
Apparently, my mom said the reason why I shouldn't eat large bananas is because it is a "cooling" fruit as per Claire's post. However, my mom did say that this only applies to the large bananas which are more common in Hong Kong. She does buy me the little ones from PNS or the market when she sees them as these are not (as) "cooling", so I've been having those instead. Strangely enough (and maybe just coincidence), I threw up in my first trimester each time I had a large banana even before my mom told me but have had no problems with the little ones!
well ive heard just about everything lol i think it also depends on the chinese person. My MIL told me to eat tons of seafood it makes the baby smarter she said when she ordered nothing but seafood shellfish doctors/books tell u not to eat. So i didnt eat and although it embarressed her in front of a guest of ours that i wouldnt eat what she ordered at a resturant i felt that what i did was right. I hate when ppl push their beliefs onto me. I eat 2 bananas a day, 1 apple, 1 pear and one jug of yogart. This baby loves fruit hehe...
I think eating is what is best. We arent perfect and there are so many things they tell u not to eat and so many things they say you must eat it drives us all insane. Its all about personal preference. If you feel its harmful dont eat it, if you feel its good for u and babe then eat it.
Best wishes!
I did eat a lot of bananas in the last trimester as well ordered banana shakes and smoothies. No problems whatsoever. I did read some article at that time as well telling about eating habits of pregnant women in different countries around the world. Somewhere it said that (I think it was Thailand or something tropical) where the at a lot off bananas because it would give you a calm and easy baby. Well, its not that I started eating them because of that but I can tell you that my baby is indeed very calm and easy. Just lucky I think, still... I started eating bananas because I just felt like doing that.. I also had a hot milk or hot chocolate (not too sweet) every day.
My baby's father is Chinese and his family told me (a little) what to eat and not to eat but I did not really follow that. Just use your common sense and be happy!
18 yrs ago
My mum and aunties believe that eating bananas give you cramp.
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ok awhile back i googled and listed the link above about why bananas are good for you.
but at the same time, as i am expecting #2 and re-reading my pregnancy books, one of them said on way to cut down sugar levels during pregnancy is to cut down on sugary foods and bananas! interesting how the advice varies....which leads me to personally conclude that it's all about moderation.
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