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18 yrs ago
Just wondering if there are other early pregnant women here that have to be on prednisone/ prednisolone?
I have a problem with natural killer cells and have been given this corticosteroid to suppress my immunity (so that my body does not reject the fetus). I find it's making me super hungry all the time and am gaining weight like no one's business!
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18 yrs ago
thanks jazzy and green.
green, i'm on 25 mg per day. i have to be on it for three months (two over now) till baby is well-entrenched. my face is puffier already but i am most worried about my appetite. I can eat and eat and eat, it's scary. I try to make healthy choices but add the pregnancy hormones and metallic taste constantly in my mouth and the sweets and starchy things are so tempting! I am on calcium supplements.
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i dont know about prednisolone for pregnancy but my son was on it for his asthma attack. it was like he changed to a totally different personality. he was easily agitated, didn't sleep well at night and basically bad mood all the time. hope you didn't experience any of this.
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Actually I've never taken it but my dog is on it (has hepatitis poor thing, helps with her liver function.) I can concur that it does indeed increase the users appetite.
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