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19 yrs ago
hi everyone, pls give of adv.
we wanna have baby, but why it seems not as easy as we thought it was.
Is it that most couples have to try for long time? I know some ppl get Bingo at the first time. But i would also like to know if it's normol that have 7 months not protected intercourse but still not bingo....
so frustrated..:-(
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19 yrs ago
Hi Well2,
I've had friends that get pregnant within 3 to 8 months of trying. Unfortunately, my husband and I don't fall within that group. We have been trying for 2 years without avail and have seeked medical advice and started intervention within the last year. One year is the usual time period for women under 35 yos that Drs give before they consider intervention. What I have found encouraging is that there are alot more couples out there that have infertility issues than I imagined, so we're not alone.
I know it's frustrating but I'm considering to join the support group "COPING" for women as previously posted on other threads, cutting out soya and green tea from our diets, and trying acupuncture and TCM as suggested.
Good luck to you!
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19 yrs ago
green tea???? what's wrong with it? Oh, i drink it almost everyday!!! Any other banned-things??
Oh no!
But many thanks for your comments
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19 yrs ago
Not sure. Read on page 10, "soya not good for fertilization" thread. Someone suggested no green tea as well. Good reading on soya products and why they are not recommended for fertilitization.
I'm willing to try anything.
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Hi Well2,
"Normal" Fertility is conception within SIX MONTHS of trying. so you're just outside that range. But I have had MANY friends who have tried longer on their own and gotten pregnant outside of that time frame.
The first thing to do is figure out if you're "timing" everything right. It's important that you figure out your ovulation so you know that you're hitting the right date. Some books recommend that regular sex, every two days is a great way to get pregnant- some of us control freaks (ME) like to know exactly when my ovulation is going to occur in order to try and conceive. has a great ovulation calendar to help you figure out how to time intercourse and some tips. The soya factor - it's contraversial. So many people in China, HK, Korea get pregnant consuming tons of it. (I am one of them.)
There are alternative "oriental" medicine therapies - if you're in HK, they are available. The doctor will figure out your body chemistry - too hot, too cold - and then prescribe the herbal potion to make the balance correct. At any rate, there a multiple routes to take.
Being the control freak that I am, I like to start with me. There is an excellent book, called "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler"
check it out for some additional help and encouragement.
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19 yrs ago
Good suggestion by TC, set a timeframe, if you are in your early 30s or younger, why not allow until the end of 12 months (only another 5 mnths to go). If you are a bit older, don't pussy foot, and don't fret either, but give yourself set dates to go to the next step.
It might just take the frustration out of it and after relaxing, it might just magically happen anyway.
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19 yrs ago
I have the opposite - because everyone we knew took 6 months, we thought we would too (similar age, lifestyle, etc...)
Well, basically second month off the pill and 'bingo' as you said above.
Another friend, first month without protection.
Both of us thought it would take a while, and we are thrilled it didn't - but a bit shocked too!
So for anyone else reading this thread - everyone is different - don't count on it being the first time, or having to try for 6 months - you could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.....
The good news is, there is hope for everyone and a lot of treatments out there, and your doctor can test you both and advise you.
Good luck to all!
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THE RANGE; There are cases of woman having sex once and geting pregnant. At the other extreme, I had a Catholic lady have one child, never contracepted and did get pregnant again---22 years later.
As many corespondents have said 6 months is the AVERAGE. A large study in Canada proved this.
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19 yrs ago
so what is the exact meaning of "6 monthss TRYING"
means - you do it every other day without protection during ovulation period for 6 months?
What about if we do it occasonially in 6 months? Like once or twice a week without protection, not focus on those dates @ ovulation period..
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trying means that you are timing it with your ovulation and attempting to hit the mark. The odds of getting pregnant already with timing are very very slim. I forget the actual statistic, but it was much harder than I had expected. your egg as a 24 hour viability period after ovulation. Sperm can live UP TO (but not always) 5 days in you - so you can try and figure out the math between when you ovulate and how long your husband's little guys can survive in you.
I think it's really hard to do it every other day for six months - I'd recommend trying to figure out your cycle and doing every other day in the week that you are ovulation.
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19 yrs ago
Oh I am a fool!!
so do you mean we haven't really been trying?
firstly - we never cared about the ovulation period
secondly - we do it occasionally whenever we feel like it. Say sometimes once/twice a week, sometimes once/ few times a month
So that doesn't count?
Pls advice :-)
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In terms of "trying" I would say that you are just having regular sex with out protection. Which means you haven't been trying. I am assuming you have pretty regular periods - so try and figure out your ovulation based on that. MOST people (this is again a generalization) ovulate 14 days BEFORE their period starts. So count back the days from your period and then figure out generally when you ovulate.
Also - if you look online and do some minor research, there are some clues that will tell you WHEN you should try (cervical mucous, body temperature) that actually pinpoint your ovulation day. (I can tell my ovulation day on teh button.) It will make things a bit easier I think.
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My husband and I are trying, as well. We've been advised not to "time sex" to coincide with ovulation, in the sense that we have been told NOT to abstain. Just have a normal, healthy sex life and make love as often as you wish. The idea of "saving up" for ovulation has no basis in fact.
We figure if we make love 5-6 times a week, we should be ok... :-)
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Totally agree with TC - it really helps to know your likely ovulation time and especially if you have been 'trying' for some time without a 'bingo.' But knowing it doesn't mean you can't enjoy a healthy and relaxed sex life either. Just do a bit more around your ovulation time also - makes perfect sense and it worked for me! There are many sites on the internet where you can find an easy to use 'ovulation calculator' Good Luck!
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19 yrs ago
Hello everyone,
Thanks for all your advices. I talked to my hubby last night about the ovulation time. We decided to take the Real "Try". Means we ML every other night during ovulation period (Okay, we failed last month cos Period came yesterday, and my cycle is about 31 days, so my ovulation period should be from 8th-16th next month??), stop drinking (hubby can), have right food, and i just bought some vitamins for us and made an appointment for the pre-pregnancy body-check (I heard that the one at Family Planning of Association is quite good, any comments?). Hope we will "Bingo" next month. Please pray for us. And good luck to you all too :-)
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19 yrs ago
Hi, just heard that it's not necessary to have the pre-pregnancy body-check. Is that right?
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19 yrs ago
I don't know about the pre-preg body check, you probably don't need it.
Try this way for 1 or 2 mths. If still nothing, get checked. Everyone can ovulate at slightly different times, but your guess is good enough for now. To get it checked exactly can be expensive through a specialist and considering it may only be different by 2 days or so, worth to wait a bit.
Best of Luck! Fingers crossed!
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19 yrs ago
re: my ovulation period
My period came on 25 Nov, cycle is about 31 days
So next time it may come on 26 Dec
The problem here is that my hubby always feels so tired after work. I really don't want to give him too much pressure.
Should we only try on 7,9,11,13,15 these five days? High chance? Then he can take more rest.....
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Hi Well -
sounds like you should definitely hit those days harder. (no pun intended.) There are some "tricks" which people say work or not. Make sure your husband is well rested - it helps. Morning trying (like a Saturday morning) may be better and more interesting for you and your husband as well. So you can try that too. Also - a strong cup of coffee - some say that speeds up the sperm.
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You should consider charting your basal body temperature as past posters have suggested so that you will actually know when you have ovulated. Try a Google search on using the words "basal body temperature chart" for more information. The book that hkchoichoi recommended ("Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler) is really good for learning more about your cycle. If you charted or used ovulation predictor tests, then at least you would have a better idea whether you ovulate 10 days or even 16 days before the end of your cycle as 14 days is just the average. Good luck!
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19 yrs ago
I don't think my hubby would be happy with me recording down my body temp every morning as he might think i go crazy or something. He always tells me to relax. Perhaps that's the difference between men and women. Most men are calmer..
Or i should just try the ovulation predictor tests secretly instead. He won't find out anyway.
So for those who have kids, how long time did you guys try for and get "Bingo"?
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I was successful in 2 tries both pregnancies. (that means one shot each month on ovulation day and had to try two months in a row.) I generally used my ovulation day as the day to have intercourse. But I was totally CONFIDENT and fully aware of my ovulation day and knew when it was exactly. So my husband only was required to do it on that day! (I am also very irregular so it was important for me to know for sure.) My cycle varies anywhere from 25-30 days.
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19 yrs ago
HKchoichoi, What made you so Confident and you knew exactly which day was? I am really impressed :-D Did you use predictors or something?
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I also knew the exact day I ovulated. I used the clearplan predictor kit and knew the exact date. It was day 13 of my cycle. Now when I do the scans, the baby is growing exactly as if I ovulated on day 13 (u/s dating says so), but my doc insists on using my LMP as the dater, which assumes I ovulated on day 14 and is setting back my due date by one day... hmmmph.
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19 yrs ago
what is day 14 of a cycle? Now am really confused.
e.g. my period started on 25 Nov, which should be day 1 , right? So do you mean i might ovulate on 8 Dec (25 Nov + 14 days)? I thought we ovulated 14 days before the next period comes!! If my next period will come on 26 Dec and i count back 14 days, i should ovulate on 13 Dec, right?
So 8 Dec or 13 Dec??? 14 days before or after??? (of course i am talking about the average). Pls adv. Tks.
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19 yrs ago
of course i would still try the predictor kit as you suggested. But i also wanted to clarify whether ovulation happens @ before or after first day of period? Thanks :-)
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Hi Well2-
I didn't use ovulation predictor kids. I used the book that I recommended to you earlier - about taking charge of your fertility. For me, my easiest indicator of ovulation - this is going to sound sort of gross, but i'm just being very scientific about this - is vaginal mucous. Your mucous changes throughout your cycle, and if you can notice the changes that it makes, you can know your ovulation day.
the day of your ovulation, your mucous turns like sticky, stringy egg whites - it's different from all the other days. So on the day that the egg whites appear, you go have sex. (for some reason it's always a bit more "fun" on this day as well.)
So if you want to avoid the ovulation sticks, which can be used with varying success rates, you can try just checking out your mucous. You should just check it every morning at your first pee. You'll get used to how it feels, and one day, it will be very different - and that's your ovulation.
MOST women, ovulate 14 days before their period. That means after ovulation, most women, who are not successful at getting pregnant, will begin the process of shedding all the stuff that the body was preparing for pregnancy. But this does vary for some women - i'm only offering it as a guideline. My friend has a shorter time between ovulation and her period - hers is 12 days. So you should try and figure out your ovulation day.
you need to do a bit of leg work on this if you want to avoid trying to have sex all the time. If your husband is tired (like mine is and was all the time) a bit of research into your own body is probably well worth the effort.
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19 yrs ago
I beleive the ovulation testing kits are so easy to use and take away all the guess work!
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Hi Well2,
from my calculations you should ovulate on one of these dates 10th,11th,12th,13th,14th, of December.If you buy an ovulation kit like clear blue you can do a test on each of these 5 days(you get 5 tests in a pack) to show you when you are about to ovulate.The tests tell you 24 to 36 hrs BEFORE , you will start to ovulate.
The second I got my results saying I was going to ovulate I got busy right away, I am 3 Months along.good luck.
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White rabbit, I will be 14 weeks next wednesday!
Yes, the ovulation kit takes away all the guesswork. I started testing from day 9, and by day 12am I had a faint line and by the evening it had become VERY strong, day 13 morning the line had weakened, so I knew that was DDay. We "got to work" on day 12 evening and day 13 morning.
I have a 30 day cycle, like clockwork. But I think that I always ovulated by day 13 or 14 (after my 1 day of period).
Hkchoichoi, I tried the mucus, but it gave me all kinds of strange signals for months, it was stressing me out. It may be because I was on the pill for so long?? dunno. But the kit worked like a charm.
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firsttimemom -
mucous is tricky for some people. I dont' know if it has to do with the pill. That's why for some people it is recommended to time mucous with the basal body temperature. I guess my mucous is really obvious so I didn't need to do it with temperature.
I never tried the sticks - but I have two friends who tried them without success - maybe they don't know how to read the directions?
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Hi firsttimemum, when in your due date?? mine is on the 17th of Jun 2006.
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Hiya white rabbit, My DD is on the 6th or 7th or 8th of June 2006 depending on who you believe. My scans say 6/7th (dating by fetus length), the Doc says 8th (dating by LMP) hahahahah.
But it's my first baby and they say that first babies are sometimes overdue?
hkchoichoi, we tried three times, twice without the kit, and both times we were successful, but I mistook pre-pregnancy signs about day 16/17 for ovulation the first two times, only to realise later that I must've ovulated earlier. So I was totally confused about the ovulation timing, decided to take the guesswork out of it. This enabled me to be a LOT more careful once I ovulated, plus I needed to change my chinese herbs, so I was also able to hightail it over to my TCM doc on day 13, soon as I knew, to give implantation the best chance it had with accupunture (for blood circulation to the uterus) and herbs.
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19 yrs ago
You guys are so nice!! Thanks so much for your comments.
HKchoichoi, mucous is too tricky for me as i have it looks the same almost everyday!!!
I am planning to try the kit(5/pack).
Last period on 25 Nov with a cycle of 31 day. Next period will be on 26 Dec.
According to White Rabbit, i might ovulate and should do a test on these 5 days (from 10th to 14th). - she is saying 14 days before next period
However, Firstimemom said "I have a 30 day cycle, like clockwork. But i think that i always ovulated by day 13 or 14 (after my 1 day of period) - She is saying 14 days after last period
Very confusing, some say 14 days before, some say 14 days after. So if i ovulate 14 days after last period as Firstimom said, it will be 8th Dec. And if i start testing on 10th Dec as White Rabbit suggested, it would be too late, right?
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They say the norm is 14 days before next period, in that case it would make it day 16 or so... But the testers are for 5 days because they say to start testing from about day 11 or 12, just in case.
In my case I think I ovulated early. I also thought i'd be on the 17th or 16th and ended up being very confused. That tester kit saved me heaps of stress! I KNEW it was day 13 this time :D
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19 yrs ago
Okay thanks. Then i will start testing on 7th Dec :-D (Which is Day 13)
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well 2 -
well your mucous SHOULD be the same (as we are all predicting your ovulation to come in sometime early next week.) Just learn about it just the same even if you are using the ovulation sticks. See if the day your ovulation stick predicts is your "strongest" coincides with a difference in your mucous.
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Well2, I actually started testing from day 11. I bought 2 kits, just in case I went over. I knew I hadnt ovulated on day 11, so when I got the first faint line on 12th morning which darkened really a whole heap in the evening, I knew that I'd likely ovulate on day 13, so I knew I hadn't missed it.
The previous time I started too late (day 13) and I didnt get any line at all even through day 17. Thats what made me suspect that I might be ovulating early.
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19 yrs ago
Hi everyone,
Okay- i will try all menthods
I bought one kit (clearplan) yesterday
hkchoichoi - accordingly to what you told me, mucus should be sticky and stringy egg white during ovulation. And i don't see any mucus today, so i won't do the test tonight (Day 12).
White Rabbit, Firsttimemom - i will start testing on the 7th Dec evening (day 13), if til 11th Dec (day 17)still show negative, then we will "get busy" on 12th,13th,15th,17th :-D
Hope i can give you guys a good news this Christmas :-D Thanks alot !
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Well 2-
it should be sticky and stringly like egg whites - so it sort of pulls. Test as you were planning to and just check to see if your mucous changes. It's a good way to get in "touch" with your body and learn about the amazing things it does to prepare for pregnancy.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Hkchoichoi - thing is sort of...dry today and i don't see anything like egg whites. Therefore, i would guess my ovulation is not ready to start yet....
