Posted by
18 yrs ago
Have been seeing Phillip Ho since March - He performed an extensive LEEP procedure on me, and now we have just fallen PG, and am in two minds whether I should continue with him or change.
A few questions......
Basically, given he is a 'fertility' specialist, are his fees more than the likes of:
Christine Choy
Dr Dawkins
Dr Gosh
Sally Ferguson
Don't want to compromise on care, but I am sure that its all at a pretty high level with any of the above OBs
I do like Dr Ho, and think his nurse Kelly is brilliant, the only think that really grates me is when he speaks in Chinese to his nurses when I have my legs in the air!
Any comments are much appreciated
I think the ones you have mentioned are all highly regarded and very similar fees - i'm not sure of dr gosh though. I see Dr Choy who I really like and I saw Dr Ho once when dr choy was away and he also seemed nice but i knew dr choy better so stuck with her. The consultation fee for dr ho was almost exactly the same as Dr choy and i think they offer very similar packages if you don't have private health. I think Dr Choy specialises in fertility issues as well so i imagine the price is similar (but i didn't have any fertility treatment with her so don't know) you could call and ask? dr choy does have a 3d/4d machine if you are keen on that not sure that dr ho does.
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