who offers OB packages these days?

Posted by popsicle 18 yrs ago
It is likely that I will need additional above the 'standard' appointments to check my cervix every 2 weeks, hence a package would be far more economical for us.

I can only find packages with Dr Choy ($38k) and Dr Doo (45k).... Dr Dawkins/ Ho/ Ferguson don't offer packages and bill individual visits

Any other recommended OBGYNS with packages?

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Lucy Lord does, at least she used to. You can check with her office (Shui On Centre) if you're interested.

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
thanks, will do.

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
Waffle - HK...I see dr Ho, and have already spent some serious $'s in getting myself sorted! However Kelly didn't mention any package to me when I asked for his fee schedule for pregnancy care. Do you know this for sure, if so how much?or was that some time ago?


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