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Well 2 -
sure sounds like you're not ready! Just wait - you'll see the difference. The eggwhites appear 24 hours before your ovulation, which is the ideal time to go ahead. so just keep aware of it. You'll notice it. Think of it as a bit of a science adventure. All this stress and craziness about it also may make you a bit late (stress can delay ovulation) so be patient. you'll get the hang of it. My father is an OB/GYn and always reminds me - women get pregnant ALL the time, have healthy babies ALL the time, before we had modern science, so all things are designed for women to procreate.
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19 yrs ago
bit strange - i had lot of eggwhites Monday morning (Day 11). But i think it was just my hubby's "little figthers" as we did have "fun" Sunday night. Besides, i don't think my ovulation would start that early @ Day 11.
Well, if i really did ovulate on Monday (Day 11), i still have a chance to get a "Bingo", cos we "worked" Sunday night....
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probably not eggwhites - most likely your husband. hahahaha
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19 yrs ago
hahahaha i agree with you :-))))))
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19 yrs ago
It could be your ovulation. I'm on a 26 day cycle and ovulate on day 10.
The website has a good ovulation predictor calculator. Check it out!
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19 yrs ago
hi XoXo, i just checked on the babycenter site, it says i might ovulate from 9th to 14th Dec.
White Rabbit - nice guess!
So my plans still work :-D
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19 yrs ago
Cant believe that my hubby told me this morning that he is going for some business-meeting this evening!!!! I was planning to start testing tonight(Day 13) and if it shows 2 lines, i would request for the "thing" right away!! Oh no! Hope i can still go on with our excellent plans and he will come home early tonight...
p.s. still haven't seen the eggwhites stuff though
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JUST RELAX....the kit gives you positive results 24 to 36 hours BEFORE you ovulate....good luck.
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agree with White Rabbit - stress is your enemy. Be relaxed, and don't overplan. Egg whites also predict your ovulation 24 hours in advance - so if you haven't gotten them wouldn't worry. At least your husband isn't travelling out of town!
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19 yrs ago
Thanks White Rabbit, HKchoichoi :-)
His business thing finished quite early last night. But the stick showed one line only, so we didn't do anything....
Strange that when i knew it had only one line, i felt bit disappointed. But i shouldn't have!!! Cos it wasn't a pregnancy test. Think i need to get a bit more relaxed...
Hope it has 2 dark lines tonight :-D
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19 yrs ago
I hope you didn't miss it for this cycle.... good luck!
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Well2 -
perhaps ignorance is bliss? Before you had all this great information about ovulation, fertility, cycles, mucous, test kits - you could be a lot more relaxed about the whole conceiving thing. NOw that you know so much, it's stressing you out! Don't get worked up - it may not happen this month, or even the next - you have to be patient, and let nature and your wild side take its course. Make it an enjoyable experience - this is only one step in a long series of steps that you will be taking on the road to motherhood!
Good luck!
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19 yrs ago
xox, tks. I hope i didn't miss it as well. Even if i did ovulate on Day 10/11, i would still have great chance to get a "Bingo". Cos we "worked" Day 10 evening.
HKchoichoi, you are right that before i had all these info, i was much more relaxed. And we had sex whenever we wanted to and didn't care about the ovulation time at all. But 8 months unprotected intercourse still get nothing happened??? That really stresses me out.
Anyway, i will remind myself to be patient and i know that god is choosing the best timing for me to be a mother :-D
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19 yrs ago
Just off the stick! Well, faint line again, but it seems darker than yesterdays. I feel 100% fine this time :D Cos i didn't really expect i would ovulate tonight(Day 14). I have a hunch that it will happen tomorrow (Day 15) or the day after (Day 16) :D
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egg whites yet? It's so exciting being a part of your process...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you - but yes - relax, relax, relax, relax.
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19 yrs ago
Still no eggwhite!!! Perhaps tmr.....
Thanks for being with me here with all your supports :-D
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My result was really pale too if you do try now the sperm can live for up to 4 days anyway so why not that's what I did.and bingo,and I never got any egg white!
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19 yrs ago
hi white rabbit, the problem is that my hubby can hardly do it everyday or even every other day cos he always feels very tired after work. That's why i wanna know when exactly i will ovulate, then he will be required to do it only on those 2 days.
For those who have been staying along with me here, let's have a bit of fun! Guess which DAY i will get the 2 dark lines! Now we know it didn't happen on Day13 and Day14. I still have 3 sticks left. So pls give of your nice guess ;-) Just helping me to relax a bit. Tks :-)
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19 yrs ago
sorry. I think i sounded a bit crazy about the guessing game. Let's forget it :-D
hkchoichoi, re: the stringy eggwhites - is it white colour or transparent? I was thinking the white colour one...Incorrect?
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is more white - and stringy - did you get it?
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19 yrs ago
let me check right away....come back in 1 min!
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19 yrs ago
pale again, still no eggwhite...2 sticks left....
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19 yrs ago
Used all 5 tests. All negative. Should i buy one more predictor kit to keep testing? Or just let it be? Now i am very worried. Will i ovulate?????
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you will ovulate - perhaps all the anticipation and craziness around this round pushed your ovulation - (stress can do this you know.) Be relaxed, buy another kit, and keep trying. you will ovulate - watch for eggwhites - it will happen. There are times when you can "skip" an ovulation - it's not abnormal and it an happen. SO not to worry. Take it easy on yourself -
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19 yrs ago
Well 2 - I suggest that you start testing from day 9 or 10. So you don't miss it on your next cycle. Good luck!
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That's what I did. I tested earlier.
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19 yrs ago
thanks everyone!
here are the options, pls help me to choose one
1)from today 12th(Day18) til the 17th(Day23), we do it every other night without the kit.
2)buy one more kit, containing 5 tests. Keep testing from today 12th (Day18) til 16th(Day22).
3)Be relaxed and not to time sex this month but watch for the eggwhites. Try the kit again next cycle and start testing earlier
I have to make a decision before i finish work (6pm). As the kit requires you to do the 5 tests around the same time. I tested it at about 8:00pm the past 5 night.
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19 yrs ago
The best results for accurate tseting are first thing in the morning. I would start earlier for your next cycle.
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19 yrs ago
if the test shows positive in the morning, do we need to do it right away?
I don't really like to have morning sex, cos i am always in a rush to work...
By the way, i didn't sleep well last night. I felt very hot and i woke up and turned several times (even woke my hubby up). I am still feeling a bit hot...Hope i didn't catch a cold...
Next month (almost end of next cycle), my hubby and i are planning to go on holiday somewhere during CNY. Might get a surprise when back! :-D
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Why don't you take your BBT so you would know if you have ovulated. It is late if it shoots up, but at least you have your kit and BBT to tally.
And please test it in the morning, not at night time, maybe that's why you didn't get the positive lines. If you see the double line in the morning, you do not have to do it right away, you still have 24 hours to do it.
If you have the money to spend, then by all means buy the kit and do your option 1.
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19 yrs ago
Well2 - not sure how expensive the ovulation kits are, but in case you need to use them for more than a few months (fingers crossed you don't need to!), I would highly recommend investing in a monitor which you can reuse, and just buy a bunch of the sticks. The one I use you can't buy here - but I hear you can get them over the internet or else get someone you know in the UK to send to you? I found it SO much easier to use than the ovulation kits and so clear about the exact day you ovulate. If you want any more information, just let me know. Otherwise have a read of this thread:
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19 yrs ago
hi TC, I finally talked to my hubby about the predictor kit thing last night. He was bit shocked that i did all those tests without telling him. He didn't even know that i was worried about myself might not be ovulating!
Last night he suggested we read some pregnancy-info on the internet together. We did. (i feel much relaxed as i know he also cares and i am not alone:)) One study says 85% of couples who simply stop using birth control conceive within a year. Then he told me to relax and he is willing to put some efforts on it, means we'll do it every other night from about Day11 to Day25 every cycle :-D I feel bit guilty though as he works so hard everyday. Hope he has enough energy...
Like you said earlier that we should keep trying and if nothing happens by the time six months come round, then get checked up.
Kasay, XOX, honeypie, firsttimemom, HKchoichoi- hubby doesn't want me to get too stressed out over the BBT, the kit, monitor & stuff. He says these things drive me crazy. So i will just watch for the eggwhies or might use only one kit each month.
Ruth, thanks for the links. They are very helpful. Will go through them with hubby tonight. Thanks :-)
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The kit really made my life so much easier. But like my TCM doctor says, do it when you're horny, the body has a way of telling you that you're fertile!!!! hahaha
Poor guy, from day 11 to day 25??? I think from day 11 to day 17 or 18th should do you fine, unless you have a very long cycle.
Good luck!
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19 yrs ago
from day 11 to day 25 is too long??? Remember i started testing from Day13-17, all showed negative? So i guess i might ovulate late.
Yes, my period is quite irregular, about 31-35days cycle. In case i have a long cycle some months, i extand the "working" period :-)
Although the kit didn't give us good sign, we did not give up this cycle. We did work last night (Day18). And will continue working every other night til 20th (Day26) :-D
I am going to get the book "Taking charge of your fertiflity" by Toni Weschler later.
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19 yrs ago
One quick question, i am going to pick up my book (taking charge of your fertility) after work. Do i need to prepare a thermometer or any other stuff?
Tks :-)
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19 yrs ago
I got the book and i bought a thermometer yesterday. When hubby back home, i was still reading it. He asked me what was it all about. I just told him that i was just learing more about my own body. When we were into bed, he noticed the thermometer by my side of the bed. oops! I was nervous that he would give me a funny-face. But he didn't, he even used it to measure his own temp. ochhhhhh safe!
Well, i did my first BBT this morning. It's not a hard job actually..will keep doing...
Now is Book-reading time....
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well 2
Just stay calm and enjoy it. It's really interesting learning about all the ways that your body prepares itself for pregnancy - and it does it every month for the most part! Your husband should be excited about learning too - so don't try and hide it from him - but just don't burden him too much with it. Just let him know what's going on and when it's time for the "show."
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19 yrs ago
Can anybody tell me how to check the cervix?
I tried several times but failed. Entire mid-finger in, but never been able to feel it!!! Is it becos of mine is always too high???
The predictor kit tells me that i didn't ovulate on fm Day13-17. I have been watching for creamy or stretchy eggwhites since Day18 til today Day22, but still nothing. (In case i ovulate this week, hubby and i ML on Day18&20)
My cycle is quite long about 31-35 days. I don't think my egg has come out on fm Day1-12.
I was very moody last night and i felt a bit of a pain on my left low-abdm. Hope it wasn't my next period :-( Cos i dont' think i have ovulated yet!! But today is already Day22!!!!
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a sharp pain lower left abdomen could also signal ovulation - I often had sharp pains monthly - some women do feel it. So - now did you have egg whites?
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Stay calm and relaxed. You seem to be a bit agitated about the whole thing. I was TTC for almost 8 months and gathered that something must be 'wrong' so went to the doc. Found out that I had PCOS so that's why my period is always irregular. I get 31-35 day cycles too. PCOS is easily treated and now I'm doing it all with the assistance of a doc to take out the guess work.
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19 yrs ago
1) i am still at low temp i guess...
Mine were
No record
Most ppl reach 98.8 or higer after ovulation.
2)Still no eggwhites. Feels dry.
According to above, I guess i might not have ovulated YET.
today is Day25
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19 yrs ago
I have some white, creamy, lotiony, very litte bit stretchy(max.1cm) CM today. Everytime i go to washroom, i see some (quite alot actually)!!!
No unususal smell or odor. But vgna. sensation is sticky/dry
I might be ovulating soon or just having in infection....Hope it's the first one.
Today is Day26 97.7C
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that's it! Do it baby!
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19 yrs ago
Hubby had a business thing to go last night. When he came back, i was already in bed sleeping:-( sighhhhhhhhhh!
Today Day27 my temp jumps up to 98.10, meaning I might have already ovulated yesterday :-( sighhhhhhhhhh
Do we still have chance if we do it tonight(the day after ovulation)?
Not much CM and vgna. sensation is little bit dry/sticky this morning. Will check few more times later...
sighhhhhhhhhhh :-(
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body temp jumps up AFTER ovulation - so you're right - the CM eggwhites you saw yesterday was your ovulation...
do it tonight anyways - but you likely missed your opportunity this month - but NOW YOU KNOW!!! (even the eggwhites helped you!!)
Congrats - you're learning about your body - even though you may not get pregnant this month.
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TC, can i know how 'young' you are and your wife? just for ref... as we have been trying, and both not exactly young.
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19 yrs ago
I did a pregnancy test at home yesterday. Was negative :-( I can feel PMS....
Merry X'mas & Happy New Year to everyone :-D
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19 yrs ago
A pregnancy test can still show negative for a few weeks until there is enough pregnancy hormone to show up. Usually they say to do them 1 week AFTER you normal period time if it was late.
Don't worry. Mind you I spent a small fortune on testing kits too! At one stage I was wondering if I should find a wholesaler!
Sperm can last a while inside - up to 2 weeks (although that may be a bit long). So don't worry if you miss the perfect day for ovulation.
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Well2 sorry to hear of your result here's hoping 2006 brings you the joy your looking forward to!
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19 yrs ago
thanks all XXX
M came on 30 Dec. Means we failed again :-(
But i am really confident that i can catch my ovulation day this cycle :-D
HKchoichoi you were right, on Day26 (last cycle) i had that lotiony white thing was actually CF & according to my chart, i ovulated that day. LP = 9 days (might be a bit too short for implantation though.NoNoNo touchwood!)...
Anyway, good lucks to everyone :-D
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19 yrs ago
well2 - I am a bit suspicious of your timing/symptoms and don't really agree with HKChoichoi about the day of your ovulation. My guess is that you missed the eggwhites, and you ovulated on Day 21 or 22, which is when you felt the pain in your abdomen. It is very common to feel pain or discomfort during ovulation, and the discharge that you are looking for at ovulation should be clear(not white and lotiony, which occurs after ovulation) and really stretchy, not max 1 cm, as stretchy as...well, egg whites! If you did indeed ovulate when you felt the pain (your Day 22, I think) that would also be consistent with your period coming 14 days after ovulation. Anyway, it obviously doesn't matter for last month, but if I were you I'd be looking out for that 'pain' again, and the eggwhites which I think you missed, around Day 22. Good luck, and as many people have said, it is so important to just relax and have fun with it.
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19 yrs ago
hi miffy, perhaps i didn't chart the entire last cycle, only charted half. So it couldn't be really that accurate. This cycle i started charting from Day1. Should be better.
Oh my goodness! I have alot cloudy/watery and stretchy (max 1.5cm this time) fluid today Day12!!! Guess real eggwhites will appear in few days!! Hubby is coming back from a business trip this Saturday Day16. Hope we can catch it this time :-D
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19 yrs ago
Oh dear...."a lot of cloudy/watery and stretchy fluid"?? That sounds a lot more like ovulation to me, although of course, almost impossible to tell. Hope hubby gets back in time - business trips are really not helpful when timing is this important!! Good luck and fingers crossed.
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19 yrs ago
Tks miffy,
i agree with you saying that business trips are really not helpful. I hate that when he tells me he has to be away for a while!!! But can't do anything, he is a workaholic.... :-(
Re: the fluid - it wasn't really that stretchy, only 1.5cm max. And my temp is still low today. So i guess it wasn't ovulation...
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19 yrs ago
Hi Wasbigizmobunny....I admit that i was too obssesive. But i am getting more and more relaxed :-) Thanks for your advice.
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Hi everyone, my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 6 months and so far have not been successful. I've done everything - predictor kits, BBT charting, checking vaginal mucuous - and so far no luck. I'd like to try some of the Eastern approaches that someone mentioned on this thread. Can anyone recommend a traditional Chinese doctor or acupunturist? Thanks in advance.
