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17 yrs ago
Hi all!
I'm going through my second IUI tomorrow and was wondering if anyone else needs to chat over the 2ww. I would appreciate any success stories as well. I'm pretty new to all this fertility...or infertility business! Thanks,
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Nadine, read your other post under TTC#2 as well and just wanted to give you some hope. I was succesful on the 2nd IUI also with Dr Ho. I was on injectibles that time. (The 1st one was no drugs IUI). I also got 2 follicles and am now pregnant. Sending lots of babydust your way.
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Thank you babybemine. It's a great story for me to hear right now. Congrats on the pregnancy. I wish you a beautiful and healthy pregnancy. I'll keep you posted.
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17 yrs ago
It will happen! We conceived on our 4th IUI with Dr Ho. I remember thinking that it would never happen to us and it all seemed so impossible, but it did!
You are at the worst stage now, but just keep going. See it as a road you have to travel down to get to your destination - some people's roads just happen to be a bit longer or bumpier than others'.
What meds are you on?
Fingers crossed
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Petie, I was wondering how you were. Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!!
Nadine, fingers crossed that this is your month.
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Thanks Petie. I love all these success stories. Even if this isn't our month we'll keep at it and stay positive. I'm actually not on any meds right now. But we did injections for this round. The only thing Dr. has given me are the progesterone suppositories. I'm taking two at night and two in the morning for the entire time of the 2ww. I'm not crazy about it because of the constant leakage but if it you know if they would give a false positive on an EPT? I go for a blood test on Saturday to check hormone levels but as far as know there will be no other shots in my future!!yeah!! I still have a while to go to wait. I can test February 8th at the earliest. Thanks for being here for me girls!
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Hi MayC
I was just on the TTC #2 thread trying to catch up on your situation. This waiting time is brutal right? I had the day off today and went for a hair cut to make myself feel better!! It worked and killed a few hours too. Try not to work too hard and take care of your health. I'll keep you up to date and do the same for me. I wish and hope and pray for you!
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17 yrs ago
I found that my husband was the best at doing the injections - he never left a bruise and they weren't painful. i think he probably took his time and a little more care than the nurses. Get your hubby to be brave!
The prog capsules are horrible but keep with them as every little helps! I found that they delayed my periods by a few days but I don't think they will affect a PT.
Another little thing that got me though the horrible 2WW was having something to look forward to that I couldn't do if I was preg. One month was a bottle of champagne in the fridge, another was a night out for sushi..!
Fingers crossed for you
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Sounds like a great idea. I'll put a nice bottle of white in the fridge right now. Here's to hoping I wont drink it any time soon!! Thanks
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Well, just to give you all a little update. I'm feeling good...sometimes positive and sometimes negative...I guess nothing unusual. My (.)(.) as a bit sore but other than I feel good. Went for a blood test to check hormone levels and all seems good. I am now 9 days down and 5 more to go. I haven't broken down and tested. My bday is on the 7th and I just want to have a nice day and not stress over what might be a neg result. I'll keep you posted. How are you feeling MayC? You've been in my thoughts.
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Kung Hei Fat Choy to everyone. Sorry it's taken a little time to reply but I've been keeping busy. Glad to hear you are feeling calm MayC. Maybe your dream..or your nightmare is just an outlet for the stress. It has to come out somewhere. I broke down and tested on the 6th and got a BFN so it looks like round three is just around the corner. I know it's still a bit early but it's probably about 80% accurate at this point. I feel okay about it I guess and i'll call doctor as soon as AF starts. Are you with Dr. Ho MayC? I can't remember. Just wondering when they open after the holiday. I am also wondering if three IUIs in four months is too many. Any thoughts?
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AF arrived this morning so it looks like I'm getting in the ring for a third round. I'm gutted, scared and sad that it will never happen for me! I'm trying once more and then it's IVF for me. I hope everyone had a good CNY and good luck to you!!
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I wish I had some amazing words of comfort for you but as we both know too well, there is nothing we can say that makes us feel better. I'm thinking I might take a break too this month. My period hasn't been normal (too light) and maybe that's my body telling me to take a rest. Who knows??!! I think I will stick it out with Dr. Ho for a while longer but I'll keep Dr. Tung's name in case I ever decide to change. I think I will try acupuncture with Dr. Troy Sing. Have you heard of him? His name is mentioned a few times on some forums. Can't hurt right?!
