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17 yrs ago
I'm going to Australia for a couple of weeks. Does anyone have any tips as to what to buy there for the pregnancy that you can't get in Hong Kong?... or stuff that's cheaper in Australia than in Hong Kong? I'm 9 weeks pregnant so I'm particularly on the look-out for maternity clothes. Also things for the babies when they arrive.
Pregnancy vitamins are also a lot cheaper in Australia. Some things like nappy covers (ones that don't sound crunchy when your baby startes crawling or walking) you can get from Target or Big W stores and are quite innexpensive - a friend keeps asking me to bring them back for her as she can't find them here.
Ha ha, oops, yeah, she uses cloth nappies when at home, particularly at night, cheaper and better for the environment. Sorry about that - I'm probably in an older generation.
Ah ok. Thx.
I'm all for the environment but I draw the line at diapers. ;) My friend tried the Q-diaper, which is biodegradable, but apparently Pampers is till better.
At night, we have found nothing better than Huggies Overnites.
Thanks for the replies... although I think I'll be giving the cloth nappies a miss. I'm all for protecting the environment but, as I'm having twins, my sanity is gonna have to take priority.
I popped into Linea Negra yesterday to have a look at their maternity stuff. didn't really see much I liked and things seemed rather expensive. Looks like I'll be spending 6 months in my husbands shorts and t-shirts if I can't pick up anything in Australia. I've also checked out H&M and Bumps to Babes. No luck there either. At only 4 ft 11 (1m 49cm) I realise I'm hardly going to look mega-glamorous while I'm carrying twins but I was hoping to find something to wear so I could at least leave the house. Do normal clothes work in a bigger size or is it awkward with the bump? It's a bit early for me to tell yet.
"Thanks for the replies... although I think I'll be giving the cloth nappies a miss. I'm all for protecting the environment but, as I'm having twins, my sanity is gonna have to take priority."
Don't worry you'll lose that anyway! ;)
"Do normal clothes work in a bigger size or is it awkward with the bump?"
It's awkward unless you usually wear tent shaped dresses. I don't know if you have BabyStyle in Australia, but it has great maternity clothes that look like "normal" clothes. My wife bought most of her stuff there, from dressy work pants to jeans. It saved her from doing the "big belly with a bow on top" thing. Sure, you can't make the belly go away, but there's no reason your clothes can't be stylish, well fitting and comfortable.
Congrats on twins.
Know the feeling re maternity clothes. I am finding that getting maternity clothes tailored in Shenzhen is great. All very inexpensive too. I just took up some of my "normal" trousers and skirts and asked them to copy them but with stretchy bump covers instead of proper waistbands. Also tops and shirts they can make from pictures. Just experiment with a few pieces first to see if they turn out ok then you can go mad up there!! H&M is ok for sweaters. Some of the ones in the non-maternity section should be ok if they are long enough.
Getting clothes made with stretchy front panels sounds like a great idea! There are heaps of maternity clothes places in Aus, which may also be expensive, BUT there are maternity sections in the regular clothes stores like Target, K-mart and Big-W. Big-W can be pretty cheap but you have to check for quality, Target is probably the best bet AND, Aus has heaps of shorties too so you won't have any problem finding clothes for your 4ft 11 frame (I'm not much taller than you!).
"Getting clothes made with stretchy front panels sounds like a great idea!"
You can also get clothes with built-in belt sections that open accordion panels. Expand as you grow.
It's individual but my wife hated the ones with stretchy panels. She just hiked the pants lower and let the belly hang over. But then she never felt the need to support her belly either like many do. She just walked like a normal person. Well actually she walked at her normal breakneck pace until her due date. She even did this up and down stairs, leaving her non pregnant co-workers panting to keep up.
Check out the Bonds "Bumps" range when back in Australia. You should be able to find it in Myers or David Jones department stores. They have a small but easy to co ordinate range of comfy clothes. You can also see it on their website I think. They also do fantastic baby stuff and it's all really inexpensive.
I am 11 weeks pregnant and after having looked around, you should buy underwear, sleepwear and maternity clothes in Australia. A stroller as well.
Have fun, I am very jealous about your trip!!
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