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18 yrs ago
I've been told that I have PCOS and it seems like I have some of the symptoms that are associated with PCOS - weight gain, excess hair growth, acne on face, irregular periods, etc. I had a miscarriage back in Yr 2000 and since then I've been unsuccessful in getting pregnant. My husband and I have longed for a child for many years, but doctors in the US tell me that I shouldn't worry too much because I'm still young (I'm 32). I saw a fertility specialist in HK and all he did was to make me feel bad about my weight - I'm 130 lbs (60kg) at 5'2". I know I'm overweight and I feel very depressed about this because all the girls that I see in Hong Kong are so slim. But, does losing weight really help me become pregnant?
I saw a couple of positive reviews on Dr. Philip Ho and Dr. Christine Choy. I wrote down Dr. Ho's info but I've having trouble getting Dr. Christine Choy's info. Can someone send me Dr. Choy's info? Any preference or strong recommendation on either one of these 2 doctors on treatment for my conditions?
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18 yrs ago
Hi Honeybaby
I really don't think that you are over weight and can't imagine this would be the problem in being able to get pregnant.
I do not suffer with PCOS but I've have had fertility treatments with both Dr. Choy and Dr. Ho. (IUI and IVFs). Personally I would recommend Dr. Ho hands down!
Dr. Choy telephone no. is 31120480
Good luck
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Hi there,
Check out the sensible alternative website in Australia,which that will give you more information re: PCOS. The main impact of weight on fertility in PCOS is that often there is insulin resistance which meants you have difficulty metabolising carbohydrates and your body has to produce higher amounts of insulin. Increased insulin tends to effect the ovaries preventing them from ovulating as does elevated testosterone. Get your GP to to a simple fasting insulin test, ideally it should be below 10.Also get them to check our testosterone levels ( I am sure they will already have done this)
If insulin is elevated there is a lot you can do lifestyle wise to reduce it i.e. reducing carbohydrates and increasing exercise. Also elevated testosterone responds well to herbal medicines such as paeony and licorice.
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Thanks for the info! I've scheduled an appt with Dr. Ho already!
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Honeybaby: I got diagnosed with PCOS back in May and my gyno in the US put me on 1500mg of metformin. She didn't mention anything about diet + exercise but I made a conscious decision to do something about it after I started reading all these articles on PCOS. So I cut down on carbs, replaced everything "white" with wheat, and began to finally exercise. I'm not the running type so I just started brisk walking and getting on the elliptical machines at the gym. I also started accupunture with chinese herbs (one of them is human placenta!). Anyway, I started getting regular periods a couple months later, even though they were 40 days apart and I'm now pregnant. My point in all this is, it doesn't hurt to try out different things, within reason if you can, like diet, exercise, accupunture, etc. I've known a lot of women with PCOS who have children (yes more than one!). So hang in there and good luck.
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Hi Sasnia, your story gives me hope and I will definitely make an effort to change my lifestyle. Thanks!
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I also have PCOS but with only the infertility symptoms. I too saw Dr Choy and she was amazing she was the one who diagonised me. I know your perivous post said you had made an appointment with Dr Ho But Dr Choy is excellent if you didn't feel comfortable with Dr Ho. Oh and she helped us get pregnant by putting me on metaformin and mu daughter is about to turn 1yr!
Good luck to you.
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Yes, I saw Dr. Ho and I felt really comfortable with him. There are some cysts in my ovaries but he doesn't think I need to be on metaformin. He made some other plans for me and hopefully it can help us better. Thanks!
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Great it's important to be really comfortable with your Dr as you spend sooo much time with them and you have to feel you can really trust them. All the best then!
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