Snorkeling vs. SCUBA at 4 months pregnant?

Posted by 16 yrs ago
My husband and I have been planning a trip to Thailand over Christmas for months now, but I am 8 weeks pregnant (i.e.- I will be 4 months in Dec.) I love SCUBA, but am worried about the baby's health. Is there any reason for me to be concerned? Should I just stick to snorkeling? Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Any advice would be appreciated!

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Xshoequeen 16 yrs ago
hi, I went to Thailand(Koh Samui, Koh Phangan) when I was 4 months pregnant as well and had a great time.

- I really think you should ask your doctor first.

- I did snorkeling every day as I am not a scuba diver and even went on a couple of snorkeling trips weather permitting. I did not ask my doctor if I can snorkel as I had no intention but, I did not want to miss the beautiful sea so I did. Though, I did have a doctor's approval to do sports, he was even surprised that I even asked!!

- It was in Thailand, the tourism people were so scared that THEY limited my activity. They cancelled just me on the snorkeling trips when the waves were forecasted high.(because they said that the bumpy ride on the fisherman's boat was not good for the baby), they asked me to wear a life vest, which was not a bad idea because I noticed that my body balance has changed and balancing to float in the waves felt different.

- I had many other limitation, they only let me ride on the elephant for 30min. or no ride on the scooter etc. but, still, I enjoyed every moment being there.

- i suggest, if you get the green light from your OB, ask the hotel/ any random local tourist company on what their policy is on pregnant women.

Have a great great time, I am so jealous you are going!!!!

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abitnaive 16 yrs ago


congratulations on your pregnancy!

i did a quick google search for you: "can pregnant women scuba dive" and here was what i thought the best response.

when we go on dive trips there are always signs on at the dive shack stating that pregnant women are not allowed to dive.

stick to snorkelling this time, it will still be a fantastic vacation.

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Sashimi Girl 16 yrs ago
yup defo check with your doctor but i am pretty sure scuba diving is a no-no for pregnant women!

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adele78 16 yrs ago
The reason they ban SCUBA for pregnant women is that no research has been done but here's my theory.

As you descend, the air spaces (ear spaces, sinus, lungs) in your body become compressed whilst solid(bones, teeth) and liquid (blood) parts of your body stay constant -remember your 1st dive course theory lesson?!!. As a fetus has absolutely no airspaces it would be my conclusion that the BAR increase would not affect them but that said, are you willing to experiment on your own baby? When I was pregnant I just decided to skip scuba for the time being. It's such a short time and the risks aren't worth it. You give up other things and avoid many things so why not just settle for some snorkeling this time around?

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Scuba chick 16 yrs ago
I am a dive master and a mother. It is not allowed to scuba when you are pregnant. You absolutely do not want to risk it. Snorkeling is fine and you will have a great time.

Just look forward to when you can get back in the water. No problem when you are breast feeding. as long as you have the energy.

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