The unbearable fragility of a newborn babe

Posted by the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
My baby's here!! he arrived on the 10th of feb - weighing 2.9kilos at 37 weeks and 4 days....

Adorable and sooo sooo sooo fragile and delicate!!

Just getting a hang of the whole newborn baby thing. we're having a bit of an uphill struggle with breastfeeding - i had a Cesarian and he got given the bottle.

One step at a time and i'm sure we'll figure out the whole thing together.

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crj 18 yrs ago
YEAH!! Well done!!!

If you are still having trouble with BFing, and YOU WANT TO BF - please please please call Annerley Midwifes and have Louise or Hulda come to visit you at home, and help - the money you spend on this visit will save you months of formula and make you and baby so much happier and healthier.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Congratulations! Good luck with the feeding and enjoy your boy!

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Oh Kali! How wonderful to know that you and your baby boy are both well...I hope the BF comes more easily soon...I'm sure it will. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! WELL DONE!!!

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
Congratulations Goddess Kali for ur new wonderboy! enjoy his smallness while u can because they grow so fast, that's what I tell myself everytime I look at my 4.5 monts old daugther now bubbly and moves like a fish ( only stayed tiny for me 2 weeks :)

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Thanks very much to all for your kind wishes- i do intend to breast feed - we seem to be making progress he's gone from screaming murder every time i offered him my breast to now constantly wanting to suckle. He keeps falling asleep on my breast which is adorable and we totally enjoy it. Only problem is that i don't have enough milk.... working on it with frequent feeds, fenugreek, liquids etc.

Cara will do - just as soon as i figure out how to move pics from one computer to the other.

Crj - will check if they can come over to SZ to help. I think i will call them and ask.

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
AWWW Congrats Ladies on your Babies!!!!!!

As for not having enough milk.. try eating corn and cherries. Not together haha but like steamed corn and fresh cherries.

This was advice given to me after i had my first and my second. i didnt have a problem at first but around 10 months along i needed the boost and it worked. Not sure what is in the corn or cherries... hehe


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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Cara - just been online after 10 days - sorry it's taken so long.

Thanks ssoooo much for the pic - she's lovely !!have sent you one in return. didn't realise it has been so long..

verellene - will try that.

coquinne - he's still tiny - i'm cherishing every moment and enjoying him a lot.

i'm glad to say that we're down to one or two bottle feed supplements. otherwise i'm feeding him.

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