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It's true, what simplythebest says, still, if you have concerns, and especially if you are older, you should get yourselves checked out by a fertility doctor.
I went the acupuncture/herbs route too, but we would have been better served to have seen a fertility doctor sooner.
Don't forget that your husband's diet, vitamin sufficiency, alcohol and tobacco intake (none) is also important. And issues on his side take 3-6 months to sort themselves out.
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Well, I got my period again this month...another failed attempt. Going to the gyno today and probably will go through IUI this month. We've been trying for over 6 months, I've hit 35 and I've been trying to chill out and take the relaxed approach but it's so hard some times...esp. around 'those' days. I've decided to take vitamins religiously and really try to cut out the caffeine, altho that's really hard at times.
For all who are still trying, stick at it and have a bit of hope. It's important that husbands are supportive and that they're not out of town, coz that adds to the stress!
BTW, where can I get red rapsberry leaf tea?
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19 yrs ago
narnia, yes it's VERY frustrating when you see your period comes month after month...But 6 months isn't really that long. Why don't you try for 6 more months before you do anything to your body, i.e. IUI.? And nowaday alot of women in the their 35 or even older conceive within a year without seeking any EXTRA help! Anyway, hope your IUI went okay. Wish you luck :-D
I am not as tense & worried as i used to be. Not sure if i am actually having this "Giving up" mood, or a "relaxed" mood!?!?! But i am still doing the BBT & stuff...Seems that charting has become my habit :-D
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19 yrs ago
Oh my goodness!!
My temp stays high and now i am on DPO14, but P still hasn't come. So i did a preg test 2 hours ago with Lifttech. Waited for 5 mins, it showed one line, means negative. So i threw it in the bin. But i had a look at it again just now (2 hours after). It has 2 lines, means positive!!! But very very very faint.
Should i consider it as positive???? Or the stick was already invalid after 5 mins???
Oh my goodness!!!
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The test results are invalid after 5-10mins but if you want to reassure yourself, test again on the weekend or a week after your period is supposed to be due. Good luck!
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Well2 -
Wait the weekend out. Take the test again on Monday. don't get freaked out or too worked up - it's exciting I know, but just wait a bit more before you get REALLY excited.
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Well2, also check if you have other symptons. I felt very airy, had funny stomach, sore nipples (press them and they hurt) a couple of weeks before I found out I was pregnant. And yes, BBT stayed up which is always a good sign.
I was suspicious of hitting the jackpot as I didn't have any of these symptons before. Surfed the internet and found that these symptons can also be found just before you start your period so I didn't want to have my hopes up. However it was hard not to have high hope as you know something is different with your body. Since I didn't want to see a negative result, I decided to wait until 3 days after my period was due to do the test. Those waiting days were tough. But oh yes! The test confirmed my suspicion.
Wishing you all the luck that it will turn positive soon!
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Hi Narnia, you can get Raspberry Tea bags (without caffeine of course) in Wellcome (the one on Robinson road definitely has it). They also do Earl Grey without caffeine. But I read you shouldn't take it in the 1st trimester, but it's very good in 3rd trimester to help with labour.
If you are trying to cut out caffeine, avoid coffee or have latte instead coz of more milk. Decaf is good in a way but did hear about it not being too good if consume too much coz of the process they used to "de-caf" the beans. Apparently some chemical residuals may be left in it.
Chocolate can still be consumed as they don't contain a great deal of caffeine. Green tea has a much lower caffeine level than other tea.
Yes, husbands having frequent business trips is a very usual thing in HK. I did have to plan around it and try to "target" weekends when he is less tired. I think I caught him in time for this pregnancy just before he flew to Tokyo, haha, that was lucky!
Good luck with all who are trying.
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A few tips about TTC:
1. Busy husband, no time to "do it" - when you suspect you are ovulating, ask him to come home for "lunch" (if you both work near where you live, only a taxi ride) so he would be less tired around mid-day. Check out the guys in your office if they had a change of clothes after lunch you know what he was up to, haha.
2. During sex, ladies should have orgasms too to help his soldiers swim better!! Maybe you can try DIY before or during sex.
3. After sex, put a little cushion under your bottom and lie there for 20 min to help the swimmers. But not a big cushion as it will tip them over too far. Basically don't get up straight away.
4. Use visual aid, HAHAHA, there are DVDs you can buy to spice things up. Mongkok is good for it.
Basically I got pregnant the first time I ovulated (no ovulation previously for several cycles as I was rather blocked) so I consider myself lucky.
OPK is good as it gives you advance warning pre-ovulation. However if you have PCOS (so likely to have imbalance hormone), these test may not be accurate. For me, they showed positive all the time as I have high LH level all the time so OPK mistakenly assume the high LH = LH surge which happens just before ovulation.
So BBT is the best, do it when your temperature drops around ovulation window then every other day after that for a week! Do it a couple of days before temp drops too if you can so sperm can wait for the egg.
TTC is frustrating for both parties coz most of us just cannot do it every other day. Men do find it tougher coz they have to "perform" on our command. They complain you are not romantic coz you become very scientific now. "Ovulation" is a horrible word that really turns men off. Well what can we do? Maybe it's good to take a rest for one cycle, try to time it so you are on holiday/weekend. He is always gonna be busy and tired coz this is Hong Kong, who doesn't work long hours? You just have to work together at it. And try not to stress each other out. Be more romantic/dirty/horny (a turn on) for him, be cooperative for her. Girls are trying to be scientific coz we are considerate of you guys, so you don't have to do it more than you are required to, so it can soon be over and sex will be fun again.
Hope this helps. Good luck to all!
Sunny :)
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19 yrs ago
A lot of HK couples trying to conceive go on holiday for 1-2 weeks ... let's face it, holidays are a time we are very relaxed, have lots of sleep, drink a lot and make love loads...
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Sunny, thanks for all that info. Yes, this is HK and it's hard to get everything to work like clockwork. But we're trying our best and that's what counts. I'm off to the gyn today for a IUI (2nd time). Felt like a smuggler this morning taking his 'goodies' to the lab for the wash. Funny seeing other women there doing the same thing! Anyway, fingers crossed!
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19 yrs ago
Sunny, thanks for the tips :-D
Narnia, good luck with your 2nd IUI :-D fingers crossed for you
HKchoichoi, yes i won't do anything on the weekend
My temp goes higher today on DPO15. Strange!
re: symptons??
BBs, have been little bit sore since a week ago (not nipples) and they are fuller. But i always get it before M
Frequent Urination, it's been going on since a week ago, but less since yesterday. This one is not just in my head. Even hubby notices that. But i am worried that it's some kind of bladder infection or something...
Mild nausea - started a week ago as well. Just 5 mins ago i almost threw up, even had to run to toilet. But it might becos of the food and the new mouthwash i am using...
Not much M type pain, not even moody! This is not normal for me. As i am always VERY VERY moody, irrational, angry, sad a week before M. I normally would try to pick fights with hubby once in a while hahaha
But til now am still in such a good mood! Or it might be the wonderful beach holiday. As we had a great time there and just came back 2 days ago.
and one thing, I really have a hunch that M is coming very soon!!! Not that i can actually feel it. But my brain keeps telling me that.
Anyway, i will wait for 3 or 4 more days. If M still does't appear and temp stays high, then i will do another test.
Have a nice weekend everyone! :-D
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19 yrs ago
Well2 - we have been reading this post for more than 2 months - we are rooting for you and fingers are crossed!!!!!
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Well2 - great your temp is staying up and goes even higher. Mine did climb too. You know there should be two phases on BBT, high temp phase after ovulation, low temp phase return when your period starts. But some people do have 3 phases like I did. My temp went up after ovulation, then went even higher a week after ovulation. So you having higher temp is good news. Fingers crossed they stay up high.
And yes, I was quite scared of seeing blood whenever I go to the toilet before and after the test. I didn't want my period to arrive but my mind was in high alert mode thinking that it is coming soon. The wait was tough. I think you can do the test on Monday and good luck in seeing 2 lines within a couple of minutes!!
Narnia, good luck with your IUI too!! TTC is hard but hang in there. Men find it hard to "cooperate" when they are so tired from work. But I am sure they are trying too. It's hard on both parties so just do the best you guys can. And fingers crossed you get a bingo this time!!
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19 yrs ago
freaking out!
My temp stays HIGH !!! It's already 17 days past ovulation !!!
I told hubby yesterday that i threw up after drinking a glass of red wine and a tomato juice. That's very abnormal for me. He then went "it must be our first".
My original plans was to do another test today. But i am really afraid of seeing a negative result again, so i will wait for 2 more days.
Besides, i don't have the "classic" pregnancy symptons and also my HPT on 14DPO was negative.
So i really don't dare to tell myself that it might be it....
Could we have more than 18 days high temp, but not pregnant??
freaking out!
p.s. thanks CRI, sunnysideup for your comments and prayers :-D
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Well2, we've got our fingers crossed for you, isnt it exciting? :D
Meantime, please presume pregnant and avoid alchohol, cigarette smoke, medications etc... if you do get a positive you dont want to be eaten up by "I did this, will affect the baby" etc etc
Crossing fingers..
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Hi Well2,
My temp went up higher when i got pregnant. I felt very hot especially my hands that are normaly very cold. Keeping my fingers legs crossed for you.
Narnia, keeping my fingers crossed for your IUI, too! I kind of liked the excitement of holding the goody and hurrying to the labo, then to doctor's office!!! When I took the washed one to Doctor's, I kept the container in my bra. That way, you can keep it upright and keep it warm!
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19 yrs ago
Marcon Mania - what a great image... running through central with your 'stash' in your bra! I am sure many women do this, but none the less it made me laugh (in a good way). Keeping it close to your heart is nice too :)
When I was pregnant I was really hot too, and I am usually a cold person - sweaty hands too.
Don't worry if you find out you are pregnant and think 'oh my I ate this or drank alcohol' - you can't cause damage in that short time period, best to stay calm, relaxed and HAPPY!
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19 yrs ago
Thanks everyone.
My temp goes higher today on 18DPO. It's the highest temp i have ever got!!
I also just did another HPT. Now I am very confused. I don't know whether it's my eyes or what. Sometimes i see one line and sometimes i see 2 lines (one is EXTREMELY faint though). It's more like a negative one actually. But I think i should go for a blood test to make sure. Pls advise if i can do it in any clinic or a special one? Tks.
Very confused.
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Hello Well2,
What is the hpt brand that you use? and check what is the sensitivity, the lower it is the better, 20 mIU/ml HCG should detect pregnancy by now.
What's your temp now?
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, a line is a line.
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19 yrs ago
hi honeypie, 1st test i used Lifetech. 2nd test i used WonderXXX (dont remember the name) with 20mlU/ml. and temp today is 37.11 , i never got higher then 37.05 before.
Hi TC, i have just been to a doc downstairs nearby my office. Did a HCG preg test. It showed a cross, means positive. But one line was too weak, so the doc said it could be an early preg or a problem preg (What???? a problem preg??? Positive with faint line means problem???). He referred me to a Gyno spec. Should i trust this guy? I don't think he is really pro as he doesn't seem to know much about the test we just did (cos i asked him alot of questions) and also women body.......
Since he let me wait for quite a long time after I handed him my urine, so I asked him if his test could still be good after 10 mins. He said yes. But i doubt that. As those HPT we use say they r invalid after 10 mins and they always show positive beyond this time. He said his test was more sensitive than those HPT though. I know he was using Abbott HCG urine test. Isn't it supposed to be same as HPT tests?
Oh no ! This is driving me crazy!!!
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19 yrs ago
I can't believe it ! :-D :-D :-D
I got a very clear Home-Preg-Test POSITIVE With Mentholatum just now. The line appeared within 1 min yeah yeah yeah I am pregnant !!! I am so excited. I couldn't wait to tell you guys!!!
Many many thanks for all your supports and advices. I appreciate your keeping fingers crossed for me all the way, especailly hkchoichoi, mleaf, TC, cri, sub, firstimemom, xox, whiterabbit, honeypie, miffy, sunnysideup, narnia. Big kisses XXXXXXX
Narnia, it took me 7 months (unprotected intercourse) + 2 months(timing intercourse with BBT)!!! Pls dont' give up, hang in there. You are the next one :-) Best wishes!
p.s. i have had absolutely no eggwhite type of CM and i only bed 5 nights this cycle (4 b4 O and 1 after O). I think i always Ovulate on day20-26
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Well2, Many congratulations! Welcome to the club!! Now take it easy, you are gonna feel tired and maybe sick soon. Exercise will help (walking is good) so stay healthy and eat well. TAke good care of yourself. And stay in touch on this board.
Very happy for you!
Sunny :)
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I am SO excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS! I KNEW you would do it!!!
Take it easy, relax, and enjoy the ride! i'm due very soon - and you will be due much sooner than you think!!
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Hi Well2,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! big happy for you.
Go to another doctor soon and not to the doctor downstairs ;-)
Lots of ladies getting pregnant here, hope our turn comes really really soon.
Take care.
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Coooooool! I'm so thrilled for you, this is fantastic news!!
:D :D :D
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19 yrs ago
Hi Well2
I am so excited for you Congratulationa ! Take care.
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19 yrs ago
YAY Well2, that is so exciting. You must be over the moon. Is hubby jumping for joy? Congratulations, and keep us all updated on your progress. x o x
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wow congratulations,I am so happy for you!!!
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Excuse me....out of topic ;-)Just have to post to
Firsttimemom - i've sent you a PM. thanks.
Hey Well2, have you done your blood test? who's your doctore?
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Hi Well2 and everyone!
I am so happy for you well2 for finally getting pregnant as i have been following up on your progress every day. congrats!
but i myself is facing the same thing and i need helps from the experts here. :)
my last menses came on 31st jan and cycle abt 30-32 days. So when will be the best time for me to try for a baby? Like Well2, i have tried for around 7mths too but w/o success. Please advise ppl! thanks
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19 yrs ago
Hi everyone it's me! Thank you very much for all your comments and congrats :-D Everytime i read them, i can't stop smiling and feeling very sweet & warm :-D
My temp stays up high :-D
I haven't done the blood test yet. I just cancelled the appointment with the doc as hubby (the jumping for joy guy) is still on a biz trip, coming back on Monday, and he would like to choose a good gyno for me :-)
I have started taking extra supplement (200DHA, 18Iron, 1000Calcium per day) and correcting my diet. The little guy sticks!!! :-D
Effiruz, as i said before my first 7 months were actually not REAL try. Cos i didn't chart anything and we just did it occassionally. Since we don't bed often, i think we always missed the o days.
I started doing BBT 1 and a half month ago (u might know, if you've been following this thread). The first full cycle i temp, i got a Bingo !
My cycle is about 31-35 days. Minus 14 would be Day17-21. Hubby and I started trying on Day17. We did it every 1 or 2 days til we saw a big jump on my temp.
The easiest way is too watch out for the eggwhite CM. Alot of my friends do have it. But i don't. When you see the eggwhite, get busy right away. Chance should be quite high :-)
One important thing - Whenever i felt frustrated, i recalled the words from hkchoichoi "women get pregnant ALL the time, have healthy babies ALL the time", then i stood up again! :-)
Hope this info helps :-)
cheers !
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Hi Well2,
How did you tell your hubby? over the phone? should have seen his reaction. But of course, he has to be the first to know. Take care.
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19 yrs ago
due to time difference, I just sent him an sms. But then he called me back immediately ! He was having a fever that day. So his temp should be even higher than mine haha
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HI well2, just a note to make sure you are taking folic acid,I am taking materna tablets from watsons in pacific place. it is just a once a day pregnancy vitamin.good luck.
