lose weight C-Section/VB

Posted by squiggles 19 yrs ago
surely it would be better to worry about what's best for the baby?

my baby was in extended breech position from wk 22 and never turned. i wanted what was safest for my baby and i just left the losing weight issue until he was safely out - in my case it was elective c-section. i gained about 15-17kgs during the pregnancy and am pretty much back to pre preggers weight (9 months on). it wasn't easy but it you're that concerned, then you would make an effort to work it off. breasfeeding really burns the calories (about 300 per day) and with some women it just drops off when they breastfeed.

do what's safest for the baby - deal with weight issues later.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Agree with Squiggles. Your priority is a healthy delivery, the weight issue is simply a non-starter.

Once the doc gives you the all clear you can start gentle excercise and build-up gradually, healthy eating (NOT dieting, esp if you're breastfeeding) and a positive self-image will do wonders for you. Agonising over how much weight you've gained during pregnancey does you no favours and is more likely to make you binge on foods you want to avoid. As they say 9 months on, 9 months off!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Sounds like you will be fine ghie. I think being a mum and studying and running about keeping the household together will be more than enough to help you shed those lbs!

If you are concerned about getting back into shape, you could start thinking about a moderate fitness plan that is achievable and sustainable.

I was training with a personal trainer throughout my pregnancy and stopped at week 32. I have made a provisional plan to start training with her after I get the OK from the doctor. We will gradually build up the training sessions and intensity utnil I am able to get back into competitive sports again. Unfortunately I won't be able to play my chosen sport for a while as I am unable to play contact while I am breastfeeding so will plan to get fit by running again.

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hkchoichoi 19 yrs ago
Had VB and c-section - lost the weight equally fast after both - thanks to breastfeeding. My milk came in slightly slower in the Caesaerean (maybe one day - but my baby was in NICU so I didn't have the stimulation to get milk either) and I didn't notice very much difference in terms of weight coming off.

I start exercising slightly sooner with my VB than my caesarean, but I would say that I actually lost my weight faster after c-section.

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ghie 18 yrs ago
Dear Squiggles, Vulvic, Waffle HK and hkchoichoi,

Thank you very much for your replies about my worries during pregnancy. I gave birth 9/11 at 12.45am after 22 hrs of labor and 10 mins pushing to a beautiful baby girl who smiled as soon as she was put in my arms captured by hubby with nokia 6630! :-D

I have gained 20 kgs during pregnancy and lose 10 kgs soon after giving birth. I am breastfeeding and have been walking around with baby Marion every now and then. I will have to wait for another month before I can start exercising as I had an episiotomy and septum excission.

Again, thank you.

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Hi ghie!

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! You must be so happy!

Just `re-read this thread and all the advice people have given. In the end I had an emergency c-section. I gained 37 lbs during pregnancy and now after 4 weeks have lost 27lbs - only 10 to go!! Have been breastfeeding and this makes a huge difference and helps the uterus to contract. I have absolutely huge knockers from the b/f and reckon this is where the additional 10 lbs. Only have a slight tummy now which will go in time.

Have got into a routine of walking with my little one, about 4km a day, until I get the all clear from the doc to get back in the gym. To be honest though, I am loving the time spent with my little one and she loves the time outdoors with mummy.

Good luck!

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sharefitness 18 yrs ago
I am 36 weeks with baby boy breeched and very nervous about having to have a c-section. Dr. says there's little chance of him turning but didn't explain much - I may have to call him and ask him to explain further (was too shocked and disappointed at the time) He says if baby doesn't turn by next visit in two weeks (16, Nov) he will have to schedule a c-section for me & honest to god never ever thought I we would have to ever consider this at this early stage...Please, has anyone here had successful manipulation and if so, please refer me the info a.s.a.p...the baba's measuring quite big so time is running out! I have read all the possible info from the feedback from others on this site - anything new??

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
Congrats Ghie! So pleased for you. Don't worry too much about the weight loss for now - I bet you feel slim now anyway just for not having the little one inside you anymore! The weight will come off and 10kg isn't that much.

And Vulvic - congrats on your wieghtloss too. Most of the weight will still be in your b**bs. I went from a B to a EE during pregnancy and they didn't really come down to a C until 8months after even though I didn't breastfeed for long!

And walking with the little one is great - it gets them used to being out and about. My one loved it and now he hates it now when he has to stay in!

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