Final few weeks...counting down

Posted by Nicher 18 yrs ago
Hi all, what examination/ test will doctors do during check up in the last few weeks of pregnancy? What questions in specific I should ask?

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Not yet there - so don't know what to say, but you must be thrilled to be almost there.

Good luck with everything.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Thanks goddess :) Am approaching Wk 36. Getting nervous.

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
I never got there! Baby was born at 36wks 3d, but from what I understand from friends, the checkups in the last few weeks are to monitor fetal growth, checking to see whether the baby has engaged, and checking for complications such as pre-eclampsia. I am sure moms who have actually been through it will give you more accurate information though.

All the best to you, Nicher -- you must be so excited now!

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Thank you Maya!

Hey so how much did your LO weigh when he/ she's born in 36wks?

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mayafox 18 yrs ago
He was tiny -- just 5lbs! He's thriving now though and has more than doubled his birth rate, so it actually made very little difference.

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
I must the closest to date, 39 weeks tommorow. At 38 weeks scan baby weighs 2.6kgs, baby has engaged since a month, apart from not getting enuff sleep we've gone so far thanks God w/out complications just so impatient to hold those little feet and tiny hands! Last two weeks Dr visit had glucose test, last ultrasound and just heartrate, weight and blood pressure check-ups.

My first time I had no clue what was giving birth like, the 2nd time I was more worried going through the pain again, this time I know have a good doctor so I am more relaxed. As soon as you see your little one, you'll tell yourself you want to do it again.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
O Coquinne, I'm very excited for you! It won't be long before I reach your stage... hang on, and walk more to flex the joints. I'm sure it's another memorable experience for you :) So I suppose you and Vulvic are the closest. All the best!!!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hi nicher,

the last few weeks are a mixed bag of emotions. you feel:

1) you are sooooo tired of your heavy bump and want to see baby ASAP!!

2) at the same time, you feel slightly sad that you will no longer have the bump that you have bonded with and carried for the 9 months, the little life inside you that kicks to keep you awake at night and when you supposedly sing/talk to it.

medically, i think the last few weeks are just routine check-ups to ensure that there is no fetal distress, mummy's bp is normal, no pre-eclampsia, etc. at least that's what i had...after 36 weeks i saw the doc every week and he would do a scan, check my urine for protein, take my bp, finalise birth plan, etc.

the only thing i had to do was a CTG monitoring at 37 weeks. but for me, that's because my baby seemed quite tiny (only 2.75kg at birth at 39 weeks) - my doc felt that it was doing fine but we did it in the end just for a peace of mind!

good luck and enjoy!!

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Thank you all for sharing your experience! I think I'm having kind of a mixed feeling too. Can't wait to hold baby in my arms, and yet will definitely miss the bonding while he's still inside me.

I am not sure if first births are more likely to go overdue... what I heard from people around me is that babies usually come out early - 38 wks or so.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Nicher,

How are you? we're almost there, 3-4 more weeks to go ;-)

I believe coquinne is next. xox had given birth, read it in another forum.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
O Honeypie - Long time no talk! I was hoping to hear from you! You and I are the closest.

So xox has given birth, Vulvic is prob in the process... and coquinne the next. Then it'll be Chrispy, you and I. Baby boom!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
was overdue with my first - 40ww + 6D. I would have been induced the next day -

the last few weeks are all about the anticipating all the things that you are going to do. Charge up your camera, your video camera, open up a photo sharing website if you haven't got one already (try - it's really easy to share and it allows others to download your pics.)

you can also have fun thinking about baby announcements (for cute ideas check out or and figure out special ways to share your birth with others.

Good luck! Very soon Nicher! Before you know it! I heard that the nursing aprons that we talked about on another forum could be available at papyrus in HK. Try calling the one in Prince's building to see if they have them.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Really???? In Papyrus! That's handy! Thank you hkchoichoi! You are always one of the most resourceful moms here :)

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
call them before you go! Don't waste a trip.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Nicher and hkchoichoi,

The nursing apron is available at B2B, but not so nice. There's also one at the shop near Tsan Yuk Hospital, cotton, nicer, for about $50.

