Posted by
17 yrs ago
Finally, after 7 years of trying, heartache and pain (12 or more IUIs with meds, 2 IVFs, 1 FET and 30 lbs heavier) I got a positive yesterday from my 2nd FET blood test. I'm in a state of shock and it's not really sunk in, as I've never gotten this far. It's still early days so don't want to get too excited.
I've tried everything possible and some of them even stupid ideas which I don't even want to mention. Why am I crying!!!!
To all those TTCers out there....please please please keep on trying and don't read too much into those pregnant/period symtoms. Here comes a truck load of baby dust for all ;-)
i'm getting all emotional reading your post... my heartfelt congratulations to you!!!
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! Congratulations! You certainly bring lots of hope for all of us who have been trying. All the best to you these next several months!
That is great news. I am so happy for you. Please do share your secret of what you have done this time compared to the others.
17 yrs ago
How wonderful! Congrats! Do take care of your self. Watch out for slippery areas on the sidewalk when walking, even at home- picking up heavier stuff, tripping hazards, etc. I was even told to keep off heels:) Good luck for your scan and next few months.
Thanks LA Bliss, Keepontrying, Havefaith and 788.
I still can't believe it. Had my second blood test today and will have my first scan tomorrow, got everything crossed! I've been having AF like cramps for the last week so don't know what to expect but I'm proud of myself for getting this far....
Havefaith, I really don't know what I did differently but it must have been a combination of several things. I was with Troy for 4 months before transfer and the ebbies were blastosyst which might have made a difference. I would give Troy 70% credit, I know you're seeing Troy too so please stick with him and take whatever he gives you. It will be worth it in the end...
Hope to see you all on that flight and I know 788 has already saved us a seat!
I just sent you a PM.
so happy for you!!! congrats!!! keep us posted. Did you just stick to acupuncture or was it with chi med?
Congratulations Longing!
I've heard Troy is very good. But the whole thing is about relaxing. I went to him several time and found accupuncture to be very painful. I was very uncomfortable and felt anxious every time I was there. I couldn't do it any longer.
disco babe,
I was the same. I went for a few treatments of acupuncture and although I have no doubt it gets your circulation going (I was so warm after each treatment, esp in the tummy area), I found it painful too, but only on certain areas like my forearm. In general, I was never very relaxed so I stopped going. I do think I will go back to it, but minimally. The reason is that my doctor says the blood circulation around my ovaries is not great. But after a few sessions of the acu, my circulation really picked up (evident by the scan). I understand good ovarian blood circulation helps to produce better quality eggs, so it's probably worth continuing to give it a try if it can help. I also believe that the technique in inserting and removing the needles is important in order to minimize pain. You may want to try another acupuncturist to see if it's less painful.
I was not only feeling the pain, but bleeding where the needles went in ..... maybe because I couldn't relax!
Just got the bloodtest results from my second IVF yesterday, unfortunately I'm not pregnant. Very disappointed!
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thanks everyone for the well wishes. It has never taken so long for something to sink in. Went for the first scan this morning and could see the sac, doc says I should be able to see the heartbeat next week. Really looking forward to that but very worried at the same time. I suppose that's the same with everyone, non stop worry!
I totally agree with the thing about the needles, every time I see Troy I would break out in a cold sweat and would count the number of needles he had between his fingers before the sweat stopped. I often have silly conversations with him to distract myself but still found them painful especially the ones on my lower back and forearm and I never got use to them. The herbs were disgusting too... The good part is now when I have an injection I don't feel a thing! hahahaha
Disco babe sorry to hear about your negative result, it can be very disheartening but don't give up it will happen eventually!
MayC, how are you doing with the 2WW?
Sorry alijbj, just saw your message. I had the herbs too which are suppose to compliment the acupuncture. 2 years ago I had chinese herbs only, twice a day every day and every month for a whole year but it didn't work so I think the needles must have done the trick.
What will you be doing next?
hi longing,
hope you get a super strong heart beat next week!!!
so you were on chi med when you were in your IVF cycle. My doctor told me to stop taking any chi med during those medication & injection. but said its ok to do acupuncture. so i guess i'll just stick to the needles for now.
oh..i was telling "keepontrying" on another thread about my failure cycle this month. We couldn't retrieve the eggs on this cycle...just didn't want to come out i guess. soi'll just have to relax for another couple of weeks and then start again. just keeping positive all the time.
