test but BBT not that high????

Posted by popsicle 18 yrs ago
I have just done a preg test and it is +, after a year of TTC, however I am pretty cautious, as feels like I am about to get my period - sore back, irritable etc. Also worrying me is that my BBT is not that high - only 36.6 deg C.

My charting is all over the place,(I have only done it for the last 2 months)and I don't have a clear indication of ovulation/ biphasic etc. Although opk has resulted consitently over the months.

Is it possible that my hormones aren't sufficient enough to sustain the pregnancy given the relatively low BBT I have for early pregnancy?


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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hope somebody can help answer you. I consider myself an expert having done my chart for more than 5 years;-)everyday. But mine has a clear indication of shoot up and down, so i know if i'm preggy or not.

How about your Lutheal phase, do you see that from the pattern? it should be 12 days plus, so you can hold the pregnancy.

If you've done OPK+ during ovulation, do you notice a shoot up in your temp the following morning?

If you have done it only for the past 2 months, then maybe there is something wrong with the time that you get it, it should be the same.

Anyways, my advice is test one more time, FORGET this BBT, if it still turns out positive, then go see a doctor right away. Good luck! All the best to you!

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
tks for reply,

yes I always ovualte on day 16/17 when using OPKs - have used for past 6 mths or so, but spent the last month travelling UK/ Europe from HK so loads of jetlag and insomnia and too much indulgence could have made the temps erratic.

Am going to OB tomorrow to get blood and hormone tests (which I was going to do regardless this next cycle) After waiting for so long to fall, I want to cover all bases.

Will test once more tonight...

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
oh and also honeypie in response to your Q. re leutal phase. Its about 13 - 14 usually, so should be OK??Right?

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hey popsicle,

That's the reason for your erratic BBt - travelling. Your luteal phase is perfect, mine is just 12.

OPK is more accurate than BBT. Good luck to you.

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
Had blood done this morning to conf pregnancy and also did extra test for progesterone just for peace of mind, and all in good range so yipppieeeee, after a really crap year of illness in the family and myself we have hit the jackpot.... of course early days but hopefully the beginning of a healthy pregnancy!!!

This pregnancy definitely goes against my BBT charting and what my accupuncturist has said!! Even today my temp was still only 36.7

Tks for you comments

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pinklotus 18 yrs ago
hi Popsicle,

congratulations! You must be way over the moon...

If you dont mind me asking, who is your acupuncturist and do you think TCM did help you to conceive?thanks

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honeypie 18 yrs ago
Hi Popsicle,


Your BBT is "wrong" because it's just that you didn't have a regular chart for the past two months, so you don't know if before ovulation, your BBT is around 34 below. Anyways, as i've said forget about it now. Try to relax and eat healthy for your baby. Take care.

By the way, what's your progesterone #?

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
HI honeypie/ pinklotus...


Accupuncturist is Troy Sing, who I think is excellent, and has helped me with a digestive complaint. Very knowledgeable and says that he would have me pregnant in 3 months..... however that said on my last session, before I knew I was preg. he did say that I was too 'acidic', and too much 'heat', therefore needed to detox before I could get pg, he also suggested that my body wouldn't take to clomid - as I was considering for next cycle. That aside I do think he is excellent and will continue to see him. Can't really say if it was a determining factor as only did on cycle prior to the month I got PG - (on holiday, hence no accu that month)

Progesterone was 104 around 3 -4 days after expecting period. For that time the nurse said it should be above 50...if that makes any sense!


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