how to get past first trimester and work???

Posted by Sashimi Girl 16 yrs ago
i am 8 weeks and this pregnancy is SO much harder than the last. i am not sleeping, super nauseous, exhausted, sleep deprived, have a 16 month old toddler and ALSO work. argggggghhh! pls tell me, how are other mums doing it? how to even get through the day? thanks!

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neenib 16 yrs ago
Hour by hour is the best way. I am lucky in that I didn't have to work whilst pregnant with my second. I am so glad because I suffered horrible morning sickness (well 24hr a day sickness!). I too suffered terribly from lack of sleep and running around after a 4/5 year old was tough.

Do you have a helper? If not, could you hire one? The important thing is to take the pressure off you so you can get through the horrible 1st trimester.

I ended up taking medication from the doctor for my nausea as we didn't have a helper at that stage and I just found I could not function taking care of my daughter, cooking and looking after the house. It did make a difference in that i could at least get through the day without feeling so crap.

As for the sleep deprivation, well unfortunately there isn't alot you can do, except try to zap out when you can. Have your husband take care of the little one when he gets home to give you a break.

Unfortunately it's just a matter of hour by hour, day by day. I still remember the day i woke up and felt good, the day before my family arrived in HK for Christmas. I felt like a new woman. Just keep that in mind and you can do it. Good Luck!

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happyd 16 yrs ago
I was nausea wk 6 24/7, the strangest experience was I was the middle of my sleep! Had herbs from Dr. Troy, now occasionally nausea. However, always tired and an afternoon walk tend to end up in breathlessness and nap!

Look forward to to 2nd trimester....4 wks more to go!

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