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17 yrs ago
I am 4 weeks 6 days since ER or 4 weeks 4 days since ET. I went to QMH for my first scan yesterday and doc said that i am 6 weeks 5 days since ER, i was confused and asked him again and he said same thing, i was so excited when i saw the heartbeat of my baby so i didn't really ask him why i'm now 6 weeks and 5 day preggy instead of 4 weeks 5 day.anyone who had this before? or is my doc just made some mistakes in counting the days?
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congrats firstly.
next, what is ER and ET?
the conventional way of counting how far you are along is based on your last period, not when you think you had sex and conceived the baby. there are many websites that have pregnancy calculators to help you with that. the scan by the doctor would be the best way to confirm your dates.
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ER-egg retrieval and ET-Embryo transfer
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Congratulations Starworld,
Wheelymate ER - is egg removel and ET is Embryo transfer - your lucky you don't no!
Starworld your doctor is counting from approx 2 weeks prior to egg removal which is why you are more pregnant than you thought
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Starworld and Rose,
Thanks for clarifying!
Either way, I think the scan that your doc did is probably the best way to determine how far you are along. Best of luck with your pregnancy!
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Wheelymate and Rose thanks for the infos.
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Its your choice which doctor you wanna see,a private or public. In QMH they also have a semi private services which is good because you don't need to queue and cheaper (50%) than the private clinic.
I used the public service in QMH and waited for more than a year till i had the ET, my problem of not conceiving naturally is because of my tubes are blocked so i had to undergo "LAPAROSCOPY" Op.and only spent 10K plus for everything .
First i did was went to my OB Gyne for check up told her that we been trying to concieved but always failed so i need a recommendation to do the IVF in QMH.
Hope this helps you and goodluck..
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Cara, cannot be $500 because the nasal spray itself cost $4000 and the ER, ET and 2 years embryo storage cost $6,900.
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