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19 yrs ago
thanks for the reminder, White rabbit :-D
I looked for prenatal vitamin today, but couldn't find it. So i bought GNC supplements instead. I've been taking 400mg folic acid for almost 2 months. Should i double it up to 800mg per day?
haha we might keep chatting on here until i deliver the baby ..... from seed to flower :-)
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Hi Well2, thanks for the advice. So since my last cycle is 32 days i should start trying probably 16th onwards. And i just bought myself the basal temperature plus the ovulation kits. hopefully that helps to increase the chances. me feeling excited abt this whole thing. Will keep you guys updated. Till then take care ok and take folic acid 1 time per day every morning.
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Most OB's also carry the prenatal (often for less than Watsons) if your hubby is in the US - Walmart in the US has a decent one, and it's CHEAP. My dad (obgyn) told me to take that one - the ones at the hosptial were exactly the same in terms of dosage but less than half the price at Walmart. (it's called "prenatal vitamin.) - for Effruz who is trying to conceive, taking it before conception is also not a bad while trying to conceive take the pills.
Also Well2, just a as a warning - sometimes those prenatal vitamins may make your morning sickness worse. I found myself vomiting if I didn't have enough food in my stomach to sort of "support" the vitamin - my solution in the 1st and 2nd trimesters was to take it with my heaviest meal - otherwise it would cause massive nausea. So if you discover suddenly that you feel like puking. First try avoiding the vitamin at that time and see if it fits better in with your schedule at another time.
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Well2, most prenats have iron in em, which is constipating as well as nauseating. I think that unless you are a vegetarian, your iron and calcium needs don't increase that much in the first trimester. I continued to take my iron-free multi-vits plus topped up with 400mg of folic acid during the first trimester, and switched to my prenatals from the second onwards, they have 30mg of non-constipating iron. I got them from the internet, they're called rainbow light...
My pre-pregnancy multivits were called Preventamins - iron free, also from the internet.
Honeypie, I pm'd you back...
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19 yrs ago
Effiruz, if your hubby isn't always tired like mine, try Day14 the charting on-line book at It's free!
Since i was quite sure that i would ovulate btw Day20-26, i didn't use OPK..
hi hkchoichoi, firsttimemom,
tks. Will ask hubby to try to look for the vitamins.
as per now, i will temporarily follow the doses suggested by this website
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19 yrs ago
ah one question - when did/will you tell your parents, colleagues, friends that you got pregnant?
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Hi Well2 -
Think of it this way - of course you expect everything to go smoothly but IF something were to happen -to whom would you be willing to explain that something went wrong in your pregnancy?
I told colleagues and work AFTER 3 months - after I passed the 13 week mark.
My father - I told immediately - he's a doctor after all.
Friends - I told immediately - because in the case that something happened - I wanted their support.
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Effiruz, good luck on your TTC. If you are using OPKs, you will most likely ovulate 12-48 hours after the first positive result, and usually within 24-36 hours. So start "doing it" when OPK is positive.
I read it's best to test OPK at around 2pm but anytime between 12 to 8pm is fine. First morning urine is not recommended as many women experience a surge in the morning but it takes 4 hours before it shows in the urine.
You should also check your BBT. It will fall before it rises so you should get busy when you see a drop in BBT then stop when you can see a clear thermal shift. Your BBT should be bi-phasical ie. with low and high temp phrases. The average range of BBTs is between 97.0-97.7 (36.1-36.5) before ovulation and 97.7-99.0 (36.5-37.2) after ovulation.
Get busy when temp falls (lunch at home plus "dessert" that day would be good as sometimes he maybe too tired to do it that night). If you can, TTC a couple of days before BBT drops too. Best to do it every other day within your ovulation window.
Well2 – you must walk on the street with a smile now :) Personally I wouldn’t tell until I pass the 1st trimester ie. until I am 13.33 weeks haha (40 weeks divided by 3). There is always a risk for a miscarriage in the 1st trimester and it’s not uncommon. Once you reach your 2nd trimester, the risk is lowered significantly. You probably feel like announcing it to the world because you are over the moon about this great news. But imagine the troubles you have to go through to explain to people if the unthinkable happens. Then they are going to ask you when you next start TTC. If you do want to tell, tell someone who can handle it if the worse happens (I told my sister, we are very close) and who can offer you support.
Sunny :)
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WOW, this is excellent news! (big hug) I'm so totally excited for you! I hope I'll be in the same boat soon. This is so encouraging for those still trying to get there. Effiruz, we can do it too!!!!
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19 yrs ago
so far i've only told hubby, sister and 3 gfs.
Think i will tell the world after week12 haha :-D
by the way, for prenatal care- have you guys heard of Lucy Lord? Any comments would be appreciated. tks :-)
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Lucy Lord comes highly regarded. She knows her stuff - but her "reputation" is that sometimes when you need her, she's out of town and you are seeing her partner instead of her.
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Hi Sunnysideup. thank you so much for the kind advice. i will take note of it. Just for ya info.
I started menses on 31st Jan and end it 6th Feb. I went to buy the Basal thermometer late which is on the 8th :( so which means i only took my 1st morning (at 7.15am) temperature on the 9th. here is the takings:
9th Feb - 36.57
10th Feb - 36.21
Any abnormality to it? One more thing, today i have this sticky feeling down under. im not sure if its the CM or could be due to the panadol that i took as im not feeling well yesterday? Is there such thing as we ovulate very early right after our menses ended? Please advice dearies. thanks
Narnia, i am rooting for you too dear. lets persevere together and with god's will we will join the club too :)
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Hi effiruz,
Your BBT looks good, the lowest point must be the ovulation day, ex. 11th, it goes high again to say 36.4, 12th-36.45, 13th-36.20, 14th-36.58, 15th-36.65.....
Which means from high it shifts down to low point like on this example, it's the 13th day. Oh, i hope i make sense. You have to do it one month to be familiar with your chart. If it shoots up high, then, the ovulation has ended, though you can still do it on that day.
No, i don't think we ovulate right after our menses, you mean CD7 or 8th? I know the earlies is around CD10. how long is your cycle?
You can chart yours at and compare it with other ladies. Good luck.
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Hi Honeypie.
thanks for the reply. Somehow i try to understand your explaination with the help of my hubby.
OK here is the takings for today - 36.22
9th: 36.57
10th: 36.21
11th: 36.22
My cycle is normally 30 days. at the most it goes up to 32-35. Do you think i might have ovulated on day 10th when my BBT measures at 36.21C
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It depends on what your temp tom. But it looks like you haven't, if it goes deep, the following day it should shoot up. Not the same. Too early.
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Hi Honeypie,
i tried something different today. At 7.15am i took the oral temperature and got 36.14 C and suddenly out of my morning craziness, i decided to take the test again, this time vaginally. i went to as suggested and they note that it is better to take temperature vaginally as it is more accurate. The result - 36.25C.
So the 2 test should not have any problem rite? I took the readings from the 2nd one.
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Hi Effiruz, sorry i didn't see your msg earlier.
This is one of the ovulation calculators I found by googling. It looks like you are most likely to ovulate on Valentine's day (14th) assuming your cycle is 28 days and luteal phase is 14. But if your cycle is longer say 31 days, then your ovulation date is likely to be around 17th. You can use OPK tests to narrow your ovulation window too.
When doing the calculation, make sure you don't count spotting as your first day of period. It should be more than spotting for it to be your first day.
You can get information on when you are likely to ovulate on this website: http://www.ovulation-
I was told to start trying from Cycle day 10 to day 18. Do it every other day during this window to maximise your chance.
I test my BBT orally and at the same time everyday. Best window would be 6-8am. I do mine at 7am every morning. As long as you don't have your mouth open at night during your sleep, oral temp should be perfectly fine.
My temp range was around 36.11 to 36.31 prior to ovulation. Then it dropped to 35.97 one morning before gradually rising in the next 3 days to 36.57+. Then again everyone is different. Since you are approaching your most fertile day, I would suggest you to "get busy" from now for a week. Do it every other day until you see a thermal shift. It's always fine to have the sperm waiting for the egg. :)
Good luck and keep me/us posted!
Sunny :)
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Hi all
Today temperature takings: 36.20C
Not sure why drop today though cuz its been level for the past 3 days.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Effiruz,
I think you shouldn't try to catch the temp drop.
Many women don't have a temp drop when ovulate ( also mentions that).
Studies show most women (about 95%) ovulate @ 11-15 days before the first day of next period, but average 14 days.
So if your cycle is 30-35 days. I would suggest you to start trying on Day14 til you see a big temp jump. But i guess you would ovulate between Day18-24 if your cycle can go upto 32-35days.
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Hi Effiruz,
Where did you take your temp? orally? like Sunny, i did mine orally too everyday at THE SAME TIME.
36.20 is not a drop if you had 36.14 the other day, correct me if i'm wrong.
You have to record your BBT religiously for one month, so you will have an idea about your chart, and it's easier for you to analyse it next month.
My take is all BBT WILL have a drop on temp when you ovulate.
Good luck! keep on charting. I assume you are using a digital thermometer.
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19 yrs ago
i also do mine orally too everyday around the same time, right after i open my eyes :-D
And yes, i forgot to mention. Many women have temp drop when ovulate, but also many women don't. So i am not convinced to catch the drop, but the jump instead....
And honeypie is right, you have to record your BBT religiously for one month, then you wil have better idea about when is the expected period you will ovulate on the next :-D
Fingers crossed XXX
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Hi well2,
Oh, i got what you meant on the drop, yes, i now agree, i thought you were saying that there is no biphasic.
If there is a jump, effiruz, it means you have ovulated, so you only have a few hours to catch up. The disadvantage of BBT is you don't have a clear sign when did you ovulate, though the sign that you have ovulated is clear(the shoot up). OPK will give you the idea when will you ovulate days before.
So how are you doing well2, have you seen a doctor last weekend?
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Hey girls
Well i took my temp vaginally as after research indicated its much more accurate that way. Here is my updates for my daily takings at 7.15am every day.
9th - 36.57
10th - 36.21
11th - 36.22
12th - 36.25
13th - 36.20
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you got it vaginally from which day only? the other readings that you got orally is now wrong, i mean, you chart all vaginally, remove all the orally as you will be confuse. It's a big difference. Anyways, i find that it's too early for you to ovulate, wait til there is some drastic change.
.5 is not a drop.
I'm not sure if i can help more as i'm not familiar with vaginally taken. Sorry to question you, but why do you want to take it vaginally, isn't it more difficult? just wondering, i find putting it in my mouth, with my eyes close, not moving anything except for my one arm to reach my thermometer is easier.
If you get it vaginally, you tend to move more, right?
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Well i only start to take vaginally on the 11th. its not difficult really. Just put it in(a bit in from the tip) and in fact the measurement will be much faster. wont be much movement.
Like what sunnysideup mentioned, if i dont open my mouth during at night while sleeping the takings should be more or less accurate. But when im damn tired, i surely have mouth wide open..hahahahah.
I think im gonna start ''exercising'' tonight. Just in case.
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19 yrs ago
totally agree with honeypie. I would always go for orally and do it as honeypie described.
I haven't seen the doc yet. Cos hubby wants to go with me and he just arrived back in HK (30 mins ago) yeah yeah yeah :-D
I am thinking Macor Wan or Lucy Lord...But Lucy Lord located closer to my office, seems more convenient..let's see.. :-)
by the way, I am now going to toilet 100 times a day and i always wake up at 3am, and again at 5am, again at 6:30am...Bad and weird dream every night. Is that normal ???
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Yes, quite quite normal heh. Its all the hormones going crazy in your system and the changes to your uterus...
First trimester I barely slept, I thought it would be better in the second, but I wake at 5 to go to the loo and thats its for the sleep!
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Effiruz -
I read that once you see the temp rising (after a drop), it may be too late to TTC. So I would try to do it when the temp drops. But since you don't know your pattern as you haven't charted BBT in your last cycle, it's harder to know when it is dropping "enough". But if you do it every other day within your ovulation window and maybe once more when the temp drops, you should increase your chance of having a "bingo".
Or you can get an OPKit (5 tests inside normally) to give you "advance warning". Best start to test it soon as I think you may ovulate on 18th. And it is the first positive result you are looking for. No need to test for more. But would suggest you not to buy Watsons brand as I and the other girl had experienced positive result all the time (even one week after the first positive result). I know people have PCOS may get false positive. But she said she also used another brand Clearblue at the same time and only showed positive for 2 days which is more accurate. OPKs are not cheap so definitely get another brand other than Watsons if you can.
Good luck!
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19 yrs ago
Hi firsttimemom, I couldn't sleep again last night. So did you take any vitamins that helped during 1st trimester?
Hi HKchoichoi, tks for your comments on Lucy Lord. Hubby and i have decided to use her as we just found out that my office is in the same building. That's very convenient for me. Besides, you said she is good. I trust you :-)
Hi Effiruz, Good lucks :-D
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19 yrs ago
Check with your dr what vitamins you need. If you eat well, the excess vitamins will not be absorbed anyway. The Dr will test you to see what you need, for me it wasn't until the 2nd trimester that they put me just on iron and Folate, but you can probably ask them to test your blood sooner if you are worried.
I also had trouble sleeping while pregnant. I had to wonder if it was "training" for after the birth. After the birth, if breastfeeding, you have to learn to be able to put yourself back to sleep pretty quickly so you can maximise the broken sleeps you get after bub goes down. So maybe it is not a bad thing that you get some practise now, it is quite hard to learn to wake/sleep/wake/sleep as an adult, we are used to going to sleep only once a day, after a hour's sleep we find it hard to go back to sleep.
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today i see another drop - 36.12C. Quite drastic, i think as the last one is 36.20. Do you think so? But anyway, i give it a try yesterday nite (around midnite) and this morning. heheheh.
Sunnysideup, what is TTC? hehehe me very blur.
happy valentine's day people!
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Well2 - Can you plesae let me know what you think of Lucy Lord after you see her? And how much she charges for consultation + ultrasound. Thanks!
I went to see my GynOb when I was 5 weeks and could only see a gestational sac so was very disappointed. My GynOb said his machine is advanced enough to detect even at 5 weeks but unfortuantely we couldn't see anything which means I have to return after 2 weeks to do another U/S. So would suggest you to go when you are 7 weeks. You should also expect a bloodtest on your first visit! Good luck!
HKchoichoi is in the hospital now for delivery so let's keep our fingers crossed for her!! She has been very helpful to many of us :)
Effiruz - Wow! I think this might be it. Mine temp went like this (at 7am):
36.14 36.32 36.21 36.11 35.97 36.05, 36.16, 36.57, 36.62, 36.67 then kept going up to 37+.
35.97 is the day I ovulated I believe. But I dropped 0.1 degree the day before too. So if I were you, I'd do it today and tomorrow. Imagine if it is conceived on Valentine's day, how romantic!
TTC is Trying To Conceive :)
Happy Valentine's Day ladies! Flowers and chocolate trouffles to all!!
Sunny :)
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HkChoichoi in hospital now? Wow, so happy for her! finally her day has come..lets pray for a smooth and easy delivery for her
Sunnysideup, thank you for info. Now i understand what TTC means. hehehehe Im keeping my fingers cross that i actually ovulated yesterday. Hoping to get bingo too. ok i will keep you all updated of tomorrow temp. Anyway how many mths pregnant are u now?
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Hi ppl!
Ok today temp jump to 36.28C. For the records here is my daily takings
9th - 36.57
10th - 36.21
11th - 36.22
12th - 36.25
13th - 36.20
14th - 36.12
15th - 36.28
I thought i might have ovulated today as per Well2 advice, its best to look out for the jump. but when i took the test with OPK, negative.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Sunnysideup, According to the preg. calculator @, i am already 6 weeks preg. Yes, would like to have a lucky blood test @ 1st visit. By the way, which month or week you are in?
