Being induced

Posted by scotsgirlinhk 17 yrs ago
will be 37 weeks next saturday and was told today that after my next appointment (next Friday) I may be taken in to be induced due to high blood pressure. Any experiences shared more than welcome!

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sarah jane jj 17 yrs ago
Hi,I had both sets of twins at the POW public hospital,I was induced at 38 weeks and I won"t lie,it was quite painful ask for pain relief.I gave birth naturally,it took around 10 -12 hours from induction to giving birth to 2 babies.Once I was laying down they had me like it till I was back on the ward.I did manage to read a book when I wasnt sleeping in labour.I had gas and air but needed an epidural both times.My 11.3 year old daughter was born with just gas and air and less than an hours labour in UK.(no induction)Good luck and speedy labour

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Snow Rose 17 yrs ago
I was induced with both of my children and my experience was as follows:

With my first child I was induced at 38 weeks. I did not want to be induced but my doctor insisted so I basically had to. At the time of the induction I was only 1cm dilated and I wasn't getting the feeling that my baby was ready to be born. My labour was 15 hours, painful but I managed to get through it without any drugs because I was determined to be as 'natural' as possible, and also the support I received from the midwife at the Matilda (where I delivered) and my husband was excellent. I was allowed to walk about & go in the bath for most of my labour. I was up on my feet within 30min of delivery, in the shower and I felt fine.

With my second child I went to the Matilda at 39.5 weeks because I wasn't sure if my waters had broken during a trip to the loo on the previous night. I was told they had partially broken and asked if I would like to go home? I said that since I had come all the way to the hospital I did not want to go home until I had had the baby. I agreed to an induction quite happily because I did feel my baby was ready to be born, I had been having pre-labour pains / discomfort, and I felt that since my waters had at least partially broken spontaneously it wasn't wrong for me to agree to an induction to get things going properly.

The labour was 1.5 hours, the doctor did arrive in time for the delivery but only just! Because of the speed of my baby's arrival, my body trembled for a full 15 min after delivery. After that I still felt pretty rough because I had had sickness and diarrhoea since before the birth and it continued after my child was born.

I hope your induction goes well for you. I think the most important things are that you are happy with the decision to be induced and that you have good support in the delivery room. Best wishes to you.

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