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19 yrs ago
Hi, I started getting period like cramps last night and had some light bleeding (similar to the start of a period).
I am very worried and would like to see a obset. as soon as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations?
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19 yrs ago
Don't panic (easier said than done)! Bleeding does not always mean m/c. I bled twice on my eldest, once on my youngest and they are both perfect. I would call your doctor though, it is always worth getting bleeding checked out. Get some rest too. Good luck!
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I've made an appointment with an Obstet. for this afternoon. It;s very light bleeding - spotting and some cramping.
I'd just like to put my mind to rest - I was so upset last night.
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19 yrs ago
You are doing the right thing. Just wait and see. Try to get as much rest as possible and do anything that you can to take your mind off things. Watch movies, get engossed in a book etc etfc... Know exactly how you are feeling. Has the bleeding stopped?
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It's very lite - I'm wearing a panty liner and there is just a couple of spots.
I'm at work, but have told my boss who has just been fantastic. I would rather be here even though I'm not that focused. The appointment is this afternoon - it feels like such a long time to wait.
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It started last night, and continued this morning. It's very light though - just a few drops. As this is my first and I'm only in my 6th week and haven't seen an Obstet. I don't know if it is normal.
The cramping sensation is the same as that deep period pain.
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Good luck with your appt this afternoon Gabriella. I agree, best to be at work to take your mind off things for now. However, you will need to rest for the next few days so you may need to take some time off work.
Have also had some light bleeding during my pregnancey, it is quite common so no need to panic. Just see the doc and listen to his/her advice.
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Hope it's nothing too serious. let us know what the doctor says.
i've read that cramping and spotting is common so don't worry too much.
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the appointment is not until 5 - it's been a long day. Work helped to take my mind off it though. It seems to have slowed down a bit now - 3 or 4 spots now, cramping has also subsided.
I did a google search and found quite a few articles where this is mentioned. Unfortunately none of them put my fears to rest - it's either ok or it's not.
Ho hum...only a couple of hours to go.
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19 yrs ago
I am also experiencing the same thing and its getting me very depressed.
Last night just better going to bed I went to the loo. And I did squeeze my pelvic muscles (doing Kegel) to check my cervical mucus. And some blood came out. And some more blood today. Its bright red and very thin, nothing like my usual periods. And not much cramping like usual. All the signs tell me that I ovulated only 5 days ago, so I'm very very worried.
I went to see my Chinese doc and she said that my pulse doesn't feel like a period pulse, but we got a negative with a home pregnancy kit.
What else can I do? I haven't been seeing a gyno. Should I?
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19 yrs ago
Ears - since you only ovulated 5 days ago, that sounds like it could be implantation bleeding. Do a Google search on it, there's loads of information on it. Also make sure you're taking your folic acid - otherwise, no need to see a gyno till you get that second line!
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