High alpha fetoprotein (AFP), please help...

Posted by fp 17 yrs ago
Dear All,

After years of trying, I'm now pregnant 16 weeks result of an IVF. Last week I did an AFP test, it was much higher than normal. The dr said normal level is 1 in 270, mine is 1 in 116. They said that pregnant women over 35y have this risk. They suggest me to have Amniocentesis test, but it has 2% risk of miscarriage.

Do anyone have similar experience? Please share. Anyone know any experienced OB/GYN in hongkong for high risk pregnancy? Please help. Thks so much.

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
I had a similar result and had an amnio. It was a difficult decision but I decided to go ahead with it. I went to the HK Diagnostic Centre -- they are very experienced with amnio. The phone number is: 2877-3280. The AFP is known to have a high number of false positives and the chance of down syndrome is still very low. After the amnio, I was told to keep my feet up for the rest of the day and take it very easy for a few days afterwards.

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fp 17 yrs ago
Hi babybemine, thks for sharing. I decided to repeat the test today in another hospital, waiting the result to come next week. After the amnio, is it painful? Any effect to the baby? I'm a bit scared of amnio.

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silopanna 17 yrs ago

Here is a similar thread - I wrote a lengthy response voicing my views on this test. All the best to you during this difficult time.

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fp 17 yrs ago
thks a lot, silopanna

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
FP, during the amnio, you feel the needle going in and it is slightly painful at the time. I felt fine after the amnio -- no leaking, no pain. I rested at the clinic for 30 minutes and then went home and lay down. I was scared about miscarriage also, so i took it very easy for a few days. Did you do the first trimester screening? That is more accurate than the AFP. My first trimester screen was on the borderline so did the AFP test, scored below 250, and did the amnio. All was fine.

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fp 17 yrs ago
No, I didnt have first trimester screening. What is the result of amnio like? Which Obgyn are you seeing?

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
FP, the amnio result is a definite yes or no for down syndrome, not a probability like the AFP screening. If you go to the HK diagnostic centre, they will give you the result for down syndrome the next day. They will also tell you the sex of the baby. The results for the other tests take longer but they will not call you with the results for those tests unless there is a problem. The results from my amnio were clear and it was a big relief not to have to worry about it anymore. The first trimester screeing is the nuchal scan around week 12 and a blood test. Are you sure you did not do it? How did your second AFP go and what have you decided? Please rest assured that there are lots of false positives with the AFP. The chance of your baby having down syndrome is still low.

My amnio was done by Dr Lam of the HK Diagnostic Centre as my gynae does not do them.

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fp 17 yrs ago
Some ref said it takes 3 weeks for the result of amnio to come out. What do you mean by results for other tests take longer? Isnt amnio only for testing down syndrome?

The dr in previous hospital didnt offer any nuchal test during my 12wk, I am so disappointed with their service. But I should have known this test from books etc. Anyway, it's too late now. My 2nd AFP should be ready end of this week or perhaps next week. What is the full name of dr Lam? Is he specialist for amnio?

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poppy101 17 yrs ago
Dr Lam's full name is Dr Lam Yung Hang, HK Prenatal Diagnostic Centre - 2877 3280. Dr Lam comes highly recommended and is meant to be one of the best in business.

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fp 17 yrs ago
For amnio, should I book in advance? Any preparation before the test? Thks

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the goddess kali 17 yrs ago
HI Fp,

I was told that the statistical chances of baby having of edwards trisomy - this was the result of the AFP test. Since Trisomy is a really serious condition, i went ahead with the amniocentesis. The needle is a bit unconùmfortable .

They will tell you within 48hrs if you have any problems or not.

I had my amnio done by Dr Marcor Wan. TEl 2877 3280.

he put me at myease straightaway, did a detailed scan and and told me that i could change my mind till the last minute.

hope all is ok for you. THe afp tests do have very high levels of false positives.

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
FP, you need to book in advance as they are quite busy. You just need to call them up and book it. Bring your blood test results with you. No need to prepare in advance. Best to do the test and take the rest of the day off plus weekend to rest if you do it on a Friday. I also rested at the clinic for 30 minutes after the amnio.

Dr Macor Wan and Dr Lam are both at the same clinic (HK Diagnostic Centre) and both are meant to be very experienced with amnio.

The other tests are for spina bifida and other chromosone disorders like the one goddess kali mentioned.

Its really hard not to worry - everyone is scared of this test, but the chance of a problem with the baby is low, and the risk of miscarriage is also quite low with an experienced doctor. Best wishes.

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fp 17 yrs ago
Thanks for all the info, I just got my repeated triple test result, it shows 1:226, made me feel a bit better. But I think an amnio will confirm a yes or no.

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
FP, good luck with the amnio and remember to rest afterwards. I found it a huge relief to be given a definite result and it has been easier to relax throughout the rest of the pregnancy, so hope it will be the same for you.

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namaste 17 yrs ago
When I worked in the clinical setting, we recommended that patients not get the triple screen b/c the rate of false positives is so high.

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babybemine 17 yrs ago

It is not too late to go to HK Diagnostic Center for the amnio. I went at around 17 - 18 weeks but book it soon as they are very busy. I went to Dr Lam and so did other people I know as he is very experienced. The cost is HK$4000.

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