Finding out sex of baby amnio

Posted by exeter 18 yrs ago
Can you find out the sex of a fetus through amnio in Hong Kong?

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HKC 18 yrs ago
Hi I am sure you can as you can get most things in HK but amnio does carry a chance of miscarriage so I wouldn't risk it. I was told at 12 week scan that my baby was almost certainly a girl and at the 20 week scan that she definately was and they were right! With 3D and 4D scans now they can tell pretty much anything!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
yes you can find out the sex of the baby thru an amnio. But unless you need to do it for some other reason - it's an expense and hassle carrying a minor risk of miscarraige.

HKC is right - usually doctors can tell with a scan usually after 12weeks if it's a boy or a girl.

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
An amnio will indicate the gender of the baby but should not be carried out just for this purpose. If you need one due to your age or other specific risk factors then it can be arranged. Ultrasounds are non-invasive and doctors can do this in their clinic and though not 100% are very accurate these days.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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