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18 yrs ago
I'm a bit confused because I've got conflicting opinions from 2 different doctors. I'm suspected to have PCOS and am thinking of coming off the pill (Marvelon) to see exactly how long my cycle is and whether I ovulate etc. - this was suggested by Dr. Christine Choi. But Dr. Lucy Lord told me earlier that if I have PCOS then my best shot at getting pregnant would be in the first 3 months after I get off the pill and start treatment for PCOS. So, I should only get off pill when I am ready to get pregnant.
Does anybody know anything about this? Thanks very much!
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18 yrs ago
What they are saying are both true. Another thing you should consider in your decision is that there are some studies saying that the pill can increase/trigger glucose intolerance, a common (if not the critical) symptom of PCOS. Many women with PCOS are put on the pill because it makes their cycles more "regular", but this does not treat the underlying problem and may aggravate/trigger the condition. If you do in fact have PCOS (and you should ask for your doctor for a thorough check, including blood hormone tests, ultrasound scan and glucose tests), the pill is not good for you. Try a search on the web for PCOS and birth control pills. You should also check the thread on this site for Dr. Choi and PCOS; there have been a number of her patients who were told when they sought a second opinion that they were misdiagnosed with PCOS (and to be fair, many who seemed to have been correctly diagnosed, and ended up getting pregnant thanks to her). Just try to learn as much as you can about the condition yourself and analyze the results and your own clinical conditions.
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Hi! Read a fair bit of positive feedback abt Dr Christine Choy. Can anyone provide her contact no and add?
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18 yrs ago
Hi Trying
I 'm seeing Christine Choy at the moment.Can you please let me know why you change other doc.I'm bit worry.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks very much JH1 - have you had any personal experience with Dr. Choi?
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