Okay will let you know if Lucy Lord is good :-D
Hi Effiruz, i don't think 36.28 is considered high temp for you, if you had 36.57 on Day9.
Like i said before, i guess you will ovulate on Day18-24.
FYI, Like mine, my low temp is always 36.20-36.50 (mostly around 36.35) and my high temp is always 36.51-37.10 (mostly around 36.70)
If my temp from 36.30 then suddenly jumps to 36.60, i consider it as a JUMP.
You will have better picture of your usual BBT after you've charted one full month.
And note that when you see the temp jump, your egg has already GONE. The day before the rise is the ovulation day. So you should just keep "working" until you see a big temp jump.
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Hi Effiruz - I agree with Well2, I think you have not yet ovulated. If your cycle is more than 28 days, you are likely to ovulate later, probably on or after 18th Feb. Check the instruction on your OPK and start doing the test everyday (there are 5 tests normally in a kit). OPK can predict ovulation up to 2 days in advance. You can stop doing the test once you see the first positive, or when you can clearly see a thermal shift (rise up to high temp phase) on your BBT as that indicates the ovulation has taken place.
The trick is to get busy when you see your temp drop. Coz once it rises, it maybe too late to TTC. Oh and once you see a positive on your OPK, DO IT that day, then every other day until there is a thermal shift in your BBT.
Let us know how you get on! Good luck in catching that BBT fall!
Btw, I am 10 weeks now. Still live like a bird on a wire, worried about whether IT is a keeper. Will be a lot more relaxed when I pass my first trimester.
Sunny :)
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19 yrs ago
Hi sunny, do you have any preg discomforts like morning sickness and stuff. If so, when did they start? I still don't have the "classic" sym. Me, only drink more water, frequent toilet visit, restless sleep, continue high temp and...NOTHING. Or those discomforts haven't started up yet?
Where will you deliver? Private or Public? I don't mind if the nurses aren't friendly at public hospital. But i am worried that if i need a c-section there, the scar would be like 16 inches long. I heard that if done in a private hos, scar should be quite short/ barely noticable. What your opinion?
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Dear Well2 and Sunny, thank you for the encouragement. Appreciate it!
Ok i will try to update as much so i can be advised along the way. No wonder i never bingo all this while, reason being i always TTC from 11th - 17th. Hehe :)
The OPK that i bought have 7 sticks inside. Already tried 2 so left with 5 more. Dont want it to be wasted as its expensive. Will try to take probably tis Friday or so.
Sunny, relax ok. Just hope for the best and im sure something good will turn out for you. Is this the 1st for you?
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Hey Well 2 -
back from the hospital after having a baby girl on Feb. 11. Just wanted to say that with my first, I HAD NO SYMPTONS at all. Maybe more frequent urinations and some restless nights...but aside from that - no "classic" symptons.
#2 was far more different - I had so many crazy symptons -
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Hi Hkchoichoi,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! you were in the hospital for 3 days only? have a good rest.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Hkchoichoi,
am so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to hear from you as always :-D Congratulations!!!!
Take a good rest XXX
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Hi Effiruz,
This might be your week, so don't try to save on the sticks now, you might miss the "window" Do it every other day.
Have you tried charting it at fertility friend, they usually gives you a report after a month or two to figure out your cycle. And after 2 or 3 months, you'll be an expert on this ;-)
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Hi honeypie,feels long time never heard from you.
If i ML every alternately will works out fine for me too right cuz sperm can live up to 5 working days. Correct me if im wrong. its quite difficult to do everyday as my hubby is working shift.
I did chart with fertilityfriend but now the problem is my CM. Seems like either dry or sticky. Fertilityfriend stated that i have not ovulated. Maybe Well2 is right, i might ovulate on the 18th onwards. Could be possible. For 7mths i TTC on the 11-17th (cuz i thought this cud be my ovulation week) before i come across this thread and start to know that there are actually other accurate ways to find out our ovulation period. Lucky for me, my hubby is very supportive waking me up every morning to take my temp and reading this thread too to understand more.
HKchoichoi - Congrats! Hope you and baby doing ok? Is your first child boy or girl? Did you take epidural?
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Hi effiruz,
Yes, they say sperm lives up to 3-5 days, but better do it every other day during that week to make sure. It also depends on the motility of the sperm, have you checked your husband's sperm count? If you are ovulating around 18th day, like me, we start doing it only from 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th and 22nd day. Within that range you must be ovulating if you have 32 days cycle more or less.
Good luck!
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But just focussing on ovulation isn't enough. Sperm counts have been shown to be much better with sex every 3-5 days on an ongoing basis. Longer than 5 days between snuggle times means many more dead and less motile sperm in the ejacuate.
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Effiruz- I agree with honeypie, do OPK every other day coz you are so close to your window.
Well2- I think tender (hurt if pressed) nipples and bloatiness were very pronounced with me one week after conception. My nipples are still tender but stop hurting much since about week 8. (just try not to get "caught" when cuddling your husband in bed, pinching would hurt! haha) I think I went up a cup size. Great to have bigger boobs now though. Oh, and my nipples are very dark in colour now and a little moist too.
Frequent urination is not too bad with me, probably because I don't drink much normally anyway. But am not constipated either, that may come later. Bloatiness only comes when I eat more. But not too bad as I tend to have small meals.
Started feeling sleepy and sick (volmitted once and on the verge of volmitting a few times so far) at about week 5. I had trouble concentrating at around week 5-8 but much better now at week 10. Sickness still attack me on average 3 times a day (around bedtime especially probably coz my tummy is emptier). Light headed a lot (blackness in front of me) if I stand up too fast. Still airy and would wake up to go to toilet 3 out of 7 nights.
I think I am getting better now at week 10. But must make sure I don't go empty tummy for too long coz the sickness will kick in.
I am inclined for a CS (hubby would like that too like most men haha) but I shall do more research into it. If elective CS then definitely private hospital as it is really hard to get the permission at public hospitals unless you have a medical reason.
It's probably the general worry that CS at public hospitals are done by less experienced doctor. I really don't know so would hope someone can shine some light on this subject for us.
Hkchoichoi- many congratulations!! Well done mommy!
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19 yrs ago
Hey girlies...
Have been following this thread since the beginning...
Another unsuccessful person praying for a miracle!!! Any info...or reccomendations would be great...
was just wondering...
Which bookshop did u buy the fertility book from Well2?
Did anyone take tests to see if both ppl were able to concieve?
What would YOU reccommend on conceiving a baby?? Not worry? Record Temps?
My cycle is 27 days so usually 'get busy' day i wrong..
Thanks and really appreciate any comments or Pm's!
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HKchoichoi!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Been so busy training havent had time to post and just saw your message. So glad it all went smoothly!
Take care!
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Hi Effruz and Huny -
this thread is pretty detailed as we follow Well2's progress? Well - we got her pregnant - HAHAHAHAH. I can't help laughing about it.
I think the most important thing is to relax, and get to know your bodies. Knowledge is power, baby - and the more you know, the easier things can be. But there is a LOT of luck involved as well, so if doesn't happen immediately, you can't be discouraged. Take it slowly, one day at a time, and think of it as a way to just learn about yourself as well as making a baby. If you focus too much on the making baby part, then it becomes too much of a disappointment each time you don't get a "bingo." I always remind people I am a control freak, but in nature, you can't control everything - so slowly, one thing at time.
To all who wished me well - I'm feeling pretty good now. did not enjoy my delivery as it was an emergency c- but my recovery seems really quick! Thanks for all the love and support.
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Hi hkchoichoi,
yeah true, we got Well2 pregnant and cant wait to see who's next now. With the good advice given by our forum readers as well as encouragement, its really helping.
Anyway something to share. Today my temp drop to 35.89 :). Didnt know my temp can drop that low. hehehe Initially didnt want to test with OPK but hubby ask me to. So no choice just give it a shot and guess what, I have a smiling symbol!! Which means im already ovulating! So happy and ''did it'' straightaway. We have 12-48 hours to ML so got to ''work overtime at home''. :)
I have a question for you ladies. Please help me out if you have any knowledge abt it. Quite intimate actually.
When we are on ovulation, and we ML, is it necessary for the women to ''cum'' too. Will it helps to higher the chances to conceive?
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Hi effiruz,
Yes, that's considered a drop, now you're an expert on BBT, tomorrow your temp will shoot up, OR in some cases like mine, it's a slow rise, not really a big jump, but it's going up in a few days. Stop taking that OPK, no need anymore, save it next month, you will be ovulating 12-48 hours, so there's still enough time to try try and try. Once it shoots up, you can still do it that night. Best of luck.
For your "cum" question, yes, it's better, not for higher chances to conceive but bec. you are enjoying it too and not just focusing on baby making.
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Hi Honeypie thank you for reply
Is it true that when your temp shoots up again, means that the egg is gone. So if tomorrow my temp goes up let say 36C i can still try rite
problem is i dont see any CM at all this few it abnormal?
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Effruz -
orgasm for women is also important - some believe that the timing of the orgasm for a woman also helps conceive a boy or a girl. at the moment of orgasm, a woman's body acidity changes - and it becomes "basic" which matches more of the husband's sperm ... which some believe that it is easier for sperm to survive and swim that last mile. Of course this is all sort of unclear, rather hazy science, but this is what has been proposed by some specialists.
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oh i see. but the prob is frequent sex (due to trying for baby) makes us no mood to orgasm or difficult to. Not sure why.
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Effruz -
keep it simple and fun. Again - try and keep an open mind and make it less about getting the baby and more about exploring your body. we were designed to procreate - so let nature take it's course. If you figure out your temperature and when you're ovulating, still try and keep it fun. It's not a science - you want to create a baby out of love - not just because it's the right time!
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I get what you mean. thanks. Will try my best and of course the baby is due to pure love shared between me and hubby. I will inform u guys if have any good news. Pray for me aite.
take care ladies.
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Good luck Effiruz! It will be great!
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19 yrs ago
Good luck effiruz...lets hope we both get blessed! My fingers r crossed 4 u :o)
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19 yrs ago
Hello everyone,
Hubby and I just changed our mind. We don't use Lucy Lord. Although she is very good, lots of ppl said she is not really friendly. So we are going to Philip Ho :-D
Hi huny, the book - i got from Page-One 9/F Timesquare Causeway Bay. Very good book, i think you should get one. It has lots of info. And you can also read the online one at :-D
Hi HKChoiChoi, why you ended up having a c-section? What happened? Is the baby too big? Since my hubby is quite big and i am quite small. Am worried that i will also end up having a c-section with a long long scar (if i go to public). Any idea any difference between Matildas and Queenmary when comes down to a c-section? Well, hahah am only 6 weeks preg.
Hi sunnysideup, sounds like you are having most of the crazy sym. I still don't have much. Still toilet alot, high temp, and i started to have better sleep 2 days ago yeah! and hubby said last night that i might have cravings..for WATER hahaha. That's good huh? I didn't like drinking water before, not even a glass a day. But now, i can't survive without it. Almost 5Lt a day haha :-D And i am having dental treatment like you...
Hi Effiruz, you seem to be one of those who have a temp dip when ovulate. That's a bonus. And i also don't have any Eggwhite CM. So don't worry. Good lucks :-D
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Hi Well2, we had Lucy and thought she was great. She wasn't so friendly to my husband (all the husbands say that) but she is an excellent doctor with an excellent reputation and that mattered to us more than all the warm and fuzzy stuff.
But, the reason I wrote was not to talk you into her, that's a personal decision. It was to say that she only delivers at Matilda, at least thats my understanding. So if you are thinking of QM, make sure Dr Ho will/can deliver you there.
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19 yrs ago
Thanks Well2...will defo have to go and get that!
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Hi Well2 -
I had to have an emergency c-section, because my amniotic fluid was discovered to be very low in my 36th week. Unfortunately the doctor in Korea didn't find it as serious a condition - but when I told my father the number, he freaked out, and got on an airplane to make sure I was getting proper care in Korea. He came, saw an ultrasound, and also insisted to my doctor that I get induced or have a c-section. Unfortunately the baby was in the wrong position so I had to have a c-section. Gotta say, didn't love the surgery part. I defintely enjoyed natural labor a lot more, and found the c-section experience very - well - makes me reconsider having any more children...But all in all, am happy. My baby is still in intensive care nursery as she was very small and had some breathing problems. (due to the low amniotic fluid.) But she's off of oxygen now, and out of the incubator - YEAH!!. we named her Madison originally, but we've changed her name to Isabella - due to much harrassment from parents on both sides who didn't like the name Madison - My father and my mother in law kept on calling her "medicine." hahahaah -
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hkchoichoi, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Feeling really happy for you. It's so nice to hear good news here.
Effiruz, great to see that your BBT dropped. I can't seem to chart mine properly coz I don't have a proper thermometer...BTW is your thermom digital and if so, where did you get it from?
I'm still in my 2WW and it should end next week. Yes, we'll all keep our fingers crossed for each other.
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Narnia, im rooting for you too girl.
I got my Digital Basal thermometer from guardian pharmacy. im not sure whether you have this store in HK. Alternatively, you can get thru internet. Try to go under search engine type basal thermometer or you try go to auctions. im sure u will find it. Good luck and keep me posted ok.
Anyway hows the IUI going on? My advice you try on your own first based on the advices given in this forum. Trust me it helps. I get to know my body and how it works better. Last time, i thought we cud just ''do it'' and BINGO. i am so wrong.
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this morning my temp is 36.12C. Is that normal? yesterday is 35.89.
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Narnia - You can buy a digital BBT thermometer at both Watsons and Mannings, but you need to ask at the pharmacist's counter.
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Narnia- defintely get a digital thermometer, a lot simpler and it can normally store up to 5 temp readings. You can get it at Watsons in HK. But make sure you get the one you want ie. C (Celsius) or F type.
Set your alarm clock between 6-8am (best window). When u wake up, grab the digital thermo and put it in your mouth under the tongue. It will beep when it is ready (within 1 min). No need to record the temp down immediately as it has a memory function so can check later. Sometimes I fell straight back to sleep again haha.
Effiruz- Having orgasm is good when TTC (for women) as it can help the swimmers. It's like you are creating a very cozy (and wet of course) environment for them to swim in. If you cannot have an orgasm during sex, then DIY before love making.
And yes, you've ovulated. OPK should be there to predict and it's no point to keep taking the test after the first positive. The first positive is to indicate that you are going to ovulate in 12-48 hours. If you take it again the next day, it will still be postive but doesn't mean you WILL BE ovulating 12-48 hours. You may be ovulating right now. So you should test it a few days before your possible ovulation day, then stop doing the test when you see the FIRST positive and start doing it for the next 2 days. Once you see a thermal shift (temp going up high and stay high), you can stop ML. Your temp is likely to rise up (from the lowest point indicating ovulation is or has taken place) slowly during the 3 days post ovulation. So I would advise you to coninue ML for those 3 days. You don't have to do it everyday, every other day is okay.
So your temp might look like this:
D1 - 36.20 > ML
D2 - 35.89 (ovulation day) > Must ML
D3 - 36.01 > ML
D4 - 36.21 > ML
D5 - 36.32 > ML
D6 - 36.57 - reaching a new high so can stop now.
D7 - 36.62
Hope i have been clear. Good luck!
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ML before ovulation day to ensure you cover the window, let sperm wait for the egg. The sperm can survive up to 7 days (normally 3 i think) inside you but the egg can only live for up to 1 day. So it's safe to do it before the actual drop in BBT. Then definitely do it on the day temp drops. The next couple of days post-ovulation can still post good chance so do it still.