Are you sure Papyrus has it? let me know if you find it Nicher, not so keen yet as i don't think i'll be out BF for the first month or so.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
does the nursing apron have the boning at the top? That's what makes the Gracemama ones so good. They are far pricier (not $50) but it does have the boning which allows you to see your baby and the fabrics at gracemama are really nice. I heard from someone that Papyrus had a few to sell - somehow the owners of Gracemama have a connection with papyrus - not sure what.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
I'll go and take a look at Papyrus this afternoon and let you know if they have it.

Agree, Honeypie. I don't think I'll be out BF in the first month either. Will definitely explore when I've developed a regular feeding pattern.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Hkchoichoi,

It's us again discussing this apron :-) The one for $59 doesn't comes with boning, it has a push button pin at neck area so you can adjust, and the fabric is just polyester/cotton. Definetely gracemama is nicer, but we can't find it here, let me check the internet again later if i'll order. Sorry to ask you again, i can't find our earlier post, what color did you get? I want those $40 range only.

Nicher - you still have the energy to walk around? i don't, so i called ALL branches of papyrus just now, they said they used to sell that, less than 10 pcs only and sold out right away, now they don't have it anymore. Let us know hkchoichoi if you hear anything again where to get it.

Nicher, we can order gracemama together so we can save a little on the shipping cost. I'm ready to get one as the tops are expensive. The $59 looks okay, but i don't like the fabric, and the only color available is Pink, i hate pink. Let me know.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Hi honeypie,

Fortunately I still can walk quite well... I just went check out Papyrus in Princes' Building and IFC (I work in Central). Both don't sell the apron.

It's a good idea if we can order together to save teh cost. But I really wish to see how it's like to BF in the first month before making the purchase. What do you think?

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Nicher,

I have backache now if i walk, and i walk like a turtle, so i stay home most of the time now.

Agree with you, we'll decide after our first month, but i'm determined to BF, so if there is a way i can get it now, i'll do it, as i don't think i will open my computer for ages after we've delivered. We'll see.

The shipping cost for 1 apron is US$16, expensive. I've asked them how much is it for 2. I'll let you know if they get back to me.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Thank you Honeypie :)

When did you start developing this backache? Have you tried yoga poses to relief the pain e.g. crawl on all 4, roll up your upper back like a cat?

Trust me, we'll still log on after delivery. I don't think we'll go out that often in the first month or so tied up with baby. So internet is the only way we have access to the outside world! Let's stay in touch by all means!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
you WILL log on after delivery for sure. For advice, for support.

$16 is pricey for overseas shipping but all things shipped overseas are like that. Friends of mine bought some clothes for my girls - and the shipping was almost the same price as the retail value! Anyone in the US who wants to buy for you a cute baby shower gift?

I feel SO BADLY that I can't get this apron for you guys - my second daughter is almost 8 months old and i STILL use it on her afternoon feed when we're out. It's so awesome. I'm sorry I was a bit late on the Papyrus news - I just heard about it through a friend who mentioned seeing them there...hopefully they'll get more?

breastfeeding is awesome - it's natural, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Get the awesome support of a good midwife to help you through it - and dont' beat yourself up if it doesn't settle in quickly. My friends who were trying to feed kept asking me when it would all sync up - some of my friends took up to 6 weeks to get really comfortable - and just don't give up.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Nicher, Not really severe backache, there are days as if i have rheumatism if i step my right foot, sometimes the left foot, i noticed it esp if i sit for long or stand or walk for long. Nothing serious so no yoga poses. I've stopped doing yoga poses now.

hkchoichoi, the staff said it was a long time ago, i told her to tell the boss to make a shipment of it again, but i think it's awkward for their business, not related at all to paper. Gracemama said they are talking with a retailer, so hopefully it would be soon.

I was thinking i won't surf nor open my computer as i will just sleep and sleep and rest.

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Chrispy06 18 yrs ago
Hello Girls!

