Register at Government Hospital?

Posted by Vanille 19 yrs ago

I will go to The Prince of Wales (Government Hospital in Shatin) for delivering. I would like to know, when I should go to register and what is the process? I haven't got an ID yet, I should get it around end of november (must get married first). By that time I will be 5 month pregnant. Is it too late? Shall I register now without ID? Is there any waiting list to get registered?

Does anyone can give me some advices, information?

Thanks a lot,

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geiboyi 19 yrs ago
I don't think you need to get married to get an ID card, whatever your nationality. Marriage will only affect your working visa status, but anyone expecting to be in HK for more than 6 months should apply for an HKID card within a month of arriving. You don't need a permanent ID for government hospital treatment, just a normal one.

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Vanille 19 yrs ago
I hold a trainee visa for 3 month which have been renewed for 3 more months last july. My trainee visa will expire on the 24th of October. In that case I can't apply for an ID, do I? Not sure yet if I will be hire or not later on.

Anyway, do you know when I should go to the Hospital to get registered? Don't want to be late for that, I am 12 weeks pregnant, already.


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Karen Brar 19 yrs ago
better check out b4 register bcz the charges vary a lot! with ID is only around $500, n without is $20,000!!

there is no definite time, when you need to register at govt hospital. You can even register in your 9th mth of pregnancy, but the consideration is that you want to have safe pregnancy. as long as you know that everything is ok, you can register later. or you can go for private clinic check-up as of now.

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Vanille 19 yrs ago
Thanks Karen for your answer. At the moment, I go to Central for prenatal care. When I get an ID, I will register at the hospital and do the following prenatal cares there.

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