Can't wait to test ;-)

Posted by MayC 18 yrs ago
I'm only about 9-10 days post ovulation but in the past two cycles, we've started using the ovulation predictor kits and I'm quietly confident.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that when I do a pregnancy test in 6 days time, it's going to be positive. I can test the day of my period, right (if it doesn't come, that is).

Somehow there's something about this month that I feel differently about. Eg. I think I have an increase in discharge and a slight cramping.

I'm trying not to get excited in case we get disappointed but with every month, there's always that glimmer of hope!

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
Awwww Good luck Sweetie!!! I was also trying for this pregnancy and i felt different too. Not sure its uh like your body just knows and somehow you get the signal right? So yes test first day of ur missed period!!!!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
best of luck, mayc. with ovulation kit, i think you have a pretty high chance of conceiving. waiting to hear your good news. keep us informed.

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Thank you all... but I think I'm expecting bad news :-( Last night, I felt wet and I thought it was just cervical mucus (sorry to sound so gross)but it turned out to be a blotch of pinkish blood so I'm not suprised if my period comes within the next 1-2 days :-( :-(

Ahh, back to the drawing boards. This is really strange because I usually get my period on "the" day but this time it's 4 days earlier (well, I guess that's considered on time, huh?). Maybe it's good this way so I won't have to go through the agony of waiting. But ahhhh!!!!!!! This is soooo unfair :-(

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mommie 18 yrs ago
Mayc don't worry it will come to you soon- my sister is in EXACTLY the same position as you, she tried the ovulation kits, but it didn't really work for her- then she went to Dr Derek Lo to check if she really was ovulating- he did a scan on her and injected her with HCG and said that she would ovulate in 36hrs- that was 13days ago and she just phoned me today crying because she had a pink discharge yesterday and her period came today. Feel really sorry for her...

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miffy 18 yrs ago
I agree with joshmomm - I wouldn't give up hope just yet, your description and the timing sounds a lot like an implantation bleed. You never know though, and if it's not this month, the little one will come when he or she is ready. Good luck, I hope the next few days go quickly for you.

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bontheka 18 yrs ago
MayC, when we first started trying for a baby, I bought a home pregnancy test kit the first month itself and although my period was about 3 days late, I couldn't bring myself to test. In the end, I did get my period. 8 months later, for some reason I felt that I had finally conceived although I told my hubby that the sympthoms felt like my period was due. I did a test at 6am on the day my period was due with the pregnancy test kit I had bought 8 mths earlier, and saw a second faint line appear on the test. I rushed into the bedroom and waved the test at my hubby who could hardly open his eyes. Gave birth to a little boy at 39 weeks. All I can say is, I hope you have already conceived and it's implantation bleeding like joshmumm suggested but if not, hang in there and keep trying. You should only start worrying if after about 1 1/2 to 2 years (which seems frustratingly long) you still haven't conceived. I know of a couple who conceived a child naturally after 7 years of trying!

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mum of 2 18 yrs ago
MayC, if you do not have heavier bleeding, you might want to try some of the ClearBlue early test kits. I bought mine in the pharmacy in Stanley Plaza, but I'm sure that you can get them elsewhere too (but not Watsons, they sell the regular ones). You can test upto 3 days before your period is due, and it worked for me.

Good luck! Whether this time or in the future, it just takes time.

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Thank you everyone for your positive comments. It's so good to know that I can "talk to someone' here because I can't tell anyone else that I'm trying. I guess I still have a bit of hope, however slim it may be ;-)

I'll update you girls in a few days - please continue to keep your fingers and toes crossed for me, just in case. Thanks!!! I'll know by then whether my period comes or not.

I've thought about buying a pregnancy test kit after work today but I'm no longer as confident as I was last week so I'll hold off buying one until a little later in the week (if I get the honour of buying one).

In future, if I do this again next month, please remind me not to get my hopes up like that ;-)

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squiggles 18 yrs ago

Good luck as well! Hope it is implantation bleeding.

However, I thought I had that about 6 months ago when my period came early and was virtually non existent. Alas, it was not to be.

But don't ever give up hope, although relaxing and taking it easy might do the trick....

I too started using the OPKs a few months back, but after a few months of them not working, I sort of relaxed and became resigned to having just the one child, and if that was all that I was gong to have, then I was happy for havng such a great little one!

And then guess what, the fact that I was starting to enjoy my life again (fit, baby fat gone, playing sport and enjoying time with my son & hubby) and wasn't worrying about getting pregnant seemed to have done wonders for my body...tested pregnant last week!

Didn't want to test for a week after my period was due as I was just too scared I just have to go and see the Doc

So, my advice is to keep using the OPKs (if you need to) and try to relax (which I know is almost impossible!!) - there's a lot to be said for that!

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somewhat_confused 18 yrs ago
All the best MayC...we will keep checking this tread for the latest!! I am getting excited for you...LOL!!!

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Thanks everyone.. but I've got bad news to tell. I was hopeful until last night......even saying "no" to oysters thinking that maybe this is it.

Then this morning, at 6.30am, it (the "it" that was supposed to stay away) came :-(

And I was off work in the morning because I was in pain (period pain).

Oh well :-(

Well, it was kind of fun for a few days pretending to be pregnant ;-) And at least I get to use up my OPKs (I have about 4 sticks left).

But truthfully, I think you can all guess how I REALLY feel.

But thanks for all the reassurances and for sharing your stories :-) Hopefully I'll have better luck next month.

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Dora the Explorer 18 yrs ago
Sorry to hear that MayC. Next time!!! Fingers crossed!! In the meantime, load up on shellfish, you may be without it for quite a while.

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