I've been busy preparing for baby's arrival so I have not been following the posts - am going to have a C-section next Tuesday so only a few more days to go!! I am still learning how to operate the pram and how to use the bottle steralizer and the baby monitors and stuff...from what I learnt at the antenatal class breastfeeding doesn't seem easy at really worried I won't have enough milk or will have latch-on issues...@_@

God I can't believe I will be holding my baby in my arms in less than a week! ^O^ I think she's gonna be a big one as the scan at 35wk showed she was 7lbs already!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Chrispy -

don't stress. Breastfeeding will eventually come - it takes time, patience and a lot of endurance but it is ALL worth it. Believe me. If you're committed, and you don't give up - then you'll be fine. A lot of women give up beause they think their baby isn't getting enough milk - they aren't producing enough blah blah blah. I had a c-section with my second and natural with my first and I think the milk came out just as quickly with my c-section. just get that colostrum into your baby if you can - it's well worth the sore nipples and soon - BAM - you will have milk!

ah...those first precious moments with your new baby - i'm nostalgic for them already - maybe I should go for #3?


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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Oh Chrispy I'm sooo excited for you!!! You're meeting your babe in less than a week! God bless you and your *big* LO and keep us posted after next Tue!

Thanks hkchoichoi, I already expect that I won't master BF skill in a short time, but I'll try with determination, coz that's the best thing I can give to my baby.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Chrispy,

Best of luck to you on Tuesday, you'll be in my thoughts. All will be well. Milk will definetely comes out on the 3rd or 4th day, the major problem is latching, but if the nurse or if you have a lactation consultant to help you out, there shouldn't be a problem. (Just giving positive thoughts in my mind too ;-) How many weeks will you be at that time?

Nicher/hkchoichoi, gracemama had replied, she said if we order two, and we don't need the bulky box, she can shipped it to us (in one address) for approx. US$10, so that's $5 each for us. Are you keen to get it now? or anyone else? What color do you have hkchoichoi, i like those children pic but expensive.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Hi there -

I have two that aren't available anymore - I guess they sold out of my prints. I have a dark red one with dragonflies on it - and a green one with a sort of cream pattern on it. I ended up using the green one more. Mine were both $40 and i ended up paying shipping on two - $6 I think. I am really happy with mine.

as for and - you can get the cheaper "photo paper" cards vs. the cardstock ones. They are all cute - I love them all. My holiday cards will be from there this year featuring both girls.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Hkchoichoi, i guess $10 is reasonable enough for shipping cost, i'll wait for nicher if she wants it too.

I've looked at the tinyprints and photoworks, both are nice, where did you order? how about the time frame for delivery? I'm learning a lot for you, thanks for doing the research ;-) as i don't have the time to surf.

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Chrispy06 18 yrs ago
Thank you girls for all your kind regards. Baby will be 38wks+2days by next Tues. She was stretching so much inside me last night I felt like my tummy was going to burst any minute! Do you think she's getting ready to come out? =P

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
It must just be the braxton hicks, getting ready to come out. I can't sleep at night now if i feel the stretching and kicking, esp the hicupping.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Honeypie -

I ordered my cards from photoworks. I am thinking of ordering Christmas cards this year from tiny prints. If you keep an eye out, Photoworks often has promotions and coupon discounts. Tinyprints does not. I also made REALLY FABULOUS (if I do say so myself) photo books for my mom and my mother in law for Mother's Day last year - both were a tremendous hit and I am going to do it again next year. Luckily for me, I ship to the US so it's easier for me. I think both sites are really unique and special as I HAVE done too much online searching. (it's gross the amount of time I spend on the computer.)

Slightly cheaper, but also very nice - their photo paper announcements are all really cute.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Hi Honeypie - thanks for checking indeed. What pattern are you considering then? And where did you see a pattern with children's pic on it?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
nicher -

honeypie was talking about baby announcements which I had sent her some websites to - and

I think the bubblegum print in fiesta is quite cute - I would order that next time around. I also like the linea one - in the black. (just giving my opinion.)

