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19 yrs ago
I am going to have Ceaserean birth in early October and I plan to breast feed my baby. I wonder what is it like in the first month esp during the night? Is it possible to handle the feeding and changing all by myself? I plan to sleep in the baby's room for the first month or two so I can let my hubby sleeps through the night (heard that baby wakes up every 2 hours for feeding?)but I worry if I can handle everything myself with the wound hurting from the C-section.
This is my first baby so I really have no idea what it is going to be like....would really appreciate if someone can share their experience or perhaps offer me a few tips?
Many thanks!
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chrispy06 i have not experienced this myself but my best friend just went thru it. She found it rather challenging and was it quite a lot of pain, her hubby had to hand their daughter to her fro breastfeeding. I happened to have sent her a breastfeeding pillow called the "Milkbar" which my friend was so greatful for as it really helped take the pressure off her abdomen. She was so happy with the "Milkbar" she wanted to buy me a present! You have to remember every one recovers at different speeds and each C-Section will be different (Dr's skill etc) You should probably expect you will need a lot of help and then after the birth if you find you don't that will be a bonus. My friend's hubby took two weeks off during this time so it didn't matter that his sleep got interrupted.
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It really depends on how well you take your pain. I had a c-section and my mother in law stayed with me for the first couple of weeks but only really to help out my 5 year old.
I did all the feeds, bathing and changing myself. I was in hospital for about 5 days and by the time I arrived home, I didn't need to take painkillers anymore. I was just walking and doing things a bit slower than I normally would.
In your nursery, I would suggest keeping everything close to hand so you don't have to walk too far for the nappies and bottles. My baby was waking up every 3 hours or so but this will vary with all babies and may wake up every 2 hours if breastfeeding.
I actually bought a Theraline cushion when I was pregnant and found that it was very useful for breast/bottle feeding as well but I wasn't in any pain if I didn't use it either.
I would avoid stairs if possible and don't lift anything too heavy.
To be honest, if your wound is healing well, you shouldn't be in a lot pain. I just felt a bit sore and was really back to normal after the second week and driving after a month.
Take things steady and congratultions on this new adventure!
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I would say that at least for the first couple of weeks your husband should be helping you pick up and put down the baby - I only had an episiotomy wound to deal with but was in terrible pain for the first few days. Add in the extra hormones...
Take arnica (homeopathic remedy) before and after the surgery - helps with bruising and muscle repair and stuff.
Also, do you have a helper/cleaner/mother around? If not, I would strongly advise arranging someone to come in and do the laundry at least - you really don't need that to do as well...
Oh, and take lots of photos of you and your baby, what with the sleeplessness those first few weeks will just go by in a haze - you need the pics to remember things...
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19 yrs ago
Ive had 2 c-sec, the 1st 3 years ago and the 2nd 9 weeks ago. I was out of pain a couple of days after both ops. You are still tender though for the first month or so. You shouldnt have any problems lifting, bathing and changing your baby though. Do get yourself a good nursing pillow one like (my brest friend). Twisting and turning can be a bit sore and it would be nice if hubby was there with you in the night especially when you are very tired. It being your first baby too you are always a little nervous, ask your husband to help in the night at least for the first couple of weeks, I think you will need it. GOOD LUCK
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I am planning to have a VB (you never know how labour will turn out though) and hubby will def be helping out in the first couple of weeks. I also want him to bond with the baby and the only way for him to do this is to get involved.
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Hmmm...looks like I should not spare my hubby then..just that he's starting a new job in August and work is going to be very busy in the first couple months so I am hoping I can handle the baby myself to give him more rest.
I am currently looking for a full time helper as both my husband's and my family live oversea so we don't have any help..O_O
I am really nervous about it as this is my first baby and it's gonna be a whole new world to us!
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Chrispy06, you may not be able to keep your hubby away :-) Mine was so taken by being a daddy that she was nearly always in his arms. If he could have fed her too, he would have.
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19 yrs ago
I had a c-section and apart from trying to breastfeed my baby, I also pumped a few times a day. I was too busy with my little baby that I don't really remember whether it was tough or not. But one thing I really like about HK is that all the rooms are so close to one another that it's not a big effort moving from one to the other. Hee hee.
You'll be fine :-)
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