Can anyone recommend a repuatable massage therapist/spa that knows how to give a massage to pregnant clients? I am desperate for a massage - so the US only certain licensed therapists could give "pregnancy massages" but I don't know if there are strict guidelines here...rather doubt not. Thanks!!!!!! :)
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hi fushingbayloo, I have been going to see Kari Schroeder Balance Health and she FABULOUS!!! I highly recommend her and she specialises in pre & post natal massage. I live on Kowloon side and when it was getting too tiring for me to make the treck across, she came to my house through her private company and gave massages (obviously cost more, but worth every cent!). I think she charges around $750 for a 1 hour session at Balance Health and more for private visits. Not only is he a great massage therapist, but she is a wealth of knowledge and provides good, sensible advice.
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wow....thks a million.....
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