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Guess what hkchoichoi, I'm exactly considering the bubblegum pattern - chocolate. We don't have much options for the $40 range. bubblegum seems to be the best choice!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
oooh chocolate is nice too. it'll look great with jeans and t-shirt - actually all the prints do. Make that your new uniform. HAHAH.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
And with a waistband you can even walk into the kitchen with it. Hehe.

I just browsed the photoworks and tinyprints websites. Thinking of creating our own Christmas card this year :)

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
LOVED my cards last year from photoworks. Had my daughter in them (only her -she's much cuter than my husband or I am.) this year I'm debating between tinyprints and photoworks.

Keep your eyes peeled on photoworks - they often have these "secret" sort of promotions - so you see them, write down their VERY LONG coupon code and you can usually get between 10-15% off.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago

hohum....just woke up from my afternoon nap, really lazy and tired this week.

Hey nicher, i like bubblegum fiesta, but i don't think it looks good with all those colors, too sweet and cute for me ;-) Yes, bubblegum choco is nicer. If there is bubblegum in one color, that is great, but they only have it in pink. Choco is the best.

I'm considering, well, decided on linea ebony, we have the same taste hkchoichoi. Thought of coco palms too for a moment, but it looks like a tree..heheheh.......

The children pic is the paper dolls on Chelsea collection, all the chelsea or $55 are good colors, wonder why it's more expensive.

So do you want it nicher? the $10 shipping should be in one address only, i can make the order and pay, then i'll let you know once it's here. Maybe the shipping is 1-2 weeks?

We have to discuss the Xmas cards after a month or two ;-)

I've sent you a PM, nicher.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Hi ladies -

sorry honeypie - didn't know what you meant by children's pic. Misinterpreted for sure. HAHAH. Made perfect sense to me.

I hope you guys are not disappointed in the aprons - I'm almost scared that you guys will get them and say, "WHAT! I paid this for What?" But I have NEVER bought a SINGLE breastfeeding top - and I've never exposed my body in public - and if those things are what you are interested in - well then, we're in business.

I like linea negra too - but you know, the prints are somewhat deceptive on their website. (i've actually complained about this saying it's hard to get a sense of the print from their small little picture.) The prints are generally very small and subtle - so what looks BIG is actually a smaller print that is repeated over and over again. SO the palm trees for example - might actually not be so "treelike" after all. i actually think Rodeo in blue looks good - but it's misleading on their website because it seems like the print would be too overbearing. But it's actually probably small and subtle.

Anyways - I hope you guys order and then we'll discuss Christmas card. (and birth announcements too!)

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Honeypie - I just replied your PM :)

Hkchoichoi - understand perfectly what you mean by "deceptive prints". Will sure put a discount on what we see on the screen. I'm paying for its functionality and brilliant design.

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Hkchoichoi,

No worries, as i don't plan to buy any tops too, and i can't imagine "exposing" myself Bf even at home if my helper or in-laws are here, so i definetely need something to cover my sexy body ;-) My friend used a shawl to cover but it keeps on falling off or she has to adjust it everytime to cover, so it's quite a hassle.

I've looked at the rodeo blue (we really have the same taste) but it's out of stock, only the black one is available.

We gonna order now and let you know.....oh, i just can't decide yet on the color. Thanks for your help.

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sharefitness 18 yrs ago
I am 36 weeks with baby boy breeched and very nervous about having to have a c-section. Dr. says there's little chance of him turning but didn't explain much - I may have to call him and ask him to explain further (was too shocked and disappointed at the time) He says if baby doesn't turn by next visit in two weeks (16, Nov) he will have to schedule a c-section for me & honest to god never ever thought I we would have to ever consider this at this early stage...Please, has anyone here had successful manipulation and if so, please refer me the info a.s.a.p...the baba's measuring quite big so time is running out! I have read all the possible info from the feedback from others on this site - anything new??

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mum2004 18 yrs ago
Sharefitness, I wouldn't recommend you to try to to any manipulation at this stage as it is risky for the baby.

I was in the same situation as you and ended up with a scheduled c-section. It was the best solution for the baby and I didn't want to take any risk or put him in distress.

The most important is to get a healthy baby, whatever the delivery method will be.

Good luck :-)

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