Who's the best Fertility doc in HK?

Posted by pandatorres 17 yrs ago
We're been trying unsuccessfully of the past year or so... despite taking Serophene to help regulate my ovulation and monitoring the "Surge" days with the ovulation kit. My Spore doc says next step is for my hubby to get tested and for me to go for daily scans during my probable ovulation days.

Appreciate if anyone's recommendations, doc contact details if possible and docs's fees ie consultation, scans and IVF treatments.

Many thanks in advance. :)

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UK1971 17 yrs ago
Dr Alexander Doo is very good and would def be one of the best in HK. Prob hard to say who is the best but he is very popular, proffesional and good at what he does.

Room 318, 3/F Central Building, 3 Pedder Street,


Hong Kong

Telephone: 2523 3007


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rwbhk 17 yrs ago
Robert Stevenson

1-13 D'Aguliar St

Room 1301 Century Sq Central

Ph 25277281

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yasminekwok 17 yrs ago
You can also consult private fertility clinic in QMH, professor based, well-known.

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skypony 17 yrs ago
Dr Clement Chan

Womens Health & Reproductive Medicine Centre

Room 702, Manning House

38 Queens Road Central

Hong Kong

Ph: 3113 3232

Dr Chan is very, very good. He has helped pioneered IVF in Hong Kong & specializes in difficult pregnancies.

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Highlander 17 yrs ago
You might want to consider Prolivf in Central.

Dr Zhou, who is the Chief Embroylist, and would able to advise you.

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marnn 17 yrs ago
i recommend dr. doo as well. On second ivf attempt we got twins, and that was after 5 years of trying. good luck....

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baby_cinnamoroll 17 yrs ago
Prof. Chris Haines at the Prince of Wales Hospital. I've seen him help dozens of coupled who are trying to conceive & of course with good results! He also consults in Dr. Lucy Lord's clinic at Baskerville House, Central. Once a week, I think.

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tallyscott 17 yrs ago
I second Dr Stevenson. He is amazing - but then again he got me pregnant with boy girl twins after I had been trying for over 2.5 years so I might be biased:). If you have any questions I would be more that happy to help. Good luck!


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graceful 17 yrs ago
Dr William So of Premier Medical Centre, Suite 718-733, Central Building, 1 Pedder Street, Tel: 36511718.

I have used Dr Doo for many months last year without success. My experience with Dr Doo is he is too busy plus too rely on injection of hormone. He does not check you too thouroughly before putting you on drugs. As for Dr So, he used to be the pioneer doctor in Queen Mary's IVF Centre. Came out to have his own practice. He is into research so you will be having a lot of time and attention from him. I got pregnant not from IVF. When I switched from Do Doo to him late last year, he refused to start IVF cycle with me as I am not ready. Fortunately we conceived naturally after seeing him for 2 months. But I have 2 other friends with him from IVF. One with twins and one with a boy.

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saracinhk 17 yrs ago
Dr Milton Leung / Dr Doo of the Woman's Clinic: http://www.thewomensclinic.com.hk/

or Dr William So (Premier), details above

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Highlander 17 yrs ago
Dr Zhou work hand in hand with Dr William So at Prolivf if you are in to IVF. We had twins. Dr William So practice the short protocol. Dr Zhou is the chief embroylist and administer acupuncture.

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SA 17 yrs ago
Dr Stevenson is good, easy to get appts even at short notice (unlike some of the others like Dr Ghosh who have 2 weeks waiting times), schedules appts at easy 20-30 minute intervals so does not rush you, knows his stuff. He's aggressive with treatment so think about whether that is what u want. He's also pricey - $1850 per consult, $800 per scan. IUI with him costs $12-15000 per cycle and IVF $60-75000 per cycle. I heard good things about Philip Ho but when I was looking for a dr he could not see me for 2 weeks (maybe bad timing) so I did not end up seeing him.

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Scuba chick 17 yrs ago
The absolute best is Dr Philip Ho. Sometimes lacks a bit of bed side manner, but everyone swears by him. He did wonders for me and a number of my friends.

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Sigourney 17 yrs ago
Hi - you mentioned monitoring your ovulation surge days with ovulation test kits. Have you tried charting your body basal temperature, and also noting your discharge? I have found the book Taking Charge of Your Fertilty to be a real revelation, and it goes into details about charting and understanding your ovulation.

Let me knwo how you go!

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kuwa 17 yrs ago
I am very happy with Dr. Stevenson too. What I like about him is exactly how SA described. Plus his assistant Michelle and Pearly are just great. They will give you a call if your appo will delay even for 10 minutes.

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Hopeimp 17 yrs ago
Hi Highlander, please could you private message me with your experience with Dr W So? I have consulted him recent ~ he is nice but the waiting time in the clinic is always so long and his nurses could be better .......a few incidents which made me wonder if this is the normal practice of the nurses in HK....

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Hopeimp 17 yrs ago
Hi Graceful/Highlander ~ I am new to this forum, do I have to post my email address here to get private message from you regarding your exp with Dr So ? Thanks !!

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abitnaive 16 yrs ago

dr phillip ho gets my vote as well.

when you say "best", you probably mean best results, the dr that is most likely to get you a "live take home baby".

if i can offer you some A$$vice: when choosing your fertility dr, look at the lab she/he works out of. meet the embryologist. ask questions like:

1) how many embryos do you freeze per straw

2) do you do three or five day transfer? why or why not?

3) how do you grade embryos?

4) do you perform icsi?

ask your doctor how often you will be monitored as you go through the first half of your cycle. how often will your estrogen be checked via blood tests and how often will there be ultrasounds?

clinic results and statistics are important, but easy to skew. many clinics will say "we have a 60 per cent success rate"...but they don't take into the equation all the MANY cycles that never make it to transfer due to poor response, over stimulation, etc.

do your research. by posting here it shows you are into research, and i really recommend you continue finding out more about IVF, the differing drug protocols and how often you need to be monitored.

to find out more about ivf cycles, i recommend:





as well, if you google "ivf" you will get dozens of blogs and websites on the protocols, etc.

GOOD LUCK to you. post again if you have more questions. if you can't tell...i have been in your shoes.

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Highlander 16 yrs ago
Hi Hopeimp, sorry for my late reply. I seldom comes in here to check. If need be, you can PM me.

Yes, I felt also the nurses were not so polite and lack alittle professionalism, especially this is a private clinic. We were made to meet up with Dr So at his clinic after we had seen him at Prolivf. The nurses in Prolivf were very caring .

Putting this aside, Dr So is very detail in his examination and would explain to you very clearly.

PM me if you would like to know more.

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Babyashley 16 yrs ago

Anyone can provide me the address and contact no of Prolivf? Thanks

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pandatorres 16 yrs ago
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all who have replied and given your recommendations!

Fortunately (*grin*), I wont be seeing any docs cos I'm finally pregnant.....conceived naturally on a stress-free holiday in Bali...so maybe that's the best "treatment".... :)

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