Chinese Medicine doctor or acupuncturist

Posted by JH1 18 yrs ago
Can anyone recommend a Chinese medicine doctor or acupuncturist for infertility? What kind of improvements did you see in your cycle following treatment? I have tried TCM previously without results and would really appreciate recommendations from people who have seen some improvements.

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crj 18 yrs ago
Many ppl on this forum mention Troy Sing, you might want to do a search on 'troy' to find threads mentioning him or a search on accupuncutre.

good luck!

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sharefitness 18 yrs ago
I am 36 weeks with baby boy breeched and very nervous about having to have a c-section. Dr. says there's little chance of him turning but didn't explain much - I may have to call him and ask him to explain further (was too shocked and disappointed at the time) He says if baby doesn't turn by next visit in two weeks (16, Nov) he will have to schedule a c-section for me & honest to god never ever thought I we would have to ever consider this at this early stage...Please, has anyone here had successful manipulation and if so, please refer me the info a.s.a.p...the baba's measuring quite big so time is running out! I have read all the possible info from the feedback from others on this site - anything new??

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gogosam 18 yrs ago
You may want to go for Quality Chinese Medical Cemtre. Enquiry number is 28818267 and web is

Any Chinese doctor of the clinic are very experienced in treating Fetility.

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