raising biological adopted

Posted by joga 16 yrs ago
My oldest (late teens) is adopted younger ones are biological. It was never an issue for us. Being an adoptee myself I decided early on that good intentioned parents can sometimes make too big an issue of it. My son and I are adoptees but its just a small part of who we are. So you love your children and bring them up the best you can whether they came to you through natural birth, cesarean birth, surrogate, ivf or adoption. I think over thinking it can do more harm than good.

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joga 16 yrs ago
If you have any questions don't hestitate to ask. As far my childhood, it was unexceptional in the best way possible. I have 2 older siblings are who biological. They always teased me about being the favourite or the baby but this is often the case with the youngest. I look nothing like the rest of my family but when people mention it comes as jolt because I forget to think about it until someone mentions it. My parents have always and still try to introduce me to every other adoptee on the planet. I know they do this because they love and want to protect me but when I was younger It would sometimes bother me because like I said before it's such a small aspect of me. It's like my hair colour it's not who am it's part of what I am and definitely not what I want to be defined by. As far as the case of the friend you mentioned that may have still been the case even if they were genetic siblings not all siblings have functional relationships.

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