Anyone on Metformin & Yasmin with PCOS conditions ?

Posted by Poseidon 19 yrs ago

I needs more support from those with PCOS without diabetic but taking Metformin for the weight loss programme, & Yasmin to regulates menses ? Folic Acid for Iron insuffiency ?

As my Dr prescribe this medications as I am diagnose with less than 6 period a year & Irregular period.

So I needs more advise whether you guys having Sleepiness during day while taking 3 tabs a day ?

During the first 2 weeks of taking Metformin ?


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JBB 19 yrs ago
I cannot remember about sleepiness. But you can get a lot of information on the PCOS board on Bulletin Boards. Well worth it! Also ensure that you are on a low Glycaemic Index way of eating and regular exercise. I was not aware that Folic Acid was for iron deficiency. Maybe he has ou on that as an ante-natal vitamin for when you do fall pregnant? If you are low on iron, one of the best supplements (many can ause constipation) is It is a liquid that you can put into a drink. Easier to absorb as well.

All the best.

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exeter 19 yrs ago
I never experienced sleepiness with metaformin. I do encourage you to do a search on the website mentioned above. I also have found it very informative.

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Thank you for the informations.

ANyone with PCOS but go for the injections of GONAL F to promotes ovulations ?

Anyone with IUI for the first time ? Is it hurts ? How much do you spend in HKD or SGD ?


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exeter 19 yrs ago
No, IUI doesn't hurt. They just transfer the prepared sperm using a thin catheter. No anesthesia. It's an in-office procedure. Sorry, I can't remember what I paid in Singapore. I remember my IVF cost about $12,000 SGD in 2002.

I did uses Gonal F and have PCOS.

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JH1 19 yrs ago
I was on metformin for PCOS. In addition to gastrointestinal problems, I suffered from severe drowsines/lethargy in the first few days. It got better in a few weeks, although the medication continued to make me feel tired.

I tried Gonal-F for a cycle of IUI, but I got severe ovarian hyperstimulation and had to abandon the cycle due to excessive response. Apparently many women with PCOS respond excessively to Gonal F, so it has to be monitored very carefully. It appears that the dosage I received may have been too high for someone with PCOS (the dosage I got was 225mg 3 days and 150 for 2 days). Other doctors have said that they would have used as low as 75 or even 30 units per day.

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Hi JH1 / Exerter,

So, are you gonna to try for 2nd times of Gonal F injections ?

Is it painful ?

How do you feels during injections ?

Is your application of inject 2cm from belly on the left or right / 1 side each day ?

So, the first cycles 225mg (3days) 150mg (2days), how much is the cost in SGD ?

For the first cycles of GONAL F (what is the brand ) pen prefilled or mix dose vial ?

Are you still on Metformin during Gonal F injections ?

How is your menstrual cycles irregular or coming menses only if on pills (Yasmin brand ??)

How is the injections application by yourself, partner or clinic assistance ?

90 degrees Injectible solutions ?



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JH1 19 yrs ago
I have not gone back on Gonal F due to the hyperstimulation. I have switched to a new doctor who suggested that she would only use about 30 units per day because of my PCOS (and consequent risk of hyperstimulation). The injections (which I administered on the abdomen) are slightly painful, but not too bad. You give yourself the shots. I think the progesterone shots that you get when you go for IVF is much more painful (your husband or a nurse will have to do that.)

In terms of cost, it's probably best you call the particular doctor's office - I'm not sure what the costs are in Singapore.

I get my periods regularly, so I only take Yasmin when I get cysts from the stimulation (Clomid/Gonal F).

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narnia 19 yrs ago
I had GonalF (75mg) this cycle for my IUI and it's easily administered yourself, I used a pen for the injections. No, the IUI DOESN'T hurt and it's over really quickly. Metformin and GonalF are two different things so yes, you should still be taking the Metformin (for PCOS) while using Gonal or Clomid, which is to stimulate the ovaries. My doc does a package for the IUI treatment and I'm in HK, so can't help you with the charges in Singapore...why don't you ask your ob/gyn about it???

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Thanks for your precious informations.

how much do you guys spends for the IUI & Gonal F injections packages ?


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fukiku 19 yrs ago
I was diagnosed of PCOS with Cysts last year. My doctor prescirbed me the metformin and I took it for about 2 months. It made me groggy, dizzy, moddy everyday and I even lost my appetite for food. The metformin was too strong for me and I had to do the last resort which was the ovarian drilling and laporoscopic surgery. It will take you 2 to 4 weeks of recovery period and the scars are not noticeable.

It costed me a HK$80,000 all in.

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago

How long is the laparoscopic surgery takes & do you hospitalisation needed ?

Is it painful after that ovarian drilling & how many holes is your doc given to you ?

Mine were quote to go for last resort Laparoscopic Surgery due to PCOS irregular/no menses. Metformin & Clomid doesn't help to me to ovulates except I feels Pain on my ovary, but they're yet to growing to 6mm.

Is it true that it takes only 45 mins & drills only 6 holes each ovary ? instead of last time 2002 (20 holes each for 29 - 40 age) ?

So anxious that he says that I need to go for this options so to evaluates more details about my tubes & ovary.

So gals how much is the Laparoscopy surgery alone before IUI or it come into a package with discount given ?

Is SGD 2000 - 4000 for the Laparoscopy & IUI reasonable quotes ?


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