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18 yrs ago
Hi everone again,
i am still continuing my search for a good doc. As continued under the thread 'Short Luteal Phase'. I have decided to try Dr. Marco Wan. However, i am due for a check-up with my current crazy doc who i don't want to see. Question is, can i call her to transfer my patient info? Should i wait to find a good doc or should i ask my new doc to do it? I am sure some of you ladies have changed docs before, how did you go about it? Thanks!
Yes, you can ask for the files to be transferred. What may happen is that you get a copy of the files, not the originals. But that is still good. They are your files, and you have a right to them. Most colleagues merely pass on a fax or copy, either to doc or to patient
18 yrs ago
We see Dr Lam (Dr Wan's partner) they are both excellent and you are in great hands as they are super at prenatal care... But there can be long waits so bring a book!
babeez -
good to hear that you found another doc you'd like to try. I had two friends who love MACOR - and CRJ (above) loves her doctor too. So - you're in great hands - and just make the doctors do the file transfer. Call and cancel your appointment and let them know that you'll be requesting file transfer.
Thanks so much for all your info. Sorry, i was talking about Marcor Wan not Marco! I will schedule an appointment and bring a book! :)
It's good that your willing to change and such. I have had to change 3 times.
Good luck to you!!!
18 yrs ago
Should i inform my private doctor that i've registered at Tsan Yuk?
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