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15 yrs ago
Having a miscarriage is a difficult challenge for couples to overcome, both physically and mentally, but most are eager to try to conceive again as soon as possible after the loss. It is not clear, however, how long a couple should wait before attempting to become pregnant after miscarriage to maximize their chances of a healthy pregnancy.
A new report by researchers at University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggests that sooner may be better. The scientists found that women conceiving within six months of a miscarriage have better chances of a successful and complication-free second pregnancy than women who conceive later. But the conclusion is contrary to an earlier report from Latin America that found higher pregnancy rates among women who waited at least six months to conceive; that report formed the basis the World Health Organization's 2005 recommendation that women delay pregnancy for six months after miscarrying.
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Both of my chidlren were concieved immediately after a miscarriage - that means my LMP last menstrual period was in fact a miscarriage.
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