Wahey!! We have a baby girl!

Posted by Vulvic 18 yrs ago
So sorry for the prolonged radio silence but I have finally had my little one. She was born last Monday (on her due date!) and we have been getting to know each other.

Words fail me, she is the most beautiful little creature I have ever seen. I have to pinch myself each time I look at her, I can't believe that she was the little monkey kicking away inside me for 9 months.

The birth was not such great experience. As my doc predicted, it was an emergency C-section and it all happened very quickly. What I will say is, thank god we were at QMH where they are equipped for such a situation. The baby had passed meconium inside me and they needed to get her out quick. I had no painkillers or epidural, only gas and air. They put me under general anaesthetic and had her out in 3 minutes! Of course, that meant a rather uncomfortable recovery for me but as long as our little girl is safe and sound, I really don't care.

So that's our birth story. Not as we had hoped but with a very happy ending.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Congratulations Vulvic! So happy for you! No matter what you've gone through, you now have your lovely daughter in your arms and that worths every pain.

How much does baby weigh? People keep guessing on the other thread... is she a big baby?

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squiggles 18 yrs ago

Very glad that you and your baby daughter are safe and well. Although we haven't spoken before I have been reading your threads with interest and wondering whether it was a boy or girl too!

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how the little one comes out as long as he/she is safe and sound - as a mother, that's all you care about at the time!

And as each day goes by you will just love her more and more....enjoy!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago

I know the emergency C isn't ideal - but in the end, I think you feel better faster. (I had both - and overall I felt I healed faster after c.)

I hope you are resting well and enjoying your precious one. Name? Weight? lovely i am sure.

soon you'll be posting pics everywhere. I love www.flickr.com as an easy way to get pictures to your friends and family.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!! So lucky it's a girl!

Everyone was wondering what had happened to you :))

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Vulvic,

Finally she comes out after a long wait.


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Ed 18 yrs ago

A thought - should we set up a page similar to this:


But instead we invite proud parents to send pics of their babies and we post them online?

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
That's a good idea ED, we've become "friends" here, and will be glad to share our baby's photo.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hi vulvic,

having read many of your posts, congratulations on the arrival of your little princess!

rest well, enjoy the little bundle of joy because they grow so fast!

hope breastfeeding is a success and don't be afraid to ask for help about it!

see you over at the mom&dad forum!

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Chrispy06 18 yrs ago
Congrats! Congrats!

Great to hear from you Vulvic and nice to know you have a beautiful baby girl! Best of luck in BF and keep us posted! ^O^

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!! Great news, enjoy your daughter and I hope you get a dream baby!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
BTW, my guess was a girl 3.25kg!!

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crj 18 yrs ago
Yeah! Well Done!

Enjoy every moment, remember to sleep, home visits from a midwife are a godsend (Annerley does these), breast feeding is not intuitive at first but it reall does get better and is very rewarding and beneficial for baby, drink lots of fluids and enjoy looking at your little bundle of joy!!

As WM said, see you on the Moms&Dads Forum!

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!!! I've also been following your threads too...I can't wait until I meet my LO also. Enjoy this special time. :)

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
Congratulations Vulvic, now you can add some girly colors for her wardrobe!

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Congratulations Vulvic!!! I've been reading you posts since you were still TTC, it's exciting to hear now your daughter has arrived.

Stunning just how beautiful your own baby is, isn't it? I still marvel at early pictures of ours--she didn't look like 'other newborns', she was gorgeous. I would have given my life for her then, and I still would now--and in many ways I have :-) As it was, I just sat and marveled at how perfect she was (and fed and changed and fed and cuddled and fed and...)

Enjoy this precious, exhausting time....it really is all too fleeting. And then they're on to other wonderful things.

(Ed, I, for one, would LOVE to see others LO)

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Spoke with our programmer overnight - we will try to have this in place by next week.

Any ideas what to call it?

Proud Parents

Beautiful Babies


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crj 18 yrs ago
Baby Photos - Keep it simple :)

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
xpat bratz

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Hello all,

thanks so much for your lovely posts. Well our little one was only 2.74kg - very light indeed. However, she is also 50cm and has incredibley long arms and legs, like her mum. We decided to name her Maegan Nadine and she is a little treasure!

After hearing so many horror stories about breastfeeding I was really worried about it and my milk came in 4 days after she was born (prob due to the C). However, after some initial fumbling and flapping we worked it out for ourselves and things are going swimmingly!!! Have been on standby for rock hard boobies and cracked nipples but so far nothing. However, an amusing thing to note is that simply thinking of my little one will have me leaking like a faucet!

She is so far feeding and sleeping well but am bracing myself for te crescendo of crying that occurs at 6 weeks. Fingers crossed!

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Oh wow, Vulvic -- Congratulations!! It sounds like everything is going wonderfully now that the emergency C ordeal is over.

A little girl... A perfect little companion for you on all those shopping trips!

All the bestest to you both (an hubby of course),


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Chrispy06 18 yrs ago
Hi all - aleady sent a post to another thread here, but just to pass on that Chrispy06 had baby Caitln by c-section today weighing in at 6lb 13oz - mum and baby girl are doing great.

Breast feeding is a waiting game tho....

Best of luck to all...Hubby ChrisP

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Hi Ruth, yes my midwife wqarned me of this so am prepared for the increase in feeds. We are now in week 3 and she is feeding like a demon, can actually see her 'filling out', it's great!

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Haha Cara I hear you -- getting out of the shower is a mess!

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
OMG! That's so funny!

Conratulations on your beautiful baby girl Chrispy!

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Congrats Vulvic and Chrispy!!! I'm trying for no. 2 so I hope I'll be joining you girls soon..... :-)

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