The timing of the orgasm has been said to have an impact on determining the sex of the baby. If the male orgasm is timed at the time the egg is released, then the chance is high you will have a boy. Maybe that's why there are more women in the world over men coz it's harder to achieve this timing. And of course there are other factor that determine the sex. Have heard that if men are more stressful, they tend to have girls. Also diet, if you eat more meat and your hubby more vege prior to TTC, more likely to have a boy (or is it the other way round). It is much to do with how alkline/acidic your body is, as hkchoichoi mentioned before.
I think most of us would be happy just to get pregnancy. Maybe I will try those "myth/untested theories" next time when I probably would like the opposite (sex of the baby) of what I will have this time.
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Hi Sunny
here is the brief glance on when I ML
13th - 36.20C > ML (but midnite, shud consider 14 ah?
14th - 36.12C > ML
15th - 36.28C > Never ML
16th - 35.89C > Definitely ML as its the 1st sign that im ovulating
17th - 36.12C > Going to do it tonight.
So the prob now I never ML on the 15th, a day before i actually start ovulating. Do you think it will have impact?
Its lucky that my hubby works morning shift this week so we can ML at night.
As for orgasm part, i did yesterday but if need to everyday i dont think i can. Women can get pretty dry at times.
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Hey Effruz -
I noticed that if I was hitting the "right" time -it was definitely more fun, and I was naturally more lubricated - shall we say. So perhaps the "dryer" times for you - you hadn't ovulated...
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19 yrs ago
Wow...this is so interesting...glad i can get the facts from you guys...
really need 2 go and invest in a digital thermometer!
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anyway out of curiosity, can anyone tell me why we cant use the normal thermometer cuz it can also detected the accuracy of our temp. A gf of mine who is also trying for a baby posted this question to me. She has been trying for 5 years or so.
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Effiruz- I wouldn't worry about missing one ML "session" as you did ML one day before on 14th. So sperm (can survive up to 7 days, 3 days normally i believe but depend on individuals) should still be there ready for your egg. Give yourselves a big appaulse for all the hardwork. I think you have a good chance at least you've done all you can. Don't be upset if it doesn't happen this month. It's only a matter of time it will happen.
As for dryness, it's best if you can DIY rather than him licking you or use any other lubricant. Saliva has been said to be hostile to sperm. Heard about using egg white but really I wouldn't try that coz of possible bateria.
Normal thermoeters? You mean the mercury ones? I bought a special mercury thermo (specific for charting BBT as it's more sensitive) at first. But I found it so annoying to use. You have to shake it hard so it will go back to zero, this action sometimes give me a headache. Digital ones are a lot easier as it is quicker (5 min with normal thermo, 1 min with digital) and can store up to 5 readings. My hubby actually suggested that. But you should get the digital thermo that's specifically designed for charting BBT as it is more sensitive. And it is still good to detect a fever (i had a flu once) as it beeped as a warning when I hit 38c i think.
Effiruz, I hope your gf is seeing an infertility specialist if she has been TTC at all the right time. There are drugs (cheaper) that can fix some less serious inf. problems before the expensive treatments are needed.
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thanks sunny
I am hoping that i can bingo this month. keeping my fingers crossed. Regarding this dryness, normally im wet but you know there will be times when its just dry and to DIY myself, hahah pretty uncomfortable. But im not really worry abt that cuz im pretty normal.
Sunny, my gf has seeked help a LOT of times. Chinese doc, hospital help. Still no luck. Her hubby has low sperm count and she have fibroid but had it removed in 2004. Both having problem so maybe thats why difficult. i pity her. She tried IUI 3 times still not successful. IVF also cannot guarantee 100% and its very ex, thats why she held back. I want to help but not sure why. Maybe i will teach her the methods that we all are using here, IF IM SUCCESSFUL.
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I really sympathise with couples who have infertility problems. The road of TTC is really tough for them. I thought I had to go through IUI and IVF too but luckily I got a bingo while on clomid (help you to ovulate as I wasn't). First time I ovulated I got pregnant (previous clomid cycles didn't result in ovulation as my BBT was all over the place).
Your friend's problem is a lot more serious and require proper infertility treatment. I hope they will be able to do IVF sometime soon if time is not on their side ie. their age concern. It doesn't have to be in HK if it work out cheaper elsewhere. Public system can offer free treatment but there is a long waiting list of course. Tell her to exercise, that may help. But if their problem is more fundamental, let's hope the technology can help them. Adoption is always an option.
And fingers crossed that you will hit the jackpot this cycle too. Like Well2, we will be excited to keep track of your BBT and hope it goes up and stays up for, well, at least 9 months!
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Hi Sunny
i agree with you. road are definitely tougher for them. Anyway fyi i am based in singapore so the medical fees here for all this is expensive therefore my friend is held back. She is still trying at times but she lose hope already cuz she is already 38.She leaves it to fate and miracle to happen. I suggested adoption but her hubby doesnt agree so we can interfere much.
anyway my temp went up to 36.42C today morning. Does that mean my egg is already gone?
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hi sunny,
i have been following this thread for a while now and hoping to get successful in TTC as well. I just read your comment on not ovulating above. I am wondering if i have the same problem.
i am 30 and i got off the pill 14 months ago. we TTC for 5 months without success. this month i got the OPK to ensure we time it right. however, it didnt show positive sign for whole of week 2.
my cycle is very regular 24-25 days. should i get myself tested for ovulation?
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Yes, I think you have ovulated. You could probably ML today for the last time this cycle(since it's weekend anyway) just to cover the window. I think you've done enough TTC this cycle so well done! Fingers crossed!
Yes, health service is expensive in Sg too. My friend in Sg actually went back to her home country to give birth twice of 3 times. I guess she thinks her money would go further (pretty much free in her home country) plus she would have family support at home.
Hi Sq1128- I think you should be ovulating as you do have regular period. Although I have read that women could have period but with actually ovulating. I find that strange but that's what I read. Personally I wasn't ovulating at all and have no period since I stop contraceptive pills. I have to have progesterone drug to induce my period, follow by clomid to help me ovulate.
It's best that you are charting your BBT as it can give you an indication what your cycle is like e.g. when you ovulate normally. If you chart BBT for a month then you should know if you are ovulating as there should be two phases in your temperature. Low temp phase before ovulation, then high tem phase after ovulation. Some women have 3 phases ie. the temp goes even high post ovulation, then higher after the high temp phase. Then BBT will drop when you period start so back to low temp phase again.
OPK is a great tool. I am surprised you don't get a positive reading. Are you sure you started testing it at the right time. Perhaps try to do the test earlier. When did you start doing OPK? The first day (not spotting, but slight flow of blood) of your period is cycle day 1, then which day did you start the test?
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Hi Sunny,
I started testing on Day 8 (today is day 14). Just after i sent you the question, i did however see some white strethcy CM. As today is Day 14 in my period, on a 24 day cycle, could this be my ovulation day?
All websites i have seen, predicted my most fertile day to have end on thursday as the post luteal phase should be about 14 days.
So not sure if there is a problem. Also, I have never done BBT reading.
I used the OPK at around the same time every nite. Do you think its a good idea for me to test agaiun today? Will the OPK shoow positive after white stretchy CM?
Thanks for talking to me. I am so relieved to have someone to share my problems with.
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On the OPK, you may have better luck next month by testing in the morning. There's more hormone in the morning (concentrated) urine. It's true that the egg is generally released during the day, so there's some support for regular midafternoon testing, but it's still much more advisable to test when you can have reliably not have peed for 3 hours. And of course you want to test the same time every day, so first pee in the morning is a good bet.
Maybe buy two test kits next month and start testing as early as day 5 or 6 just to be sure you cover the window. I think ~day 13 is "normal" for women with a 28 day cycle, so you may well be earlier with a shorter cycle. (But then why would you have stretchy egg white today, day 14? hmmm.)
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Hi SG, no problem at all, we are all here to help. I was helped by others so now I give help whenever I can :)
Just a few questions to check if you are doing the right thing.
1. Your period is not induced by any drug right? ie. it does come on its own.
2. How often do you do OPK tests? Every day or every other day. Make sure you do the test correctly (follow instruction on the kit).
3. Are you counting your cycle days correctly? The first day of period (not spotting but a flow) is Day 1, the last day is one day before your next period starts.
A quick thought is that the OPK may not be accurate for women who have short cycles, long cycles, are breastfeeding or have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). OPK didn't work for me as I have high male hormone (due to PCOS so hormone imbalance) so was showing constant postivie (false positive). But I did discover that a lady on this forum was using Watsons OPKs like I was and keep getting positive too, but luckily she was using Clearblue OPKs at the same time and showed positive only for a couple of days. So get another brand of OPKs as the current one doesn't seem to be working. But it's also possible that you have PCOS and maybe you have too little hormone (opposite of me) so no positive readings for you at any time.
As for the timing of the OPK - The best time to test is around 2 pm. Anytime between noon and 8 pm is fine. The first morning urine is not recommended. The reason for this is that most women experience a surge in the morning, but it can take 4 hours for it to show up in your urine. Take into account My Thoughts' explanation too so you should not drink too much prior to testing. But of course enough to produce adequate amount of urine to do the test.
How often do you do the OPK? Since they are quite expensive, I think you can do them every other day and can still catch the ovulation. It's of course best to do it every day at the same time just a few days prior to ovulation but with your past experience, it does sound like you are not ovulating and we should find out whether you are ovulating at all first.
The only test I know can test ovulation is OPK, otherwise BBT is the best indicator. Do start charting your BBT, it is really useful to learn about your cycle and when to get busy. Best window is 6-8am, I do mine at 7am. Set the alarm, leave your digital BBT thermoeter (these special thermo are extra-sensitive, you can get it at major pharmacies in HK or SG) by your bedside. Turn off the alarm as it beeps then without moving much of your body, grab the thermo and put under your tongue. It will beep when it's ready in about 1 min. You could read it straightawy or later as the temp will be stored in memory for up to 5 readings. Then record your BBT in Excel or a piece of paper and draw a graph. The lowest point (in retrospect) is the ovulation point. And it's best to do it a couple of days before and after that point. You should chart BBT every month so you get a pattern of how long your cycle is and when you normally ovulate. To increase your chance, definitely ML on the day your temp drops. But this is hard to tell as you cannot be sure which day is the lowest as next day could be even lower. Some can tell easily as this drop is quite big but some are not. So just try to catch every possible drop (bigger drop of course). I think I have written something above about the range of temp pre and post-ovulation. So check that out too.
Be patient, check out your cycle pattern first thru BBT. If you really are not ovulating, then you got to see a doctor for drug to induce ovualtion or perhaps there are other more serious problem that need to be addressed. If you want it to be sorted more urgently, you should see a gynae now. But I do think they would appreciate your BBT chart as that gives them a good view into your cycle pattern.
To learn more about your cycle and charting BBT:
Oh, I don't check my CM coz it's harder for me to tell. But feel free to use that as an indicator as some ladies here on the forum do and found it useful to do so.
Sunny :)
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Hi Sunny. Good explaination there. Im sure SG will have a clearer picture now.
as for the records, my temp for today is 36.39C. A drop of 0.3 but it is still consider high rite? So is my temp so far on the right range?
a brief glance:
9th - 36.57
10th - 36.21
11th - 36.22
12th - 36.25
13th - 36.20
14th - 36.12
15th - 36.28
16th - 35.89
17th - 36.12
18th - 36.42
19th - 36.39
im on the right track rite?
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You might want to trying charting your temperatures on It's free to open an account. You just enter your temperatures and the time when you took them. It has a computer program which will tell you when you have ovulated (although only 3 days afterwards as you need more than one higher temperatures before you know for sure that you have ovulated). Good luck!
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Sunny/my thoughts,
Thanks for your thoughts. To answer your quesions, my period is not drug induced. And yes i am testign every nite at about the same time. Though I think i will test in the afternoon next month as most people seem to think nite is not a good time to test. Also, i am counting real start of my period as day one as i dont have spotting.
Yesterday nite i tested again as i had stretchy CM and the test showed a slightly darker line. Perviously it used to be only a faint shadow. Last nite it was a line but not as dark as the level indicator. As well the egg white CM continued. So just to be safe i did ML early morning today.
Could you pls tell me the brand of the BBT thermometer you use? I will buy one for next month.
This thread has been lucky for well2 and I hope it is for the rest of us as well. Best of luck to all of us and lets hope we can help each other!!
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Hi SG,
the brand is OMRON. its a japanese brand i guess. i would suggest that you chart your BBT everyday morning at 7am. Buy yourself a digital OPK etc clearblue. The moment you see a huge drop of you BBT, quickly take a test and if you see a smiling symbol thats a good indication and you can ML straightaway and 2-3 days afterwards.
Hi Iolana,
i have an accnt with and i have been charting my temp everyday so see the chart. but i find that its not useful for me as i do not see any CM therefore the system unable to tell me whether i already ovulated or not. I have ovulated on the 16th but fertilityfriend still indicates that i have not reason bcuz i did not report any CM. So that is why i find that its not useful for ppl like me who dont see any CM.
the best is still charting your BBT every morning and when you see a huge drop, quickly take your OPK to confirm your ovulation. A digital OPK from clearblue is good. Once you see a smiling symbol, its confirmed that you are ovulation and you must ML straightaway + again within 12-48hrs. Do more gives high chances to conceive.
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Effiruz- I think you have ovulated on 16th and believe your BBT will continue to rise. Here is a quote from a website: The average BBT is 97.48F ± 0.25 (36.37 ± 0.12C) during the phase prior to ovulation (follicular phase) and 98.09F ± 0.22 (36.72 ± 0.12C) in the phase following ovulation (luteal phase). If conception occurs, the temperature stays at the elevated level and never goes down.
SQ- I just checked my OPK instruction leaflet (from Watsons, but would suggest you to get a different brand), it says the result is POSITIVE only if the line is darker than or the same as the control window. I think your OPK instruction should be similar. It's good you ML just to be on the safe side, plus it's good to practice haha. I would suggest you to get a different brand of OPK next time and preferrably the one from Clearblue, just seem more accurate.
The general rule - Start OPK testing from cycle day 11, 12 or 13+++ (if your cycle is 28, 29 or 30+++ days) at the same time everyday. A normal pack of OPK has 5 tests so you should get a positive within these 5 tests. Stop testing when you see the FIRST positive (save the rest for next cycle). ML every other day until there is a thermal shift. After the day your temp drop due to ovulation, your temp will start rising for the next 3 days and reach a new level. Still ML during the 3 days post-ovulation as you still have a chance there. Use OPK as a PREDICTOR of your ovulation rather than a confirmation kit as it is there to detect the LH surge, which happens 12-48 hours prior to ovulation. It is unclear whether you will continue to have LH surge at the time of ovulation so the test could be negative post-ovulation and confuse you.
Good luck!
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Hi Sunny
i try to understand what ur trying to say but i have difficulty to understand. To have a clearer pic, what is your interpretation of my temp? with the new temp taken after ovulation, it is on the right track to conceive or chances are low?
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Hi Effiruz-
I would say your BBT looks good so far, but of course you need to carry on charting so you know if your temp will continue on the right track. I expect your BBT will rise further to a level around 36.68-36.80. Don't worry that it dropped a tiny bit today to 36.39. It’s likely that it will rise again. If your BBT stays high after your period is due to start, then it's likely you are pregnant. If you are not pregnant, your BBT will drop back to the low temp phase level ie. around 36.20. It is suggested that you test for pregnancy 18 days post ovulation if your temp stays up and your period hasn’t arrived.
Here is a sample BBT graph but in Fahrenheit. This gives you an idea what a normal BBT pattern should be like.
I think you've done enough for this cycle. You have a good chance because you ML during your most fertile time (just before, during and shortly after ovulation). It's left to luck and fate now. Fingers crossed your BBT will stay up!!
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Correction for a typo in the first paragraph. I meant 36.60-36.80, not 36.68-36.80.