I hope you have a nice restful holiday and find all the energy you need to keep going. I feel like we are at the same point in our journey and I appreciate you sharing your story with me. I'll keep you posted!
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Hi MayC, Just thought I'd let you know that I will also be taking a break this month. I just got back from Dr. Ho's and he found two large cysts on my left ovary. He seemed very surprised but not worried. I guess it'll be the old fashioned way this month. Might be nice!!
I'm glad you haven't lost faith...neither have I. Have a great holiday.
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Nadine, Dr Ho will get you there. I had a cyst one cycle too and did not do any treatment that cycle but it went away by itself.
MayC, I'm no expert but did you do a dye test to make sure there is no blockage?
Babydust to you both.
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Thanks babybemine. I do have faith in Dr. Ho. I just have to find the patience in me! I've started acupuncture this month since I can't really do anything else. At the very least it's relaxing and I feel like I'm at least doing something. Although, they have given me this horrible powder drink that I am really having a hard time with! I'm going to see today if they have it in pill form. I hope you guys had a great Valentine's Day!
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Just keep going! We conceived on our 6th IUI with Dr. Ho (with Gonal F). I though it will never happen to us and then I was pregnant (34 weeks now!). After my 5th IUI I startet acupuncture with Dr. Helen He. You never know, but I'm sure that it helped me to conceive.
Good luck to you!
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Congratulations associate! Success stories like yours are what keep me going. I'm going to the Chinese Medical Center in Central and so far I feel good about it. It's a little painful but they assure me that that's a good sign. I'm really hoping and praying that it will help. My FSH level is bit high for my age so I'm hoping it will bring it down. I guess I'll find out next month! I hope all goes well with your delivery...very soon!! Thanks!
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Haha!! MayC. You make me laugh. Acupuncture isn't the greatest feeling for sure. I feel a little like a pincushion!! But my FSH level is high and I'm hoping it will help bring it down to a normal level. I guess I'll find out next month if this darn cyst is gone!! All this waiting drives me crazy!! Don't give up MayC. You have a lot of options left to you. The dye test is a good idea. The only draw back is that you have to use condoms or abstain prior to the test...not great when you're trying to conceive but it's a nice piece of mind.
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Just out of curiosity many times a week did you go for acupuncture and for how long before you got pregnant? I'm going twice a week right now and it's fine so far but I was just curious.
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I went only once a week. And only for one month before i got pregnant (I kept going afterwards, against sickness). I never got anything to drink or to take. She just did the acupuncture.
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Thanks Edisgay. It's really hard to stay positive and I'm trying but some days are harder than others. Thanks for the success story. I love to hear them and hope to be one of them one day. I'm glad you and your wife are having an easy pregnancy. You deserve it after all the heartache of infertility.
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Hi Nadine and girls,
I'm not sure if it is too late to join this thread. How is Nadine? any success?
I am going for IUI cycle after 3 failed IVFs last year. I am seeing Dr Ho now (before was Women's clinic), and wonder if I should continue IUI for a few more cycles before going back to IVF. I failed the last month (IUI) with Dr Ho, no medication. I wonder if you girls who were successful with Dr Ho, had the insemination done once or twice during the ovulation? I checked the website ususally it will do twice, within 48 hours. But Dr Ho said only once (36 hours after trigger shot) is enough.
If any of you can advise your success case, it will be great. Dr Ho told me it is only the request of the client that he did twice. He said once should be fine.
Thank you so much,
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16 yrs ago
I did 5 IUI with Dr.Ho. I got pregnant on no. 2 and no.5 but m/c both times. I think they both were what you would call chemical pregnancies because beta hCG levels were rather low both times and ended at 6 and 5 weeks, respectively. All five times, we only did 1 insemination. I only got 3-4 follicles although they were all 18mm and larger per cycle. I was on FSH 150IUI for 10 days all five times.
Then we decided to move ahead with IVF...signed all the papers, and took two months off to just rest my body. And is the kicker..I got pregnant in the second month...naturally. Now I am about 11 weeks along. Everything seems to be ok for the time being. beta hCG leve is through the roof and sick as a dog. Saw heart beats and everything. So we will see.
