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18 yrs ago
Okay, I am going to be a first time father. We just found out last Friday that the IVF was successful.
However there is a complication that the drugs they used to stimulate the ovaries has caused fluid to build up around the womb/ovaries. Not entirely sure. I think it is called Ovary Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome or something like that.
So she needs to deal with that as well as the onset of morning sickness and of course the mood swings.
I know that each case is different, but if anyone could give me a hint when I might get my level-headed wife back, please let me know. The mood swings she is having came on so sudden and are so extreme that they took me by surprise.
I am being as patient as I can be, but patience has never been a strong point with me.
Also, when we had the IVF done, they implanted 3 eggs. It will take another 2 weeks before we know how many have set up shop. But as I said before, patience is not one of my virtues. Any ideas on what the odds of 1, 2 or 3 are?
And is it possible for the eggs to split and become twins/triplets on their own (as I understand is common with women on fertility drugs)?
Ack. So many questions. Such a long time to wait for answers. I need to find a nice wall to pound my head against.
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18 yrs ago
No comment on the IVF... ther is another thread on Clomid causing extreme mood swings, you might want to search for that thread.
we conceived naturally and I HATED being pregnant... got happier once we had the baby (instantly!)... but have been tired for about 2 years! (we have an 18 and 4 month old!)
Be patient, give ice cream, make her feel loved, and realise that the moods and things are from the EVIL HORMONES and not specifically directed to you... even though I told my husbnad it was all his fault... he knew it was the EVIL HORMONES and not really me blaming him.
The good thing is... pregnancy is 9 months and not forever :)
Congratulations, Good Luck, and be patient...
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My wife's mood swings were sudden, severe and unexpected too. After I got up off the floor I had to remind myself it was the drugs/hormones talking and I tried to not take it personally. We have been through 2 cyles of IVF now and similar situation both times. Just remind yourself of the end goal and you will get through it.
I believe the hyper stimulation is a strong reaction to the drugs and is quite uncomfortable for the woman. Our Dr told us it was a sign that my wife's body age was a lot younger than her real age - and therefore responded to the drugs more easily. This made her feel good, but not sure if it compensated for the discomfort.
Good Luck & most of all - congratulations
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I am currently in my 8th months with an IVF baby. My doc put three embryos and said that the likelihood of all three survive would be very slim - and it turns out that I am having only one. My mood swing was bad and I realized it is very hard for my husband. The worst period of my mood swing was the first trimester, but after that I am much calmer. My husband's recipe in facing my mood swing was just kept reminding himself that the monster is not his wife, just hormon! He managed it quite well and has turned from an impatient person (before I got pregnant) into a caring and loving husband. So, just be patient.
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Thank you for all your advice. It is nice to see that this is not an isolated incident.
Well, it is confirmed. My wife is pregnant. I would tell you how I feel, but I just can't seem to nail one feeling down long enough in order to identify it.
Things have been a little complicated since the drugs that the doctors gave her to stimulate egg growth caused a very painful swelling of her ovaries. It is called OHSS (Ovary Hyper Stimulation Syndrome)
With OHSS her ovaries have swollen so much that she looks like she is 4 or 5 months pregnant when in reality she hasn't even reached the one month mark yet.
So now she has to go to the hospital every day in order to get IV's (I hate IV's) every day of a medicine that is supposed to help reduce the swelling. But it really doesn't seem to be doing anything.
The rest of the time she can't do anything other than lay around and rest. I feel so bad for her. I really wish there was more that I could do.
Oh. And did I mention the morning sickness? And what joker thought that "morning" was a good name for it? It seems to me that "morning" sickness can happen any time, day or night.
I'll tell you that kid(s) better come out with a Ph.D. in their tiny little hands for all the trouble and worry they are putting us through.
Well... The good news is that now that my wife is pregnant, I can go back to wearing what ever type of underwear I like.
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