Posted by
18 yrs ago
Must be one of the most commonly asked questions..... does drinking alcohol in early pregnancy generally have any effect on developing embryo?
We decided to take a month off, as were holidaying with friends in Europe for three weeks, which of course involved wines every night - with several large nights. So would have conceived mid holiday, not too mention jetlag/ sleeping pills etc. We found out we were pregnant 3 after period was due, and the night prior had been at a close friends b day where I had 4 wines.... so all and all I am refering to week 3 - 4.5.
thanks for any comments
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hi there,
what's done cannot be undone. if you are worried, just make sure you steer clear of drinks now that the pregnancy is confirmed.
one week before i tested positive, i was attending many events leading up to a friend's wedding. you can imagine the amount of alcohol consumed - i was absolutely horrified and worried like you.
but i didn't drink after i found out (too sick anyway) and i have a healthy 6.5 month old boy.
if you are really worried, check with your gynae. good luck!
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there must be millions of women in the world who don't ralise they are pregnant and drink in those early weeks, myself being one of them. but still, their babies turn out fine...
i unknowingly got pregnant before the rugby 7s one year so obviously drank during that, and then went on a skiing holiday probably wk 3/4, went drinking and did some serious hard exercise. my baby was fine.
don't worry about it and just look after yourself from now can't change the past - look forward to the future! congratulations!
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I was pregnant over the Xmas-New Year period so you can imagine the late nights, drinking, smoking that went on. My gyno said that I certainly wasn't the first woman to have walked thru his door and told him that and I certainly wouldn't be the last. Once I knew I was pregnant I obviously changed my behaviour although still enjoyed the odd glass of wine. My son is fine. I think our bodies can put up with a hell of a lot more than we give them credit for!
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The slight comfort is that we concieved our first daughter after 6 weeks of wedding celebrations - lots of parties with all things evil.... and completely shocked to find out we were pg. However this time want it so much, hence more anxious and responsible than I was back then!
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hi popsicle and CONGRATULATIONS
you are referring to weeks 3 through 4.5 in your pregnancy? i don't think it is a problem at all, not only for the reasons the other posters above have given but also:
when calculating a 40 week pregnancy, week one and two are the weeks leading up to ovulation. so let's say your period started on october first, october 8 would be the end of your first week of pregnancy. october 15 would be the end of your second week of pregnancy. and around that time you would ovulate. it takes two days or so for the follicles to travel down the fallopian tubes, and then for fertilization. and then implantation occurs after week three. at the time of implantation the blastocyst is not being nourished by the mother, that only happens after the fetal pole develops, which does not until after 5 weeks.
so you are definitely in the clear. as are so many other unsuspecting women who enjoy themselves during the first trimester not knowing they are carrying a baby!!
congratulations again.
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