Baby names

Posted by the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Really tough coming up with nice baby names.

Any suggestions on nice names?

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Thanks Ruth - i've picked names for a girl - Maya and Aretha but it's the boys name that i am having problems with.

Been through several websites - but remain uninspired.

I agree that the name has to be short sweet and easy.

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TC 19 yrs ago
It's 'short' & 'easy' (but not so sure about 'sweet')...what about ED? (Thought I'd get in before he does!)

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hkchoichoi 19 yrs ago
What my husband I did - and if you have some time it's good.

We got the skinny post it notes, and had a chart tacked up on the wall. One side boys and one side girls. The bottom half of the paper, we put "rejects." (we didn't find out gender in both of our pregnancies.)

If either of us thought of a name, we would put it on the post it and post it under the appropriate gender. (we would put name, meaning and any sort of short reason why we liked the name.) Then later when the other came home, we could take a look and see what was new and if necessary move it down to the "reject" section. We never threw any of the names away because you'd be surprised what will grow on you given enough time. Anyways, the top section we could "rank" according to our preference at any given time.

We had our girls' name chosen - Lauren or Madison (uh - we named her Isabella in the end) and we had ranked in order - Lincoln (short Linc), Nicholas, and Jacob for our boys. But the ranking kept switching - it kept going up to Nicholas and back to Jacob and then Lincoln.

It's a fun way to keep track and see what you like and your whims change as the pregnancy goes on. My husband and I had a lot of fun going over it and sort of thinking about it.

Just a thought - no great name ideas for you - except quite a few of my friends have been naming their sons - giving their first and middle names (e.g. Jacob Thomas) and then calling them "JT" for short.

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
do you or hubby have any role models/fav relative with nice names in the family that you could name your child after? i find that not only will you have a good name, it'll have significant too!

ours is officially robert but we call him bobby...named after a football legend.he's got a chinese middle name.

we like the names because they are simple to write, easy to pronounce...will save him and his teachers the pain next time...

hkcc, that is exactly how a couple friend of ours picked their bub's name....the post-it/ranking method!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Ruth: I'm hoping that it's going to be a girl! I should find out this friday what it's going to be. Can't wait.

HKCC: good idea will follow up on it.

WM: been running all the people i know thru my head - family and otherwise, but can't say i that i'm so impressed with one person to want to name our baby after them.

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@@ 19 yrs ago
Hi Kali,

As my friend Michael Hunt will confirm it's a good idea to stay away from names that can easily used against you in the playground - and I hate to say it but I think Aretha is one of those ;) LOVE LOVE LOVE Maya!

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TC 18 yrs ago
You know the saying, "One man's meat is another man's poison." Well in this case it means that however much one person likes any given name has no bearing on whether you like it or not. I think your best bet will be to invest in one of the many books available at places like Dymocks or Bookazine etc and just work through the lists. Mark the ones that are even vaguely liked and then even use the Post-it list to move them up and down (and even into the 'reject' section) as the months go by. We knew we were having a girl, and although we had a boy's name selected even before conception we didn't make the final choice from the final shortlist of 3 until a couple of weeks before B-Day.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago

@@- can't help wondering about why Aretha's a name that would be used against you in the playground?

The one boy's name that i did like - doesn't seem to have such a nice meaning - apart from which it seems to be awfully common in brazil and portugal :(((

will work on it - and most probably will buy a book.

Every name i pick has to sound ok in my mother tongue - italian and in english - one of the reasons it's so tough.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
HI Kali

It's very close to Urethra.

BTW, when do you have the Amnio or have you had it already? Hope you've had your mind put at ease. Good Luck @@

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Would've never thought of that -thanks for the heads up.

Not yet - i've booked for friday.

Apart from scaring myself silly by reading up on the experiences of people who have had the misfortune of having babies diagnosed with trisomy 18 (all with the intention of being prepared for any eventuality)- I'm keeping my fingers crossed and banking on the 75 chances out of 76 that my baby's fine.

Thanks for the concern i really appreciate it.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Will think of you on Friday. When I had my first child the numbers came up a little short for T18 during the nuchal scan. Anyway, everything turned out OK and he's a bright school boy these days.

I hope your experience is the same, I know the waiting is very difficult. Do let us know how you get on. @@

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Blitzing 18 yrs ago
Just to let you know that Urethra was also the first thing I thought of re Aretha.

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Sa-sha 18 yrs ago
Hi , just like to add my comment

I just gave birth to a baby girl last month, and Lucky for me that we have another girl again, because I really can't find a boy;s name that we really like.(like Ruth said)

For my second daugther who was born last month, we finally choose the name Maya Angela , Maya is short and simple,Angela from my husband's grandma' name and since me and my husband are from different countries,english are our second language ,so sometime a more difficult to read names can be trouble for my parents and in laws to read our children names.

Our first born name is Indiana Chiara (Kiara).

