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17 yrs ago
My sister-in-law (SIL) is now around 15 weeks pregnant but she has been 100% negative about this pregnancy. Somehow SIL have agreed to at least "try" and may be to her surprise (sil is 40 now) , after less than 3 months of TTC, she falls pg. SIL have been telling friends how she hates the baby, there's no love for it, its ruining her life and only doing it for the in-law family.
They have been married for 7 years and SIL never wanted children. However, my bro has been desparate for his own child last couple of years esp working full time in PRC and seeing friends starting their families with children. there are other issues to address but most importantly SIL needs some professional help to manage her emotions, physical, psychological side of things. Anyone know of good Psychologist or Psychiatrist who could help SIL accept her baby?
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I recommend Bethany Ministries. Although they were unable to meet the specific need of my husband and I they did make some good recommendations and we did find the professional we were looking for--they were of great help to us.
This is the contact information:
Bethany Ministries
Directors: Rob and Elaine Hartman
Bethany Ministries Ltd
17A The Peak, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
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Try Dr Kaitlin Megere's at OT &P 5/F Century Square, 1 D'Aguilar Street, Central.
Ph: 2521-3181
St John's Counselling Service, just look them up on the web for the number.
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Thanks TheCuteOne and ozcalgal. Will pass the info to my brother and let him handle.
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