pregnant & not married

Posted by katy299 18 yrs ago

Just wanted to know whether some one can help me with this. I am pregant and me and my boyfriend are not married. Does anyone know what we need to do regarding the paperwork (acknowlegdement of the baby by the father)? we are both European passport holders (Dutch and British. Any idea which nationality the baby will get? Hope that someone can help me out with this matter. thanks much.

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flower 18 yrs ago
Funny, I am Dutch too and my boyfriend has British passport as well. Don't worry. The Dutch are it seems the only nation in the world with these strange requirements regarding acknowledgement of baby by father. We went to both Dutch & British consulat. At the British they were highly surprised by my question. Never heard of these regulations and not need for that when requesting British passport for baby. I can give you some information from the Dutch government which mentions that if you live overseas the local requlations apply. Basically you will need to register your baby as normal here when born and you as a mum have to acknowledge when registering (or with special form) that your boyfriend is the father. Then his name will be put on the birth certificate. This will then be enough for you to also acquire a Dutch passport (with name of father) etc etc.

I can forward you some info from Postbus 51 website. Let me know!

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