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17 yrs ago
My baby's umbilical cord has fallen off over a week ago now and left a tiny stump. The Govt Clinic has suggested they use silver nitrate to burns the stump off, has your baby had this done - interested to know if this is the right way to go? They tell me its common practice! Any advice is welcomed.
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I have not personally heard of this practice, but I'm one for let nature do it's thing on it's own. Why interfere, things will settle down and unless there is a medical problem, leave it.
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17 yrs ago
Thanks neenib, i agree with what you say. Perhaps I didnt explain it correctly as the stump itself has fallen off as would be the case but a tiny part remained which is inside the navel and it is this tiny piece that I'm not sure will actually come off. I guess if I wait long enough it may do but as the govt clinic advised to burn it off, i wondered if anyone else had this silver nitrate treatment done for their bub as they say its quite common.
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Oh okay, I get you. Perhaps you could get a second opinion if you are not sure, especially if you are not 100% comfortable with the advice given. Good luck
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17 yrs ago
Hi WWcC - we had a similar thing a few weeks ago. There was a tiny tiny bit of stump left. The doctor showed us how to clean it very thoroughly and said that we needed to keep an eye on it as if it didn't dry up she would do exactly what you've been told - 'freeze' it off. No pain for baby but sounds horrible doesn't it! She said that otherwise it can stay moist and may eventuall get infected. Fortunately it sorted itself out within days so we didn't have to do this.
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17 yrs ago
10 - thankfully the same has now happened that we kept it cleaned and it actually dried up and sorted itself out so we didnt have to have this treatment after all so all well now. Maybe the answer for others facing this dilemma is to hold off for some time and see if it dries up on its own and keep it clean so it doesn't get infected.
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