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oh thats a good feedback! im glad. ok now keeping the fingers crossed that my temp stays high all the way..praying hard for it.thanks sunny!
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For your necessary glance.Update as of 20th Feb.
9th - 36.57
10th - 36.21
11th - 36.22
12th - 36.25
13th - 36.20
14th - 36.12
15th - 36.28
16th - 35.89
17th - 36.12
18th - 36.42
19th - 36.39
20th - 36.43
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Good, you are still on the right track. Your temp should carrying on going up to be around 36.60-36.80. If BBT doesn't come down 14 days from now, you should test for pregnancy (use HPT).
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19 yrs ago
Hi hi, am back in this thread. I seem to just come back from a nightmare. Everything happened in like just one month!!! Got pregnant, then got very excited, followed by a miscarriage, then got heartbroken and now we start TTC again!
Don't worry. I am thinking positive, am very confident that we will get a healthy "bingo" very soon. :-D
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Hi Well
Sorry to hear that but like what you say, think positive! Im sure something good is stored for you. Just keep on trying like me and hopefully we both can get bingo soon! take care dear and keep us posted on your condition
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19 yrs ago
Awww sorry to hear that well2 but like effiruz said stay positive...theres a time when its meant to happen and it will... lets all keep our fingers crossed 4 each
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dear well2,
really sorry to hear about the miscarriage. but al of us are rooting for you.
i do believe that this thread is lucky for you so stay positive.
Do rest well and take god care of yourself.
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Hi ladies
i need to seek advice from you. I have stop ML since ovulation period is over. but these 3-4 days i have a sort of cramps at the lower side of my stomach first start on the right side then now on the left side. intermittent feeling. i ask my friend, she told me that is the fallopian tube part. is it true? and i have this funny kind of headache which i find it hard to describe. My hubby say the pain cud be due to muscle strain as we did a lot of ML during the ovulation period. could it be the case? Please advice.thanks
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Well2, this is a good time to take care of yourself and do loving things for yourself. It's good your husband is so supportive.
Take the time you need to heal and don't feel like you need to "move right along". You've suffered a loss and a big disappointment and it's OK to grieve about it now.
Then try again when you're both ready, whether it's this month or in 6 months. Btw, most women are pregnant again by the due date of the baby they miscarried.
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I agree with you, my thoughts. It is good to have positive attitude, but I found it is important to allow yourself some time to moan. Then, you can move on. The time it took for me to overcome that sadness was longer than I expected, and feelings went back and forth. One day I am convinced that I am perfectly fine, then the next I feel very lonely and don't want to talk to anyone as I thought nobody would ever really understand how I was sad, and I was afraid some people may make some comments that may hurt my feelings somehow... It is important to talk only to people who you really trust, and try to understand you so I am so glad you feel completely protected and cared for.
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It could be pregnancy symptom, but it could be something else...But my doctor's assistant said if I had cramps, it is a good sign, that it is telling you that something is going on. Good luck!!!
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19 yrs ago
Hi Macaron mania, you are so right. That is exactly how i feel. One moment i am 100% fine, the next moment i am lost. Sometimes you dont even notice yourself is crying !!!
Sleeping can help me out a bit. Cos no chance to think too much :-D
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Dearest Well2- let it our if you need to, you will feel much better after a good cry. I think in a way you are lucky that you can start trying right away so you have a focus to help you get through this sad event. We are all here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. Let it rip on this thread, you don't have to be that strong. We are here as your perfect outlet J
Effiruz- I experienced similar thing (cramp, bloated, feeling blocked, hurt when sitting down) around my abdomen for about 3 days post ovulation. Since that was the first time I ovulated for a long time, I am still not sure whether that was due to ovulation, conception taking place or just normal thing women experience post ovulation. I certainly knew that wasn't usual for me. A week post ovulation, my nipples started to hurt. Then again I read it's also possible just before the arrival of one's next period. Sorry I cannot be more helpful here but can only offer my limited experience.
But I must also say I did have real period (not drug induced) before and didn't have all those symptoms. So perhaps "it is happening" for you (wow!). Don't rush into doing a blood test, wait till your period is due and do a HPT if your BBT is still up there. Some pregnancies are rejected very early on so you would just disappoint yourself if, after a positive blood test, it doesn't "stick". Personally I was worried all the way up to week 7. Not as worried now at week 11. Good luck!
Btw, I keep an Excel spreadsheet for my BBT readings, how I feel on the day etc. Just a record to keep track of what is happening to my body. I think it will be useful for the next pregnancy too. Also good for giving people advise as I am sure I can’t remember everything that has happened to me at certain time frame – pregnancy makes you forgetful apparently. Ha!
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HI Sunny
hopefully the pain is due to ''it happening''. then that will god's answer to my prayers. but i dont want it to be due to other factors that cud be serious. im taking things very slowly but anxiously. Praying for a good news. i will wait for my period before jumping to conclusions
anyway i didnt record down my bbt in an excel. i have this detailed calendar in a organizer so i chart it inside. Easy to refer too
Ok lets just wait for my moment to come
take care everyone!
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Its strange you both mention cramps above. I had a similar feeling today and I told myself that its "just my imagination". Coz a few friends of mine told me that when you really want it so bad, your body sends signals which convince you that you are heading in the right direction.
btw, can one test for pregnancy on the very first day you miss ur period? or is it advisable to wait until another week?
also the first day one misses period is the day one expects a period given normal cycle or is it a 28 day cycle?
Inspite of not showing a positive result on the OPK, I think i did ovulate (coz of the white CM i saw). So i am hope there is soem chance for me to get a bingo this month.... this is my 5th month of TTC. Am starting to worry....
pls pray for me...
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SQ- What you say maybe true to an extend that your brain is sending signals to your body. However I really wasn't expecting that (pain) at all so I believe something was going on. Btw, did you just ovulated a few days ago? Both Effiruz and I have these "symptoms" a few days after ovulation.
It depend on what brand of HPT you buy, normally you can do the test on the first day you miss your period. If your normal cycle is 28 days, then test it on 29th day. If your cycle is 33 days, then test it on 34th day.
Btw, how was your BBT? Did you get a drop indicating ovulation? Is your BBT biphasicall ie. there is a low temp zone followed by high temp zone. If your BBT is all over the place, then maybe you didn't ovulated. In which case, you should go see a gynae.
Best of luck!
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SG- I just noticed I had a typo with my earlier reponse (3 days ago) to you. It's about that some women have period WITHOUT (i wrote with by mistake) actually ovulating. Yes that would be very strange. Anyway, keep an eye on your BBT as it is the best tool around.
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Hi Sunny and SG
While we are in this topic, i need to inform you that i just notice that my breast feels heavy and nipples feel sore. But to think abt it, does the symtoms come immediately if let say the egg meets the sperm? i dont think it can happen so fast right. I have this kind of headache that its hard to describe. but all this cud be due to my period coming but its 1wk+ later.
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hi sunny,
i didnt do BBt charting until now. But if i dont have a positive result this month, i will certainly chart my BBT in my next cycle.
Somehow we always believed that merely having unprotected sex would in a reasonable time give us positive result. but with every passing month i am getting worried that somethign may eb wrong.
I went to my normal GP today just to ask her if i should get tested. She told me that my period being regular (ie 24-25 days) suggests that my body is normal and there is no cause for her to believe that an ovulation test is required.
So for now i am just keeping my fingers crossed...
and yes if the white CM is a sign then i should have ovulated either friday or saturday...
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Effiruz- tender nipples/breasts is a good sign, if you don't normally have those symptoms before in your past cycles. Everyone's different so your symptoms (of sore nipples and enlarging breasts) may start earlier than mine. Fingers crossed for you!
SQ- I think you can start charting BBT right now so you know what's the range of your high temp phase. Your temp will drop when your next period arrive, if it doesn't and your period still hasn't arrived, you know you can test for pregnancy.
Your body appears to be normal as you have regular cycle but it is strange that OPK cannot detect your ovulation. So would urge you to chart your BBT coz if you need to see a gynae later, the chart would be very helpful.
If you start charting your BBT for a week from now and can see your temp is all over the place, then you know something is wrong and you should see a gynae soon since you've been TTC for sometime.
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For your necessary glance.Update as of 22th Feb. the date below is based on calendar date, not menses date. the one in bracket is the cycle date.
09th(10th day) - 36.57
10th(11th day) - 36.21
11th(12th day) - 36.22
12th(13th day) - 36.25
13th(14th day) - 36.20
14th(15th day) - 36.12
15th(16th day) - 36.28
16th(17th day) - 35.89
17th(18th day) - 36.12
18th(19th day) - 36.42
19th(20th day) - 36.39
20th(21st day) - 36.43
21st(22nd day) - 36.56
22nd(23rd day) - 36.72
So is this temp range normal so far? When will it normally drop, if let say im not pregnant?
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You are on the right track girl! The average range for the high temp phase is between 36.60 to 36.84. Remember I mentioned to you that some experience 3rd phase (not because they are pregnant). Mine went up to as high as 37.13. But now I am stable at around 37 (has been so for several weeks, now in my 11th week).
So as long as your temp stays high, it's good news! If it drops, then your period is likely to arrive soon. Keep us posted!
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When I say drop I mean a drop (over 2-3 days) to low temp zone. Don't worry about a temperary drop within your normal high temp zone. It's just a bleep.
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thanks sunny
im glad to know that im on the right track. My hubby jokingly told me this morning that maybe the temp rise is due to me going to have fever :)
You know guys, trying to act cool whereas they are actually excited inside.
Anyway this weekend im going for a short gateway. Wants to have a massage. A therapeutic one. Is it ok if i go ahead or not, in case i got ''pregnant''. Need some advice in this.
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Effiruz -
there are two schools of thought on massage - some say, no big deal, no problem, no effect whatsoever, and the other one is absolutely no feet massages as it stimulates labor. I would say anything relaxing and therapeutic is good - as long as it isn't too vigorous or rigorous...if you're in doubt, opt for a shoulder neck massage and a facial instead of a full body...
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19 yrs ago
Hi hkchoichoi, I don't understand why pregnant women in their early stage can't have massage??? But it is okay to have sex, right???
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19 yrs ago
hkchoichoi, by the way how is the baby girl doing? Give a big big kiss to her for me please. Tks :-)
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Effiruz- massage, nice! Pregnant ladies can still go to SPAs but you do need to inform them of your condition. Just say you are pregnant so they will be more careful. There are certain types of essential oils you need to avoid. And don't have sauna coz of the high temp.
As a Chinese superstition, they say you should not let people touch your shoulder from behind (some people tap you to get your attention). The logical explanation for this is that there are pressure points there that could cause m/s if pressed. But there is a good pressure point for when you start getting morning sickness. It's about 3 fingers width from the top of your wrist. Press it intermittently to get some relief from morning sickness.
I find eating dry plum very good too coz the sourness somehow takes away the sickness. HKchoichoi told me once to cut a lemon in half and leave it in the plastic bag for sniffing is also a very good tip.
And avoid crowded places too (my obgyn said) just so you won't get pushed and fall and good to have fresh air as you may feel sick from some odd smell (more sensitive at this time) and the lack of oxygen. However, I am going to a salsa party this Friday heehee. But will wear chunky heels for stability:) Girls' got to have some fun.
I know you are not "confirmed" yet but just some tips for your future reference :)
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Wow sunny! I am so jealous of you for going to a salsa party. How i wish i can join u in HK. I loves to dance - passion from young but now have cool down on it.
Thanks for advices ppl. Appreciate it. I know its not confirm but its good to take precaution just to be safe. The excitement is overwhelming. this is a suspense period on whether its confirm or not. Sometimes i feel like going to watson to buy pregnancy kit to test just to get it over and done with. got to control myself! hahha
but how soon can this kit detect pregnancy? 3-4 days after ovulation?
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Effiruz- I'd welcome you to join us but just realised you are in SG, right? I am not young either haha.
Watson's HPT can detect pregnancy hormone on the first day you miss your period. I waited for 3 days (after my period is due) thought just so I won't see a negative if I am pregnant. Of course if you see a negative, you can do the test again in a couple of days just to make sure.
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well2 -
i don't know why - Asian philosophy tends to have more "anti massage" sort of sentiments than western. My father said that all sorts of stuff was fine - massage included- although sunny's information about caution against certain oils is correct. my father didn't have a problem with my going spa-ing and whatnot.
in terms of sex - my father said that it's fine provided that you are having a normal pregnancy, no bleeding, but if you want to be CAUTIOUS then avoiding it during the first trimester can be a good thing...I wasn't very interested during my first trimester - somehow, during the second however, I had a major SURGE in interest, and my husband was scared of me - HAHAHAHAH.
Isabella's fine - thanks you for her kiss - she loves them - I'm trying to get her to sleep more at night and less during the day - it's killing me with the multiple night wakings.
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I'm about 17DPO (about 3 days after period is due) so decided to do a preg test but it showed negative...disappointment. I've been feeling a little funny in the mornings,like I have reflux or something and boobs are hurting, tho I get that before my periods anyway. I haven't been charting my BBT which is a bummer, otherwise I could see what the body temp is...well, if nothing happens from now until the weekend, I'll check again on the weekend. Sigh...
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Hi Narnia
Dont give up hope ok. Maybe the kit have not detect anything yet. Maybe later? Maybe you should start charting perhaps it could lead to a more clearer indication for you. I need to ask u something. hope you dont mind. What makes you wanna do IUI? How long have you tried normally?
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Hi Narnia, do be too disappointed as long as your period hasn't arrived, there is always a chance you could be pregnant. You can check your BBT tomorrow morning, if it is in the range of 36.60-36.80 or higher, you are still on the right track. If it has dropped to below that, you can probably expect your period soon.
If no period yet (assuming your period is regular), do another HPT a couple of days later. Good luck!
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im not sure how accurate is this fertilityfriend site. Remember i indicate that i took an OPK on the 16 Feb (CD17) and ovulation detected? But when i chart it in the fertilityfriend, they stated that my ovulation date is on 17th Feb (CD18). How cud that be? Is it because they predicted that is the date my egg is being released?
I am already 6DPO and my temp went up higher at 36.77C. Looks good so far. Now i cant wait to take my temp every morning and always hope to see high temp so i will know thats a good sign.
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Thanks for the encouragement...the dreaded Aunt Flo isn't here yet so I'm going to do another HPT tomorrow morning. The last time I did it, it was in the evening and my gyn said that it's probably all diluted by then. Please, please, please...
Effiruz, I did an IUI coz the doc recommended it. We'd been trying since Christmas 2004 and I finally decided to see a gyn in July 2005. I'd tried naturally on a couple of cycles but to no avail and I also had PCOS, which makes it hard to detect ovulation using an OPK. I've been on Metformin, which seems to have corrected all my hormones. Another reason is that time is ticking, and I'll be 35 at the end of this year, so wanted to get a bit of a headstart on things. It's not a particularly complicated procedure so I thought I'd do it after a few failed attempts at monitored cycles.
Your BBT is looking good, a lot of baby dust to you!
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Hi Narnia. thanks for explaining. Now i understand why there is a need of IUI for you. Anyway dont give up just yet. My sis still managed to conceive at the age of 37. So im sure there is baby dust coming your way. :)
My BBT looks good so far but there is tis tiny fear inside me that one day it will just drop. that means, period is coming baby! But im not giving up hope. Im sure things will be more better the next time.
Keep in touch and let us know if there is any good news
take care sweetie!
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Effiruz- I think they are pretty accurate! OPK is there to PREDICT ovulation a couple of days before it takes place. It's not there to CONFIRM that you are ovulating today. So your OPK turns positive on CD17, then the chart says you will ovulate on CD18. Pretty accurate isn't it?!
