Full moon and labour

Posted by Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Apparently there is an old wives tale that many women go into labour on a full moon. Maternity wards report higher occupancy on these nights.

Well guess what, it's a full moon tonight.

Wonder if any of us mums-to-be will get lucky, lol.

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hkchoichoi 19 yrs ago
hope you get lucky Vulvic. My dad (ob.gyn) confirms that on full moon nights he's busier delivering the little ones. He's not sure exactly what the correlation is but states it's one of the ONLY wives tales to which he subscribes. I saw on your other post that you are just dying to go any day now. I was 40WW plus 6. So I had that extra week where everything was "I just felt a twinge. Is that labour?" I walked on a treadmill. Ate spicy food. Tried to convince my husband to have sex. (he was too scared of my looming belly i think.) I actually lost my mucous plug first and then when into labor 24 hours later - it started in the night and I was so tired I just went back to sleep. HA. I hope that yours goes all smoothly and with little drama. Being that your head is already engaged I hope you go quickly!

Best of luck!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Hi hkchoichoi,

I am getting on the treadmill tomorrow if nothing happens, lol!!!

Have managed sex but no luck at all! Poor hubby was also a bit reluctant, afraid of hurting me or the baby.

Well full moon should occur at 2am so you never know.

My dad reckons crime rates rise on full moons also, apparently it brings out all sorts of strange behaviour, lol.

Will let you tomorrow if I have any luck (with the baby, not strange behaviour)

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@@ 19 yrs ago
oh how exciting!! I was wondering if you'd had your babe. I hope everything goes well, good luck!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Lots of good luck and keep us posted.

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honeypie 19 yrs ago
Hi vulvic,

You must have delivered now........full moon baby?! Keep us posted.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Lol! No full moon baby although I did stay up to watch it with the dog, was quite something.

Am going to bounce on my fitball and see if I can shake it loose.

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@@ 19 yrs ago
oh bugger! was thinking when you hadn't posted earlier that you might just be busy off having that baby.

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
Vulvic's camp has been quiet for some time, has the waters finally broke?

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TC 18 yrs ago
Full moon?! Didn't see this one before. Just beware of the werewolf.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
i was thinking the same thing....she must have popped by now!!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Very quiet!!!! Looking forward to hearing some exciting news........

Anyone fancy a cyber guess?

Mine will be - Girl 3.25kg !!!!!

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
Aw! This is so sweet. I bet she will be so touched to see this thread. My guess is a boy, 4.2kg!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
tooooooo much!!! LOL

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
i'd take a bet that it's a boy - everybody i know having babies these days seems to be popping boys.

Wasn't she going to be induced last friday or was it the friday before that?

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Chrispy06 18 yrs ago
I bet Vulvic must have given birth already - otherwise she would have responsed to our posts - must be busy with the little one!

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
She had a little girl, see the "Wahey! It's a Girl" thread. :)

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago

Just saw the responses on this thread.

Yes, I did make it to the wedding and managed to shake my bootie (rather badly) on the dancefloor. I went into labour the next evening!!!

So my top tip for for moving things along is good boogie!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
I will remember that for next time! But given how enormous my bootie gets when I'm pregnant it might not be pretty!

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