
Posted by possum 18 yrs ago
I've booked into the Matilda in the shared ward in October. My insurance only covers me if I'm in the shared ward or the semi-private room. I've recently heard that if you get to the Matilda and the shared ward or semi-private rooms are all full, and they have to put you in a private room, then they charge you the private room rate, which is very pricey! I'm really concerned, the last thing I want to be worrying about when I'm labour is the kind of room I'm going to get and how much it's going to cost me! I'm starting to wonder if I should just go to Queen Mary's, just to spare all the financial stress! Has anyone got any advice or experience with this? Thanks

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TC 18 yrs ago
I suggest giving the Patient Services Centre at Matilda a call to discuss your concerns. They are usually very helpful. With us a year ago it was the other way round. We were booked into a private room and told that if there was none available at the time then I would be placed in a semi-private room - but still charged for the private room! My husband told them what he thought of that little ploy, and ambarrassed me by suggesting to them he would initiate legal action if we were charged for something we didn't get (even though the insurance covered a private room s we ourselves would not be out of pocket). If they 'upgrade' you because they don't have the facilities you have booked then they shouldn't charge you for the extra. However, I know when my husband was ranting last year the response was along the lines of it being what every hospital did in HK. Luckily push didn't come to shove and there was a private room waiting for me on the big day. Give them a call anyway. Good luck (with both this issue and your baby).

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possum 18 yrs ago
Thanks TC. It's a strange policy. I will definitely give them a call. My husband is inclined to burst also and I reckon I could do without all of that - considering I'll have my mind on other things. Thanks again.

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
I'd let your insurance companies know, they have a bigger bite and might be able to sort that ridiculous policy out. I am sure they are none to happy about having to shell out money for non-existant services .. and might help people's premiums somewhat. Just an idea!

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HK2 18 yrs ago
Hi, possum,

I just delivered my second baby at the Matilda about a week ago. I had also called them in advance to check about the rooms because we also had insurance concerns. We were booked for a private room and i was told that if one is not available once i deliver, i would be given a semi private room (but with the other bed blocked off so i have the room to myself) or the VIP suite at the cost of a normal private room. As luck would have it, only a semi private room was available. We had the two beds to ourselves and when they asked if we would like to move to a private for the last night, we said no - didn''t want to bother anymore and i knew they had spare beds so i wasn't denying any other mom of a Matilda delivery! Call them and check about it.

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possum 18 yrs ago
Thanks HK2 - good to hear it all worked out well in the end!

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