I think as hard as it is to relax, I think that is essential while going through ARP. While I was doing IUI, I went to see all kinds of people....acupuncturists, nutritionists, chinese doctors...cut off all refiend sugar, decreased the number of times I worked out, and didnt travel during the 2 week waiting period. Then during those two months I wasnt doing any treatments, I ate what I wanted, worked 10-12 hours a day, traveled almost every other week for work, and worked out 6-7 days a week. Didnt see any doctors, drank coffee (although not a lot), and ate cream cakes. Then boom, I get knocked up. I am not telling you this to say acupuncturists/chinses doctors dont work or dont pay attention to your diet. But I think when you do things that you are not used to, I think that creates stress. And stress is bad for anyone let alone for a person who is trying to have a baby. I think most of us here have what you would call unexplanined infertility. Sure we have little endometriosis here and a blocked tube there but after all those things have been corrected, I think it is just pure luck. Dr. Ho always says, "Good luck" after each IUI procedure. And I think that is truly what it is....just pure dumb luck.
So by all means eat healthy, dont work too hard, be careful when you excercise, go see anyone you think it would be helpful to you. But if by doing these things and they are creating undue stress in your mind/body, I think it is just better to relax and chill out than go see someone just because you dont want to leave any stone unturned. It will happen. Believe it. Hope this helps.
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I have been with Dr. Ho for slightly less than 2 years. All together we have done 6 or so IUIs and 1 IVF. We did not get any results from the IVF but I got pregnant twice from IUI without meds and twice naturally. The first 3 pregnancies ended in m/c (blighted ovum, a chemical pregnancy and then one in my 10 week). The last IUI (in May 2008) resulted in a beautiful little girl for us in our arms.
We have only done one insemination - Dr. Ho's suggestion is to do one insemination and BD that night. How is your DH's sperm count? If it is high, then you probably dont need to do it twice.
Take care + good luck,
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Hi poiuy and Havefaith,
Thank you so much for the information.
Poiuy, your information is so valid to me, may be it is the so called additional stuff i did that make me crazy. As on top of my busy schedule at work, i now need to go to accunpucturist, (of coure still need to negotiate time as those popular ones are full schedule always) and take chinese medicine, need to scan my egg size regularly, etc etc, need to remind myself not to drink my favorite HK style milk tea... all those stress me out. As i am doing sth i had not been doing.
I hope i get the same luck as yours. May I know how old are you?
thank you so much, it seesm IUI also easy to bring miscarriage, this is quite devastating. At current stage, my husband almost start disliking those 'jar' thing, as he always wants to be natural. I feel bad to ask him to do again. He has no problem on sperm count, our problem is my concern on the age. I feel the time limit on my side, my hubby is 43 for him he doesnt have concern as we checked already.
:) :( ups and downs
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Hi ladies,
I'm glad to see my thread is still going and I haven't forgotten about all of you. I've been off the forum for a while checking in once in a while. Lolo, I hope you find success with Dr. Ho. He has definitely helped many women conceive and have that dream come true that we all so desperately want. My husband and I have decided to stop all treatments and we are now going through the local adoption process. I didn't do any IVF treatments and stopped after three failed IUIs. I couldn't handle it emotionally and both DH and I have fertility problems. Adoption has touched our lives in so many ways it just seemed like the right choice for us. My husband is adopted from Korea as well as my sister in law and I have two nieces and a nephew adopted from various places in Asia. It was a simple decision for us. I'm not saying that we will never try again but for now this is the road travelled! Good luck to everyone. I hope you all find success and I will be checking in to see all of your success stories. xx Nadine
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Hi Nadine and MayC
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I wish all of us have our dream come true... and soon.
Have a nice trip in Sydney !
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16 yrs ago
Nadine, I am so glad that you found a path. There are many different ways to be a parent. I wish you all the joy and happiness.
I just turned 40. My husband is 45. I know...crazy, huh? We just turned 1st trimester mark. So far so good. We still have a few more milestones to touch, so I am going to keep it cool.
I truly like Dr.Ho and of course Kelly. They are indeed professionals. I know he can be brupt at times but when it counts, he has been nothing but patient and honest with me. He is a straight shooter who is decisive and yet takes your opinions into the decision making process. I dont need a doctor to be fuzzy and warm. I need him to do his job and tell me when things are futile. And he is that. That is why I stuck with him. So while you are with him, trust him. By all means ask questions but try not wo second guess yourself. Thats when you put stress on yourself. good luck.
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Hi poiuy,
Thank you very much. Wish you all the best and enjoy your pregnancy. You are mom to-be now. This is truly encouraging. I like the way that you did all the things you enjoy to do, without bothering any 'dos' and 'donts'.
Take care
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