Narnia- I have PCOS too and Watson's OPK didn't work for me. However, a lady posted that she tried Watsons and Clearblue OPKs at the same time and said Watsons gave her postive always (like in my case) but Clearblue was more accurate and only showed positive for 2 days. So I would recommend you to use Clearblue to see if it can detect your ovulation. BBT is still my best friend so start charting dear!
Btw, I nearly did IUI too but hit the jackpot on clomid cycle one month before the planned IUI. I also believe once you get pregnant (fingers crossed there), you should take virginal medication Utrogestan for the first trimester. This is apparently a standard for IUI/IVF patients and can help if you are not producing progesterone yourself. Failing to produce enough progesterone can result in miscarriage so I take it just to be on the safe side.
Off to see Narnia this weekend finally. I'm sure it's a good movie!
Baby dusts to both of you!! Good luck Narnia for the imminent HPT test result!
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ladies! i did the most stupidest thing today..
Im so in a bad mood today cuz of work and also the anxiety feeling that im facing due to whether im pregnant or not. So i bought myself a pregnancy kit! And i tested and its negative..Now im back to my senses and i wish i have not done it.Aarrgh!! So now it is confirm that im not pregnant? Im now 8DPO(based on the 1st time my kit detect ovulation) and today morning my temp 36.74. Yesterday 36.77.
Sunny, u mean Narnia just come out in HK? hmmm its long time over here
if i am really not pregnant, i should expect my temp to drop to low temp zone next week rite?
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effiruz, an over the counter pregnancy test would generally first detect a pregnancy the day your period is due, that's the earliest there should be enough hormone in your urine. But I know several people that still tested negative then and it was not for several more days that the stick finally showed positive.
I think you tested too early. If you really can't bear waiting, a blood test at about day 24 will confirm, half a week or more before the pee test shows positive.
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Effiruz- don't be despair yet. Your BBT is staying high still in the high temp phase so there is still hope. When is your period due? Some tests can detect pregnancy hormone on the first day you miss your period. But do not feel bad if it doesn't show positive in the first instance. Just do the test a couple of days later. I did mine 3 days after I missed my period and it was postive.
Narnia came out in HK at the end of December i think but we just didn't have time to see it until now.
Your temp should drop to low temp zone when your period starts or maybe shortly before or after it.
Good luck!
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No lah im just being foolish today. i dont plan to test yet but dunno whats wrong with me today..
Anyway its ok my period is due 4th March. I just have to wait till then. For now i got to control my unstable emotions now..Maybe im stress at work and you know what stress can do to you, makes your feelings haywire! You cant even think so lucky that at least i can pour it out here..
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Hi gals, well I went to the gyn after work today and got a blood test. I told her that I'm really quite sceptical about the whole thing and I honestly don't want to get my hopes up too high. She'll tell me the results tmr morning. It's just a gut feeling that AF will visit really soon!!!
Effiruz, I know exactly how it feels to be waiting. The 2WW can be a nightmare, just be patient and test again when you miss your period.
Sunny, my funny enough, my gyn gave me a box of Utrogestan to take home just 'in case it's a +'. So do you just put it 'up there'? Is there any weird feeling?
I went to Watsons and Mannings to ask about the BBTs there and all they sold was this Japanese one and it only had Chinese and Japanese instructions (which I can't read). And she also said that it doesn't store any previous readings. So, I was wondering where else I could go to get one from before resorting to a Internet purchase.
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LOL! hiya Narnia, I have fingers and toes crossed for you. Yes, you just put the utrogestan up there. It leaks a lot so be warned.
I had mild cramping around the time time my period was due, so it felt like it was due (but you know, I never usually get cramping!!) I just knew I was preggers. It's the hormonal changes that causes it.
Good luck!!
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Effiruz- I find your behaviour today funny as you are so eager to find out. You know you have to wait till 4th March to find out. If you are really desperate, then a blood test could tell you earlier. However, I think it's best not to find out too early either coz some people do miscarry at very early stage of pregnancy. So if your blood test comes back positive but your period arrive soon after, you will just be really upset that a M/S has taken place. So best to wait till later. Be good, be patient. Wish you could have joined me salsa dancing tonight if you are in HK, it was fun fun fun and would certainly take your mind of that little stick called HPT lah. LOL!
Narnia- good you have Utrogestan now. I did ask my obgyn if my morning sickness is hightened by the use of this medication and he said no. He says I am just feeling sick coz of my pregnancy hormones and I should be happy coz that means I am doing fine.
And yes, just push them deep inside (never 3 at a time, I have to do 2 at night, 1 in the morning) with say, your middle finger. Try not to stab yourself if you have long nails haha. The only concern I had was how do you have sex after you inserted them. Well, I figured, either the capsures are pushed in further because of the "action" (lucky you) or they just get flushed out together with sperm. After a few sessions of love making, you just get more relaxed about it. If you are really concerned that they maybe flushed out so not working as well, insert them after the LM.
Oh and as Firsttimemom said, it may leak a little. Just wear a pantyliner and place a folded tissue on top of the pantyliner. So you can change the tissue everytime you go to the toilet. As i often find my tissue wet now from "virginal discharge". And it's not economical and too much hassle to keep changing the pantyliner so tissue is good. Just hope they don't disintegrate as they do sometimes so stick on you all over the place. Facial tissue may hold a little better.
Oh, I was in Watsons yesterday (the one in Hutchison house, next to BOA) and saw the digital BBT from Omron in Celsius mode (maybe there is also one for F mode). Is that the one you saw? If not, check it out as it looks very up to date so might have all the functions you need. Sorry i cannot help you here coz I got mine from Sg i think when i was visiting.
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Well, it was a negative again, as I suspected. It's so disappointing and I was holding back the tears in front of my hubby. Oh well, it's back to the drawing board again and I think I might give it a break for a month or so and rely on BBT and TCM. My gyn suggested having injections to stimulate ovaries a bit more but I've read a bit about superovulation and don't know whether I should go ahead with that the next cycle. Does anybody know if it's OK to do TCM and western medicine at the same time?
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Oh Narnia, I'm so sorry to hear that my dear. I'm sitting here admiring your indomitable spirit and am praying that you have a positive when you are ready to try again.
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Hi Narnia--if you ask a TCM practioner, they'll say the herbs/accupunture will benefit your efforts, if you ask your fertility doctor, he'll (probably) say he has no problems with TCM but please set aside any herbs during the months you're receiving treatment. That's what I got when I asked anyway.
Chin up sweetie, every month is a new chance. We're rooting for you.
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Hi Ladies, Im back from my short getaway with the family..had fun!
Anyway just wish to update you on my temp. So here it is:
09th(10th day) - 36.57
10th(11th day) - 36.21
11th(12th day) - 36.22
12th(13th day) - 36.25
13th(14th day) - 36.20
14th(15th day) - 36.12
15th(16th day) - 36.28
16th(17th day) - 35.89
17th(18th day) - 36.12
18th(19th day) - 36.42
19th(20th day) - 36.39
20th(21st day) - 36.43
21st(22nd day) - 36.56
22nd(23rd day) - 36.72
23rd(24th day) - 36.77
24th(25th day) - 36.74
25th(26th day) - 36.75
26th(27th day) - 36.72
Im already 9DPO and so far so good. Anyway just to tell u that i went for sauna and whirlpool at the spa centre. Hopefully all went well. :)
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Hi ladies!
this thread is very quiet nowadays. what happen?
Anyway need to seek opinions from you. Today my temp jump up very high to 36.93. yesterday was only 36.74. Is everything alright? Could it be that my menses is coming?
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Hi Effiruz- I am still around, just been busy lately with work. I haven't abandoned you :)
Your temp is fine. Mine went up to 37.13! (but did drop back to an average of 36.95 now) so don't worry about yours went up to 36.93.
As long as your temp stays up, it's a good sign. But this doesn't mean you are pregnant. It just means that you have ovulated and we won't know if you are pregnant until your temp stays up pass the due date of your period. So do a HPT a couple of days after you miss your period.
Take care and good luck!
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Sunny!!! I was wondering what happen to you. for 3 days this thread seems dead and i got no mood cuz no new updates..hahaha so glad to see ur msg. :)
I have a very strong feeling this month wont be successful for me. I have been having intermittent stomach cramps since last week and now the feeling is like im getting my menses anytime. My menses is due this sat. so just wait and see. Anyway my temp drop back to 36.79 today. Was wondering what happen yesterday when it shoots up..Anyway hows the salsa party? fun?
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Hey Effiruz, will keep my fingers crossed for you this weekend, hope your period won't arrive :)
Salsa party last Friday was great, thank you for asking. We all felt we had a good lesson and the bottom line is we had fun. Wish you were there :)
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Hi Sunny
so glad u had a blast. How i wish im there too! Nvm when i have the $ and time, me and hubby can plan to go HK. I've been wanting to go there too cuz my friends say the shopping is cheap and great! then i can meet u guys up too and can show me arnd HK...hahahaha
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19 yrs ago
Effiruz - what's your update? We're all anxiously waiting to hear some good news this month! Based on your date of ovulation being more than 14 days ago, could this mean you're late? Have you tested yet? My fingers are crossed for you!
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Hi Miffy
thanks for the concern...well fertilityfriend suggested that i tested on the 8th as they predict if im not successful, i shud get my menses on the 4th, which is tomorrow. But if i follow my regular cycle which is 30 days, i am already 2 days late.but u know what? i have the instinct that im not successful this mth..sigh..not sure why.
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19 yrs ago
Home tests should be able to tell you from tomorrow...but if you can wait, I think the accuracy goes up the longer you can wait. Don't give up hope, you just never know, you might get a wonderful surprise tomorrow. Here's hoping anyway. xo
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Miffy i am really hoping for a good surprise too eventhough deep down my gut feeling tells me that im expecting menses anytime soon. If really im not successful this mth, i will try harder next mth worries. still young to try again. its just that the process is tiring.u know what i mean?
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19 yrs ago
I know what you mean - keep your spirits up, stay hopeful and try to have fun!
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looks like you and I are going through the same thing right now. I am two days late for my period too. As well, all of last week i have had period like symptoms with white discharge & cramping keeping me wondering whats going on. However no sore breasts.
So not sure what exactly is going on. Am afraid even to hope. I have a cycle of 25 days and today is day 27. when do you think i should test?
I am so anxious!!!
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Hi SQ and to all
Bad news! i have my menses today so means not successful.
Sq, why dont you wait another 2 more days then you tested. i was late for 2 days then today i got my menses. i guess my instinct is true..sigh
anyway its ok i wont let the disappointment gets to me..will try again for this cycle..
Good luck and keeping my fingers crossed for you!
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Thats the spirit. Lets hope we will get there soon. At my end, still no sign of the period. Yes i think i will wait until monday or tuesday before i test.
will let you know how it goes.... Pls hope and pray for me...
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Hi SQ, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!
Hi Effiruz, no worries, just try again next month. You will get there! Good luck!
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bad news from me too. got my period yesterday!! was quite depressed with this as my hopes had gone up as my cycle is very regular and this tiem delayed by a week.
I am hoping next month will be better
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Never mind, there's always hope next month. I'm mid cycle and using to chart BBT. Hope things are going well for all those TTC here.
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Hey guys, hang in there. It will happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you all out there who are trying to conceive.
Since I have now passed my first trimester (hurray), we have "gone public"! My parents are over the moon and helpful suggestions/advices are pouring in from all directions. Sleeping at night when hubby is on business trips is no longer a lonely time as I have a "mini-me" keeping me company.
Just want to bring a smile to your faces. Good luck! I did it when I am least expected with the help of clomid. And I know most of you here don't even need drugs so it should happen to you guys soon too. Best of luck!! Keep me posted!
Sunny :)
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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure all of us are busy trying to get there and we'll all get there one day
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Hi Sunny,
I just wanted to tell you that I am followign your advice and noting BBT this month. I started mid cycle last month and so i roughly know what the high temp phase is. Am now in low tem phase and being very careful not to miss THE DAY.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
All the best girls!!! Hopefully we will get there soon...
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SQ- good that you started charting your BBT from last cycle so you know your range of high temp and low temp phases. Good luck this month!!
And good luck to all who are trying, especially Narnia and Effiruz!
Sunny :)
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19 yrs ago
You guys seem to be very knowledgeable, perhaps you can answer my question...? I get sore breasts for a couple od days during the middle of my cycle, does this happen before ovulation, during ovulation or after ovulation?
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18 yrs ago
Helloooo !
Don't know if my old asiaxpat friends are still checking this site. Anyway, just wanna let everyone know that today is already the 18th high-temp (My lp normally is 10days)!!! So i am quite sure that i am preggie again after another 8 months of trying!!! hurrahhhhh! :-D
You might think i am crazy, but i still haven't tested and i don't think i will do the test. Cos the m/c in Feb still scares me a bit. BFP seems to have no meaning to me anymore... :-)
cheers XXX
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congrats Well...
was wondering what had happened to you
take it easy and see what happens.
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18 yrs ago
hi Joannechoichoi, hihihihihi!
So happy to hear from you again.
After the m/c in Feb, i've been scared of looking at this site for some unknown reasons haha But i've been doing good. Many tks for your msg. How's the baby by the way?
Big kiss X
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Things are good -
busy though, but doing all right.
My second has settled in well and now she is already 8 months old. i'm sleep deprived this week - not due to kids but more due to work.
So when will you take your test?
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18 yrs ago
oh you are working? How do you manage to work and having two babies at the same time? It's quite hard, isn't it?
I am not going to take the test as i think BFP has no meaning to me. Cos last time i had totally about 6 positive tests but ended up getting nothing cos of the m/c. This time i will just wait til about 10 weeks preg, and go to see the doctor.
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18 yrs ago
Good luck. Did you get any books to read up on what to expect over the next 9 months (particularly) and beyond? There are some good books that will set out what should be happening week by week.
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hi everyone.
its been such a long time isnt it! I am glad to see familiar user in this site, this exact column.. :)
Well2 - I really hope you HIT it big time this time. Crossing my fingers for you. Keep us updated ok
Anyway sorry for abandoning this column for quite some time. Fyi, I am already coming to 6mths pregnant! Thank god for blessing us with this gift. and its a boy! Just as what i guess frm the 1st time i found out im pregnant...
Lets start 'chatting' or sharing tips like before..I miss those time!
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18 yrs ago
Hi TC, no i didn't read any books yet. Cos i think it's still early. Well, perhaps i might just still be scared of the past m/c. I really don't wanna think too much...Although it's PRETTY HARD NOT TO THINK !!!! :-)
Hi Effiruz, hi hi hi. Long time no talk! Wow six months already. Time's flying. I still remember the time we both were trying and studying the BBT thing haha
Best regards to you, your hubby and the unborn-baby boy :-)
Me- I havent tested. But i have 22 high temps today, so i know i am currently 5 weeks preggie :-)
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well2, good for you! im so happy and glad. u must take extra good care of yourself. eat healthy food, drink milk, take ur medicine regularly. try to rest as much during this 3 mths. trust me it helps.
time does flies very fast..7mts back, i am also struggling to conceive but now here am i waiting for the big day. hehe :)
keep us updated of the good news
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well2, good for you! im so happy and glad. u must take extra good care of yourself. eat healthy food, drink milk, take ur medicine regularly. try to rest as much during this 3 mths. trust me it helps.
time does flies very fast..7mts back, i am also struggling to conceive but now here am i waiting for the big day. hehe :)
keep us updated of the good news
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well2, good for you! im so happy and glad. u must take extra good care of yourself. eat healthy food, drink milk, take ur medicine regularly. try to rest as much during this 3 mths. trust me it helps.
time does flies very fast..7mts back, i am also struggling to conceive but now here am i waiting for the big day. hehe :)
keep us updated of the good news
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