We called her Indy. It's an uncommon name, we came up with that because of Indonesia ( me)and Italiana (my husband is italian) so become Indiana. :) :)

Many people think we name her from Indiana Jones, or because she was born in the states of Indiana. But in Italy, Indiana means Indian . So anyhow we really like the name

Kali: r u italian too? I know how difficut pick the name , to sound ok in Italian too! :):)

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crj 18 yrs ago
This is a fun site:

You put in a name and it shows you a graph of the popularity over the past 100 years.

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cd 18 yrs ago
Urethra was my first thought too...sorry. There are too many nice names out there to list them all. But personally I like more traditional names for boys, and flowery names for girls.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
ruth - so true, all the rosemarys that i know are all incredibly sweet, nice people. But i always tend to associate the name with blond hair and blue eyes - somthing i don't think my baby will have.

blitzing and cd - have definitely dropped aretha off the list

Sa-sha - i'm indian - it's jsut the hubby that's italian- his surname has 4 syllables. One reason why i want to stick to really short 2 syllable names. I really like the names you've chosen.

@@ - will definitely keep you posted on how the test goes - though three weeks seems an interminable period of time.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago

I was thinking Arianna but with the four syllable last name -


Dia (light in Hindi - i always thought it was very pretty.)

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
It's a boy!!

Oh well - will just have to come up with a name for him.

The good news is that he looks all healthy and is growing fine. Went ahead and had the amniocentesis anyway - even though the doc thought it was quite unnecessary.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hi goddess,

good to know baby is well!

yu tit man, cara....that is hilarious. i have come across another a chinese man's name which sounds so rude i'll probably get banned by ed is i print it here!!!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Thanks WM, Cara.

Just got a fax from the doc saying that preliminary results from amnio show that baby is free from trisomy 13, 18 and 21. And that it's definitely a boy.

Was kind of hoping for a girl - but will take your word for it Cara.

My mother-in-law and hubby are thrilled to bits, but i think my parents were also hoping for a girl as the previous two grandchildren are also boys.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
OH Kali! What wonderful news!!! I'm so thrilled for you - boys are divine!!! I bet you can't wipe the smile off your dial!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
congrats kali, wonderful to know the amnio tests came back well!

rest well and enjoy the pregnancy!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Definitely thrilled and happy that i can breathe a BIG sigh of relief, relax, start planning and enjoy rest of the pregnancy and also really look forward to a baby at the end of it.

cara was a wee bit disappointed that it's a boy i have to admit - but then all the good news far outweighed the disappointment.

I guess i'll have to have another one - using all the tricks in the trade to make sure it's a girl.

I have to also say that the Dr Wan at the HKPDC is really really good - so professional and reassuring. U can see that he's got tons of experience.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
congrats on the great news!

How about Daniel for a boys name? It sounds equally good in both Indian and Italian?

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
thanks HKCC - we've come up with Thiago. But we are keeping options open.

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Nicher 18 yrs ago
Hi goddess - I'm having a boy too and am also seeing Dr. Wan. I always trust that it's perfect to have an elder bro taking care of a younger sis. Let's pray for a girl next time round and meanwhile, enjoy your pregnancy!

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Scuba chick 18 yrs ago

I struggled for a boys name. I wanted a girl too and ended up with a boy. didn't help that I have 4 nephews and my sisters had taken all my preferred boys names.

But my suggestions for what they are worth.

Oliver, Ben, Lucas

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Thanks Scuba chcik - why are boy babies more difficult to name i wonder?

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bw 18 yrs ago
I'm the opposite ! - Found it so hard to find girl names. Just as well I suppose - had a boy the first time and expecting another boy.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!! a friend of mine said the same thing. That when she was pregnant she just couldn't think of a suitable girls name.

She has a one year old boy - so she's quite happy.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
Thiago...that is an interesting name, what does it mean?

Next one if boy I want to name him Alfred and call him Alfie after the character played by Michael Caine. I know it's such a bad boy character but i just love the name!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago

Thiago is short for Saint Iago - or Saint James.

it's a portugese name. I like it 'cos it sounds unusual.

In which movie does Caine play the character Alfie?

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
the film is called Alfie!

recently there was a remake starring jude law and sienna miller.

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2006 18 yrs ago
Our neighbours have just named theirs "Lei Mi"....!

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Thomashk 18 yrs ago
My first son name is NICK , Now i am enjoy the second pregnancy . and so that was make my husband very happy plus say thank,s to god because the baby girl will come . We will coll her NOVIA . Is just because we are is intenational family .that mean me and my husband are . Where our alfabet,s is same how to say it . just differet four or five alfabetic i think , so NOVIA mean my gilr frend and DO YOU WONT TO FOLLOW US ??????? (i am base in hong kong)

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
Name suggestions for you ^-^

Li Tong,




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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Wheelymate - will try to catch the remake with Jude law. I don't really like michael caine so much.

Lei mi is really the pits. I'm sure it means something wonderful in chinese.

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