Bleeding 2nd trimester

Posted by Nula 18 yrs ago

I was wondering if anybody had experienced bleeding/brown discharge in their 2nd trimester? I started 3 weeks ago at 15 weeks and was given Utrogesten by the emergency Dr. I went to see my Obs the next day and she said that it is not proven to help/stop bleeding so I haven't taken it. I have been for two u/s and baby is still fine and I am on bed rest but am still having slight bleeding/brown discharge. Has anybody taken Utrogestan in their 2nd trimester? Should I be seeking a second opinion?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Hi Nulla-

sorry to hear about your bleeding. you sound like you have exactly what I had - I started bleeding in my 16th week and it went on for about 12 days or so.

Has the CAUSE (source) of the bleeding been identified? Mine was called some scientific name, but the doctor basically called it a placental lake. I had a pool of blood in my placenta that was draining. It was in a position that was completely unrelated to my baby so it was fine and nothing to worry about.

I was also prescribed the urogesten by my ob and hesitated in taking in as all my research online showed that there was no conclusive evidence of its efficacy. However, my father is an obgyn and I asked him about it. He also gave me the same line of it hasn't been proven, and so finally in a fit of frustration I said, "STOP TREATING ME AS A PATIENT AND ACT LIKE MY FATHER. As My FATHER who knows about this stuff, should I take it?" And he said, "Yes. Take it. It can't hurt." So I did.

the bleeding will eventually stop - I had a second round of bleeding at around 22 weeks - very brown and my dad told me it was probably the clot passing through my system.

A final note, I had a healthy baby girl, although born a bit early (37 weeks) due to low amniotic fluid. My dad had a theory that due to my placental lake during my pregnancy it could have caused the low amniotic fluid towards the end. So - as you progress, make sure your doctor takes amniotic fluid measurements as well as do the doppler scan of the umbilical cord to make sure the blood flow is good.

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Nula 18 yrs ago
thanks hkchoichoi for the reply. I have a small tearing of the placenta from the uterine wall this seems to have resolved (as of last scan 10days ago) but I am still having discharge/bleeding. Did you have any cramping? I think I will go ahead and take urogestan. I will query my Obgyn about the amniotic fluid next week. Although you see a heartbeat etc on the u/s it is very hard not to be worried.

Thanks again


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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
My problem with the amniotic fluid didn't show up until my 36th week. At my 30 week checkup it was fine and somewhere in between there when they took the measurement I came up with a very low number. The early stages it should be fine, it's when you progress and the baby gets bigger you should worry.

I didn't have much cramping - I did have sharp twinges occasionally, similar to the one I had when I started bleeding and it would FREAK ME OUT.

Just rest, take good care of yourself and take it easy. Good luck.

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