cervical stripping

Posted by suem 18 yrs ago
Hi all,

I'm in my 36 week pregnancy and doctor told me that my cervix is very long and suggested for next appointment to proceed with the cervical stripping. My feeling is that this is quite early, I still have 4 weeks for my due date and I would prefer to wait...anyone had same experience? Tks.

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spicegal 18 yrs ago
That does seem v early to me - they usually wait till your due date in the UK. Are you seeing a private doc? I was being seen at Tsan Yuk and they told me they won't do cervical stripping at all in HK...

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midwife 18 yrs ago
And is this your first baby? In which case you would expect to have a long cervix - especially at 36 weeks! And if your cervix is long and closed (as one would expect) how on earth are they planning to strip it?

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suem 18 yrs ago
Yes, I'm seeing a private doctor and yes it's my first baby. In case you are in your wk 40 and your cervix is very long, whihc are the tecniques for labour induction?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
labor induction?

if you are going the natural route (which is often the best for your body to get it ready) you won't need to ripen the cervix or induce labor. Are you planning on inducing? Or just getting ready in case this happens? What has your doctor told you in terms of his desire to induce? Are you in any danger or is your baby endangered at all? If not, you should just wait to see how things happen - your body is designed to give birth and when the time is right, it will prepare itself.

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