First timer

Posted by donkey1 18 yrs ago
Hi all

This is my first pregnancy and according to my own calculation I am about 6 weeks pregnant. I would like to know when you normally start to visit your obstetritians and do you have any recommendation? I have no morning sickness at all and everything have been so far so good.

Any advice will be very useful.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
it really depends on the pregnancy.

i had my pregnancy confirmed with a GP and he told me to see my gynae by 12 weeks. but for my 1st baby, i was too excited to wait so we had our first doc's visit at about 8 weeks.

i am pregnant with #2 and wanted to wait until at least 8 weeks so that it would be less stressful when i have my first ultrasound scan - sometimes if you go too early, the doc might not be able to detect a heartbeat. but a spotting incident made me go to him at 7 weeks and thankfully, all is well so far.

i am based in sg so unfortunately have no recommendations for docs but i'm sure others will.

good luck!

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Leahred 18 yrs ago
Hi Donkey 1

Congratulations on pregnancy.

If you can hang on till after 8 weeks to get a scan you will be able to definitely see a heartbeat and a little baby. I think you can see heartbeat at 6.5 weeks but better to wait till 8 when you’ll be able to see more and at this point I was told by my gyno that if all is well with strong heartbeat your risk of miscarriage goes down to under 5%.

I am 11 weeks now and have to go for another scan inbetween 11 and 14 weeks for some blood tests and ultra sound scan that checks the baby for any chromosome problems. My gyno says these tests can only be done between these weeks so try not to miss that time frame.

Good luck.

Also if you get any spotting that is bright red go and get checked out.

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donkey1 18 yrs ago
Hi Leahred and Wheelymate thanks for the info. Sounds like i don't really have to see the doctor yet till a few weeks later. So is your gyno your obstetritian?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I noticed than while in HK, some gynos were not OB's and some OB's were not gynos. (this is NOT the case in the US so I thought it strange.)

If you can wait - waiting longer is actually in some respects more reassuring. As Leahred said, generally by 8 weeks you can see a heartbeat when you go for your first scan, and so that's generally when you can go. I waited until 11 weeks with my first and 9 with my second, and 8 with my third. If you go now, you may only see a tiny little embryo, the amniotic sac, and maybe no heartbeat or maybe.

In the old days, women didn't figure out that they were pregnant until much later - and so didn't go to doctors until they were much further along. Our modern technology causes up to jump up and try and find out things as soon as possible- but I do think that this is in someways a disadvantage. SO many more women are aware of miscarriages within the first trimester and there is more emotional distress due to this.

Take your prenatal vitamins, rest well, eat well and enjoy the ride. For many woman, morning sickness doens't start until a bit later - so you may be in for a fun bout of THAT.

if you PM an asiaxpater called "wishing and hoping" she has a spreadsheet of all the docs in Hk for prentatal care and delivery as well as comments (both positive and negative) from various members of Asiaxpat. She's always happy to send it out, so send her a PM.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
in singapore, a gynae is also a ob...i think! which is why there is seldom a distinction, we always just say gynae instead of obgyn...

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noc 18 yrs ago
After 5 1/2 weeks, you can probably see a heartbeat. Myself, I went in at just over 6 weeks, because I was so worried about what could go wrong (ectopic pregnancy, empty sac, blighted ovum, etc.), that my first doctor's visit was very reassuring. I had a transvaginal ultrasound and the doctor was able to check the heartbeat, as well as the position and size of the embryo. Its also useful to have an earlier visit because the doctor can reserve a hospital room for you sooner.

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misslooney 18 yrs ago
I am 2 months pregnant now and went for my first scan at 5 1/2 weeks. I saw the heartbeat and the baby. It's more for your own peace of mind I guess, but otherwise it's perfectly fine to go for your first scan at 8 weeks. However it is very important to book your hospital room as soon as possible these days to make sure they will have space for you, so you may want to discuss that with your OB.

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donkey1 18 yrs ago
Thanks for all the advices. i am now near 12 weeks and had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and the second one a few days ago. Like you said, the first one is really for the peace of mind. I have also already booked my hospital too. Good luck misslooney

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