Hi alijbj, thanks.
no chi meds or acup when I started my 2nd IVF in October. I only started seeing Troy when it failed in Nov. For the FET month I was just on doing the needles, hospital put me on clomid for 5 days and that was it. No more medication until a couple of days before transfer then it was only folic acid and progesterone which I am still taking now.
When you say they couldn't retrieve the eggs, there were none or when they went in they couldn't extract them? still the waiting and waiting and more waiting is a nightmare. Can you try naturally this month?
hi longing,
don't know why my eggs couldn't be retrieved. doctor said they could see 3 eggs and they were trying to flush them out for 45min but with no success. its a rare case. i went for my needles yesterday and asked dr. zhou as well, she said may be we should try a natural ivf cycle next month ie. no medication. i'm sure dr. lo will have his views when i see him in couple of weeks. oh...we also have male factor problem and DH has been taking chi med + vitamin supplements since last nov. the natural way seems to be a very very slim chance for us.
17 yrs ago
alijbj, in my last ivf in April2007, Dr. could retrieve only 3 eggs and 2 were of passable quality. We also had a male factor problem. The morphology was 4%, should be 15% (Kruger's strict criteria). My husband got varicocele surgery done in June2007- motility numbers did not vary much, ranged from 26-30%. My husband had also been given a specific combination of supplements by his doc. Would happily share that with you if you'd like. Last we checked in Dec, the morphology had climbed up to 9% still well below normal. But, we did conceive naturally this Feb. So don't give up on that chance even if it is very slim.
788, congrats!!! yes, can you PM on the supplements? will not give up...and keep hoping! tx tx
Hi Longing,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! big hug to you, i almost cried reading your post. FET is more relaxing as you don't have to go thru all the jabs.
hooray to TROY!!! He's the best and most handsome...hahahha.....i got preggy too after 8 years, i'm done with western medicine and gave Troy as my last resort, he told me 6 months, and voila..i got preggy on the 6th month of seeing him. It really works. I had a smooth pregnancy and i attribute that with his herbs and my body being ready for the pregnancy.
I'm planning for #2, but when i called his office, his fee is $800 by June, so expensive now.
Take care, stay home, don't walk far, no more shopping, eat healthy foods, research on what food to avoid, usually cooling ones, just do it for the first 3 months......go on and worry as we cannot avoid this, but i'm telling you, we never stop worrying til we give birth, til baby is here, til baby is crawling, walking, etc....Happy Mother's Day!!!
Who is your acupuncturist? is it also Troy? i'm looking for another one who is cheaper and hopefully good too. Thanks.
hi honeypie,
its good to hear more words of encouragement and success stories. thanks ladies.
regarding acupuncturist, i'm going to ProlIVFic (the lab of Dr. W So & D Lo) and Dr. Zhou the chief embryolist does is for me. Each time is $300. Not cheap but since i'm doing IVF treatment with them, I'd rather trust Dr. Zhou than the others. I use to go to Quality Chinese Medical (QCM)Centre in Central but found their chi doctors so so. Their package price includes 10 times acupuncture + 30 days chi medicine and costs $3500. good thing about QCM is their chi medicine comes in powder form so you don't need to boil. when i had m/c back in feb, i took their med + did acupuncture so it was a quick recovery.
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Hi honeypie, thanks for your message. Yes hooray to Troy!....most handsome???? hahahaha. HK$800 plus 300 or so for the herbs comes to around HK$1100 per visit and around 5 visits per month all adds up. Must have spent a small fortune over the years to get this far so if you believe in him and have had success then it's money well spent. Having said that he is VERY EXPENSIVE. Dr Zhou's $300 sounds much better.
How old is your little one now and have you tried naturally, you may find out that you won't be needing the needles.
Hi Longing,
Sorry for late reply..
Handsome as he is not a typical chinese doctor ;-)
That's a big difference in just two years, my consultation is $500 per visit, he used to have a package of $5,000 for 10 sessions. Herbs around 200-250. AND i only need to see him 3 times a month, one on the 2nd(?) day, before ovulation and after ovulation, sometimes skipping the 2nd day, and just go there on the 12, 14, 16th day.
