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16 yrs ago
I have been told I am only on the waitlist for Matilda despite booking as early as possible. Should I be concerned or is this usual and I will be confirmed in time??
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16 yrs ago
Hi Starbucks2
Who is your doctor? It's easier and faster to get your doctor (if he / she delivers at Matilda) to do the booking.
I am due early Dec and was told last month that the hospital is full. I then saw Dr Lucy Lord 3 weeks ago and decided to go with her for my delivery. She got me a room at Matilda last week and I just paid the deposit.
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Hi SB2, I was waitlisted only to be confirmed 1.5 months prior to my delivery. It was my doctor that sorted it all out.
-prior to that confirmation, I asked Matilda what I am going to do if I never get confirmed and they said that it all depends on how things look on the day I am ready, as in maybe they have opening.
- opening meaning for example, I booked my inducement which booking I never used so for sure there was an opening for someone else on that day.
Good luck!
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Dear ladies,
We regret that we are unable to take all of you and appreciate your support. Although some on the waitlist will get in as we do get cancellations please do look at alternative arrangements as we would not like for you to be distressed at the last minute should we not be able to take you.
The new booking system has been put in place to make the process more transparant and let us have direct contact with you to confirm the booking rather than going through the doctors alone, which was in fact causing some delay in getting back to you. Although we now require a deposit it has helped eliminate some double bookings of ladies who booked another hospital and here, allowing us to better manage the system and confirm more bookings.
The information is on the front page of the website to guide you through the new system.
As always though ,we do require the doctor to make the booking as they also need to send us details of your medical records and dates.
If you would like to have a tour around the unit please feel free to contact our Client Relations Manager on 2849 0355.
Lynne - 2849 0328
Matilda International Hospital
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Thanks - I am with Dr Grace Cheung and she made the booking for me through the new Matilda system. Not sure what to do when your doctor only delivers at one place and they can't confirm you at 9 weeks along! Guess I'll have to consider another doctor or another hospital.
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16 yrs ago
Hi Starbucks 2. My wife is seeing Dr Grace Cheung too and we are in the same situation. Unable to confirm booking at Matilda, no information on where we are on the waiting list and no alternative given. When we asked her to help she said she cannot do anything and it is up to the client to deal with Matilda.
Is is causing a lot of stress to my wife and I wish we knew beforehand so we could make other arrangements. If Matilda if so full and there is little chance to get it in, why not referring us to an other clinic at early stage instead? Now they are all full.
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Hi nfa
I am pretty stressed about it too although when I spoke to Grace's office (midwives not Grace herself) they were positive. I guess the alternative is public at QUEEN MARY which would be a bummer since I have insurance. I understand she only delivers at Matilda so, even if Adventist had space, it wouldn't be an option.
I'll have a chat to Grace when I have my next appointment.
Good luck.
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16 yrs ago
It's a shame you're in this situation and your doctor ONLY delivers at the Matilda. I delievered at the Adventist and I LOVED it. My baby was jaundiced and we had to go back to hospital after 3 days of discharge from hospital. Unfortunately the Adventist was full and we had to go to Matilda. We had a terrible experience there. We were put on some weird ward (definitely not the pediatric ward) that was freshly painted and stank. Nobody looked after me, even though I was clearly in distress being back in hospital only 3 days after giving birth. And worst of all, it was all about the money for them. They put me in a double room but the other bed was empty so they wanted to charge me a private room. I don't think it's my fault they have empty beds on their stinky painted ward.
Anyway, to cut a long story short. Everyone thinks the Matilda is the best it gets, but I strongly dissagree. The staff at the Adventist was wonderful and I had a nice spacious private room with a great view.
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I have since been confirmed at Matilda and am very relieved. I had a great experience there for my first baby but have heard that the maternity ward is the best of all the wards there.
Your experience sounds terrible. You should definitely complain about them trying to charge you for a private room when you are in a double with the other bed spare. That is terrible! I was there for the night a few weeks back and in a double room with the other bed spare and they only charged double room price. At any time, someone could have been put in there with me and my husband couldn't sleep on the other bed so it is definitely not the same as a private room.
Suggest you call or email the Client Relations Manager at Matilda 2849 0355. They should be made aware of these sorts of things when they charge the prices they charge.
As an aside, given how full the hospitals are, I think that the doctors are being a bit more flexible and my doctor did offer to try and get me a place at Adventist. When I saw the deposit that had to be paid for Adventist it totally put me off - double that required at Matilda!
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16 yrs ago
Hi SB2,
Yes, it was pretty bad and we DID complain at the time (it was a while ago). My husband didn't have any of it. First they wanted to charge private room fees but then told him he couldn't stay with us as the second bed could be occupied later that day. I mean, REALLY???
They changed the rate to semi-private but never appologised. It was weird. Good news was, we were discharged after 36 hours.
It's just sad to see that all their focus is on the maternity ward, where they obviously make the most money. I could've done with some love and care at the time. Seeing your 3-day old baby in a glass box under a blue light isn't exactly a pleasant experience for a new Mum.
Good luck and congratulations! I have also only heard the best stories about their maternity ward and I'm sure you'll love it and have a great experience (you've already had it once (-: ).
All the best,
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16 yrs ago
If anyone is currently looking for a place at the Matilda, I have a place booked for the end of November but cannot deliver there due loosing my job and no longer beeing able to afford it.
If anyone is looking for those dates you could email me to see if you could take my place. This maybe a way for me to get my deposit back. Matilda are so far refusing to refund the so called deposit, despite a long email to notify them of the seriousness of our situation. Pretty heartless considering 3 months prior warning, and the fact $20,000 they keep for doing nothing even though they have a waiting list.
You can contact me through here should you be delivering around 27th November 2009
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Oh Bigsy that sounds terrible. I am only early on in my pregnancy but we are in a sticky situation we want to book a place for Matilad but we might be transfered with our job next month. We were told we have to book at 9 weeks or we don't get a place. It's a lot of money to just give away. Could you bring your case to Dr Lucy Lord or another OBGYN and see if they have a patient that is delivering at that time and wants to deliver at Matilda in November. Not sure what we are going to do, we might just try to wait another month for work and hope if we don't transfer we can still get in to Matilda. Are local Hospitals any good? What about local doctors, I'm kinda tired of paying over 2500 an appointment everytime and we can't by a package as we may be moving.
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