My little boy is 18 months now, haven't tried naturally yet, maybe from this month that's why i thought of seeing him again.
Do you know his assistant doctor who has his own clinic now? wonder if he's as good as Troy.
Congratulations Longing! You are absolutely a true inspiration! Continue to take it easy and celebrate your pregnancy!
I wholeheartedly agree that Troy is amazing (I think I am one of his best clients!).
Longing, can I ask a very personal question of how old you are? Sorry, but I am 41 and am starting to think adoption might be our best bet if my current (3rd) IVF does not work. Trying to stay positive though.
honeypie, wow compared with Troy's prices in June and yours a couple of years ago the is a huge difference. There was never a package option for when I was seeing him. Keep us posted on how the natural trying goes...
Jade88, thanks for the well wishes. After reading your post and especially havefaith, keepontrying, alijbj, mayc, trying and many many others on this site, I think I've had it pretty easy so far. We should all give ourselves a mega pat on the back!
I'll be 40 in a couple of months and was schedule to do my 3rd and final IVF this month as I'm using a public hospital. Before my 2nd IVF treatment started i saw a very rude TCM doctor in CWB, I was concerned about my age and time running out. To cut me short he said "as long as you have your period you can still conceive" I was actually quite happy after the snap! hahahaha. So it really is a matter of time before it happens. Please keep on trying and stay positive.
Hi Jade,
Keep on trying. Don't worry about age, there is still hope.
Wait til you get preggy, doctor will say you have to do this and that test "because of your age".
have you all tried the fish swim bladder, I was told that it can improve the egg quality, improve the hormone level and keep the embryo(prevent miscarriage). Might be worth a try for those who want to go naturally
What is the fish swim bladder?
It was told by my chinese dr. and local pregnant women use if quite often. fish swim bladder is 'fish maw', you can buy it from most of the dry chinese sea food store.
i've read from other forums about fish maw and because its high protein, its suppose to improve your fertility. even if you are not TTC, its good for you but lately, the price of fish maw have went up more than triple. its now HKD1800 per catty and you can find it in Sheung Wan Wing Lok Street that sells the dry seafood. you can make chicken soup with it.
in fact, I've discussed the 'cost issue' with my chinese dr. He adivsed me NOT to buy those expensive one, even one can afford it. It's because those expensive ones are big deep sea fishes - carry more heavy metal, while those 'cheap' ones are smaller (& 'shallow sea') fishes, carry less heavy metal. So, the appropriate range should be $400-$600 per catty ones
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hi lilimama,
just wanted to clarify this, when i was referring to HKD1800 per catty fish maw, i meant the price has went up triple meaning it used to cost around HKD600 per catty. they are definitely from the smaller fishes. i'm not too sure about the current HKD400-600 ones though.
if anyone wants a recipe on how to prepare fish maw, PM me cuz preparing it needs a couple of days. you can then freeze it for future use.
I mean those of current price at $400-600 per catty. These are small ones. So, should be quite safe
I will PM you for the recipe. I just bought some fish maw for HK$530 - The owner of the store told me not to waste money on the HK$1200 per catty fish maw but the HK$300 per catty fish maw does not contain as much super nutrients as the mid size one.
I dont like fish maw - but if it helps with fertility and pregnany then I am all for it.
17 yrs ago
I will like to PM you for the recipe. Pardon my ignorance but how do I send you a PM? (I'm still quite new at this forum)
17 yrs ago
I will like to PM you for the recipe. Pardon my ignorance but how do I send you a PM? (I'm still quite new at this forum)
pls check your message box, i have sent you the recipe via PM.
Hi All girls,
788, honeypie, and all others !
I followed this blog lately as i just did my 3rd time IVF. I went to see Dr Troy also, and i have been seeing Dr M. Leong. I just transferred 4 embrs. this afternoon. I know age is very important, i just turn 40. Knowing a few sucess stories with using Dr Troy, i hope i have the same luck.
May i know how long honeypie has been using Dr Troy? why you said you are the best client for him, are you seeing him for long time with no result?
And after transfer, usually how many times you did the accupunture?
I am a bit late to follow those replies, but i hope i can hear from you girls, and the update of your stories,
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